I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 445 Gather all the imperial costumes!

The one who made the shrill scream was the Xingkui demigod!

The moment Xiao Shi's eyes focused on Xing Kui demigod.

His entire pupils shrank suddenly.

He could clearly see an arm that was completely black and exuded a terrifying and extinct aura, piercing directly through the chest of Xing Kui Demigod.

It was penetrated by Xing Kui's demigod's back and penetrated through his chest!

And the aura of extinction diffused by this black arm is constantly destroying the vitality of Xing Kui demigod.

This caused the Xingkui demigod to scream in pain and agony.

Xiao Shi can feel it.

At this moment, Xingkui Demigod suffered an extremely fatal attack!

And what shocked him even more...

The person who attacked Xing Kui demigod turned out to be...

Wood Plague Demigod! !

When Xiao Shi saw this scene.

His first reaction was that Demigod Muwen had been contaminated by the source of extinction, so he would take action against Demigod Xingkui.

But the next second.

He realized something was wrong!

Pollution that annihilates the source is certainly powerful.

But it was not enough to completely contaminate the Muwen Demigod in such a short period of time.

At the same time, there is no situation where the Muwen demigod has been polluted more than he and the Xingkui demigod.

The three of them were equally contaminated.

There is no one who has more.

Moreover, although the source of extinction can pollute the demigods, that is only if the demigods do not resist.

Once the demigods try their best to remove it and spend some time, they can remove this pollution.

It is not easy to completely pollute a demigod by annihilating the origin.

Unless they, the demigods, are restricted in some way and unable to actively remove this pollution, they cannot be contaminated like this.


Xiao Shi can tell.

Demigod Muwen did not take action against Demigod Xingkui because he was contaminated.

"The three of us were contaminated at the same time before. If the contamination is not removed in time, the entire pollution rate will expand rapidly."

"So when we are contaminated, our first reaction must be to clean up the pollution immediately."

"And while we are cleaning it up, that is when we are at our weakest!"

Xiao Shi looked solemn.

Demigod Muwen chose this moment to attack Demigod Xingkui.

He said that he had known early on that this was when they were at their weakest and easiest to succeed.

This also means...

Demigod Muwen has been planning for a long time! !

Although Xingkui Demigod, whose body was penetrated at this time, did not die immediately, his body was blocked.

Not a single bit of strength can be exerted.

All he could do was scream in agony.

Continue like this.

The vitality of Xing Kui demigod will continue to flow away until he is annihilated and dies.

Xiao Shi stared at Muwen Demigod with a gloomy expression.

said in a deep voice.

"Presumably Demigod Muwen is your true body after rebirth... Martial Emperor!"

Muwen Demigod raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Shi was a little surprised that he directly guessed his true identity.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"You are very smart, but unfortunately... you woke up a little late."

The other party's admission made Xiao Shi's heart suddenly sink.

He did wake up a little late.

Previously, I had not associated Emperor Wu's reborn body with these two demigod kings.

He thought that Emperor Wu was reborn into an inconspicuous warrior who had entered the martial arts realm.

Until the Muwen demigod suddenly rebelled at this time.

Xiao Shicai understood everything.

It is clear.

After the original Emperor Wu became the envoy of the Blood Sacrifice God and broke the condition that he could only be reborn in a person with his bloodline, he chose the demigod Muwen and quietly, without the knowledge of gods or ghosts, Reborn in the body of the Muwen demigod.

Since then, he has been active in Tianwu Continent as Muwen Demigod.

Nothing unusual has ever been revealed.

have to say.

Emperor Wu hid himself very well.

No one has ever doubted that the Demigod Muwen has been replaced by Emperor Wu!

Even Xiao Shi, during his contact with the Muwen Demigod, never noticed anything unusual about him.

Until now I understand everything.

Only then did Xiao Shi find out.

Previously, when the Origin of Extinction appeared, Demigod Muwen had been guiding him and Demigod Xingkui to plunder the Origin of Extinction, deliberately luring them into the game!

At that time, the reason why Xiao Shi did not doubt the demigod Mu Wen was mainly because he felt that as a demigod, he had an unstoppable and fanatical pursuit of the ninth level of martial arts.

After seeing the opportunity to advance to the ninth level of martial arts, he was naturally extremely eager to use this opportunity to try to attack the ninth level of martial arts.

In fact, everything was planned by Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu knew it very well.

The demigod's pursuit of the ninth realm of martial arts is his best cover!

Thus he set up this trap.

After he knew that Xiao Shi chose to join forces with the two demigod kings, he had already realized that even if he still had an identity that had not yet been exposed, it would be difficult for him to take action directly when Xingkui demigod and Xiao Shi were caught off guard. Kill.

After all, the three of them are close in strength and are all demigods.

Even if he takes action when the two of them are unexpected, he can only injure them at most and cannot kill them directly.

This will only reveal your identity.

What's more, with the fall of Yaoxi demigod, Xingkui demigod has become a frightened bird.

Hiding in one's own big domain and not coming out.

Even if he wanted to get rid of the relatively weak Xing Kui demigod first, he wouldn't have the chance.

As long as Xing Kui demigod has been hiding in his own territory.

He couldn't do anything to the other party.

Unless he forcibly breaks through to the ninth level of martial arts.


If he wanted to kill Xingkui Demigod, he had to find a way to lure Xingkui Demigod out of the great domain first!

In fact, after his last demigod clone was killed by Xiao Shi, his situation became very unfavorable.

Since his rebirth.

He has always been guiding and controlling the situation of the entire Tianwu Continent as Muwen's demigod and his demigod clone.

Originally according to his original plan.

First, he planned to use the power obtained from the blood sacrifice god to kill Yaoxi demigod, and then use the clone's residual soul parasitized in Prince Dawu's body to decipher Xiao Shi's way, thereby solving Xiao Shi's hidden danger.

Next step……

He only needs to look for an opportunity, as the Muwen demigod, to lure the Xing Kui demigod out of his large domain, and then cooperate with his demigod clone to kill him easily.

This way.

He can collect the five rules of heaven and earth in the shortest time and advance to the ninth level of martial arts.

However, all the changes happened to Xiao Shi!

He never thought of it...

Not only did he fail to decipher Xiao Shi's behind-the-scenes way of heaven, but his clone's remnant soul died on the spot due to the backlash of the broken way.

Even his own demigod clone...

They were all killed by Xiao Shi!

As a result, he is left with only one true form that has never been revealed.

And with the physical strength of Muwen Demigod, unless he forcibly breaks through to the ninth level of martial arts, it will be difficult for him to kill either Xingkui Demigod or Xiao Shi.

To this.

He thought of using his own extinction origin as bait to set up this killing trap!

He knows it very well.

His greatest advantage lies in his identity as Muwen Demigod.

As long as you make good use of this identity.

Guide Xiao Shi and Xingkui demigods into the game.

Then he has a chance to get rid of both of them at once!

Before, whether it was the shadow or the pollution from the source of extinction, they were all creating this opportunity for him!

He knew that relying on the pollution of the source of extinction would not be enough to completely pollute Xiao Shi and Xingkui demigods.

But after being contaminated by this kind of pollution, they must clean it up.

And the time period they eliminate is when they are at their weakest!

What Emperor Wu planned...

This is the time!

The reason why he chose Xingkui Demigod as his target instead of Xiao Shi.

On the one hand, it is because the Xingkui demigod is slightly weaker than Xiao Shi.

On the other hand, he knew that there was a powerful purification method in Xiao Shi.

This can quickly purify these pollutions.

But as long as he successfully solves the problem of Xingkui Demigod.

Xiao Shi is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"You indeed exceeded my expectations in many aspects. Even my clone died at the hands of You..."

"But you still lost!"

"When I kill Xing Kui and get his rules of heaven and earth, then I will have four rules of heaven and earth in my hands!"

"Although I cannot use these four rules of heaven and earth to forcibly rob you of the rules of heaven and earth. I must kill you before I can take away your rules of heaven and earth, but I can master these four rules of heaven and earth at the same time."

Mu Wen Demigod, no, should be said to be Martial Emperor now, showed a smile on his face.

"Do you think, after I master the four rules of heaven and earth, even if we are both demigods, can I kill you?"

Xiao Shi's eyes narrowed.

Before, he had always thought that Emperor Wu only had two rules of heaven and earth.

In fact, Emperor Wu has as many as three rules of heaven and earth!

The only rules of heaven and earth left here are Xiao Shi and Xingkui demigods.

At present, Xingkui Demigod has been hit hard by Emperor Wu. Once Emperor Wu takes away the rules of heaven and earth, Emperor Wu who has four rules of heaven and earth will definitely not be able to fight against Xiao Shi.

Xiao Shi knew that he had the only chance now.

It was to prevent Emperor Wu from killing the Xingkui demigod.

Although the Xingkui demigod at this time had fallen into the hands of Emperor Wu, with the strength of the demigod, even Emperor Wu could not kill him in a short time.

As long as Xingkui demigod is not dead, he will have a chance!

But Emperor Wu had already seen his intention.

Don't wait for Xiao Shi to take action.

Emperor Wu already said with a smile.

"You must be trying to stop me now before I kill Xing Kui, right?"

"But have you ever thought about..."

"Since I'm here to tell you so much, will I have no other preparations? How could such a low-level mistake as dying from talking too much happen to me?"

While talking.

Emperor Wu stretched out his left hand, slowly opened his palm, and pointed it at Xiao Shi.

"Actually, when my clone fought against you, I had a trump card that I didn't use. The reason why I didn't use it at that time was because..."

"I've been waiting for this moment!"

As soon as Emperor Wu's words came out.


Immediately, a strong and dazzling golden light burst out from his palm.

Under this golden light.

Xiao Shi actually felt as if he had lost control of his body at this moment.

The imperial armor in his body all trembled!

And in the constant trembling, as if being summoned, they appeared from his body one after another.

His face was covered with a black [Martial Emperor Mask], thick [Martial Emperor Shoulder Armor] was buckled on his shoulders, a [Martial Emperor Belt] was wrapped around his waist, [Martial Emperor Boots] appeared under his feet, and a golden [Martial Emperor Cloak] extended from his back ], and his body was covered with the [Martial Emperor's Imperial Robe] that showed the divine power and was embroidered with the Nine Dragons.

All imperial outfits.

Tongtong was summoned by Emperor Wu at this moment!

And the control he lost over his body was precisely because of these imperial costumes!

Emperor Wu had a deep smile on his face.

"Many years ago, I asked my fortune-teller to divine a fortune for me. This fortune-telling indicated that if I spread the imperial attire to the Tianwu Continent, it would help me become a Martial God."

"I didn't understand before."

"It wasn't until I sensed the imperial attire on your body that I gradually understood its meaning."

"But you are very cautious..."

"I haven't collected all the imperial clothes."

"If you collect all the Imperial Equipment, I can directly plunder your body and make you my rebirth target in the next life."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I no longer need the next life. In this life, I will become the God of War!"

"And now..."

"Let me take the initiative to help you and collect all the imperial clothes."

Emperor Wu said as he spoke.

Pointing to the ground suddenly.

Suddenly, the entire Tianwu Continent's ground suddenly shook violently.


The earth cracked open, and an earth-shattering aura erupted directly from beneath the ground. The moment it was formed, the overwhelming momentum eclipsed the sky, the wind and clouds dispersed, and layers of storms were set off all around, roaring in all directions!


An extremely huge and breathtaking trident shot out from the ground in an instant, emitting infinite shock.

This trident is too big!

Wherever it passed, the void collapsed and collapsed, as if it could not withstand the terrifying power of the trident.

Although this was not the first time Xiao Shi had seen this Martial Emperor's halberd.

But he knew that the Emperor Martial Emperor's Halberd summoned by Emperor Wu now was the real Emperor Martial Emperor's Halberd! !

Previously, what the Martial Emperor's clone used was the Martial Emperor's Imperial Halberd that he transformed with his power.

It is not the real Martial Emperor's halberd.

In every aspect, it is obviously inferior to the real Martial Emperor's Imperial Halberd.

When the Martial Emperor's Imperial Halberd appeared, it continued to shrink in the process of falling, until it shrank to its normal size.

There was a pop.

Nailed in front of Xiao Shi.

It merges with the six pieces of imperial clothing on Xiao Shi's body.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Wu stretched out his finger again and touched his eyebrows.

A golden imperial crown suddenly appeared on his head!

When the imperial crown appeared, it was directly transferred to Xiao Shi's head by Emperor Wu, as if Emperor Wu was crowning Xiao Shi!

The crown hanging down from the emperor's crown has a total of twenty-four crowns, each crown has twelve jade beads, covering Xiao Shi's face!

A sense of the same emperor as Emperor Wu.

In an instant, it exploded from Xiao Shi's body and illuminated the entire Tianwu Continent.

Xiao Shi's entire body was bathed in endless golden light, as if the new emperor had ascended the throne, making the entire Tianwu Continent tremble!

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