These golden seas of light that completely submerged Xiao Shi's body continued to gather and surge on Xiao Shi's body.

And under the continuous interweaving, it turned into a huge figure wearing imperial robes composed of many golden lights.

The whole figure is as high as ten thousand feet!

It seems like it can hold up the sky.

This is a huge figure wearing imperial robes.

The golden broad imperial robe shows the sacred power, and the embroidered Nine Dragons seem to be real, sealed on the robe, swimming like flowing water, exuding a sense of nobility.

The golden imperial crown on his head was like a golden sun, forming a huge golden halo behind him.

The most eye-catching thing is the crown hanging down from the emperor's crown. There are twenty-four crowns in total. Each crown is pierced with twelve jade beads. While covering his face, the beads emit a bright light, making it even more difficult to look directly at him.

At the same time, there is a golden cloak behind it, with a gold background, red flames embroidered on the hem, and a huge black word "Martial" on the back.

The golden belt was wrapped around his waist, and the boots on his feet and the pauldrons on his shoulders all turned into bright gold at this moment.

However, this imperial shadow is composed of many golden rays of light.

But it does not belong to Xiao Shi...

Rather, Emperor Wu’s Emperor Shadow! !

At this time, Xiao Shi was completely enveloped in the huge imperial shadow.

His body was completely out of his control.

And he clearly felt the will of Emperor Wu, trying to fight for his body!

A long time ago.

Xiao Shi had faced such a crisis.

It was precisely because he realized the hidden dangers of imperial clothing that he did not continue to collect imperial clothing.

Now Emperor Wu took the initiative to gather all the imperial clothes on Xiao Shi, and wanted to use the imperial clothes to forcibly plunder Xiao Shi's body!

This is the trump card that he has prepared long ago to deal with Xiao Shi!

The reason why his demigod clone did not use this trump card when fighting Xiao Shi before was that Emperor Wu had misjudged Xiao Shi's strength at that time.

On the other hand, he felt that the effect of using this trump card at that time would not be too great.

He knows it very well.

Since the other party has not collected all the imperial costumes, even if he forcibly imposes the remaining two imperial costumes on him, the overall effect will definitely not be as good as if Xiao Shi had collected all the imperial costumes himself.

At that time, even if this trump card was used.

At most, it can only impose certain restrictions on Xiao Shi.

Not enough to plunder his body.

But now it’s different!

For Emperor Wu, the top priority right now is to kill the Xingkui demigod as soon as possible.

And he passed the imperial costume.

It is equivalent to trapping Xiao Shi, so that Xiao Shi cannot stop him from killing the Xingkui demigod.

Wait until he solves the Xingkui demigod.

By condensing the four rules of heaven and earth, you can strengthen the imperial suit's plunder of Xiao Shi's body!

he knows.

If you don't take the initiative.

The imperial attire alone would definitely not be able to complete the plunder of Xiao Shi's body.

He needs to add some fire!

All developments now are in line with Emperor Wu's plan early in the morning.

As the strongest person who has survived for an era.

His layout ability is unquestionable.

Not only had he set up this situation early in the morning, he had even thought about how Xiao Shihui would respond.

He directly used the imperial costume as a trump card against Xiao Shi, completely trapping Xiao Shi.

In this situation.

To him, Xiao Shi was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

After he defeated the Xingkui demigod, there would be no one left in the Tianwu Continent that could threaten him.

This made Emperor Wu start to speed up the killing of Xing Kui demigod.

The entire arm that penetrated Xingkui Demigod's chest caused Xingkui Demigod's life to drain away at an alarming speed.

In an instant.

Xingkui demigod was already dying, with only half his life left.

However, just when Emperor Wu felt that everything was sure.

The entire huge imperial shadow suddenly fluctuated.


Emperor Wu frowned.

He immediately noticed that the emperor's shadow that had trapped Xiao Shi exploded and opened a hole with a loud bang under the continuous strong fluctuations.

This hole appeared on Emperor Ying's back, where his cloak originally belonged.

This shocked Emperor Wu.

His expression suddenly changed.

He knows it very well.

Once Emperor Shadow is broken, he can no longer trap the opponent!

It's just that he can't figure it out...

Why was Xiao Shi able to defeat Emperor Ying?

In his opinion.

Even though Xiao Shi currently has the cultivation level of a demigod, once he is trapped by the emperor's armor, his entire body will be unable to move and all his power will be unable to be used.

in this case……

There is no possibility of cracking the emperor's armor!

But now, the huge imperial shadow formed by the emperor's clothing strangely exploded a hole.

This also gave Xiao Shi, who was trapped in the emperor's shadow and unable to move, enough strength to raise his head and let out a low roar.

"Break it for me!!"

As soon as his words came out.

His [Martial Emperor Cloak], which had a gold background and was embroidered with red flames on the hem, suddenly flew and shook.

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud noise.

Xiao Shi's figure was directly knocked away from the huge imperial shadow.

There was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

A little embarrassed.

But there was a bright light in his eyes.

On the contrary, Emperor Wu frowned.

Xiao Shi not only escaped from the entire imperial shadow's blockade, but also broke free of the imperial uniforms on his body one by one.

All that's left is the [Martial Emperor's Cloak]!

This made Emperor Wu instantly realize that the problem was most likely with the [Emperor Wu's Cloak]!

as expected.

When he tried to activate the [Martial Emperor's Cloak], he was shocked to find...

He actually no longer has the authority to [Martial Emperor Cloak]! !

The entire [Martial Emperor Cloak] seemed to have been wiped away from the imperial uniform.

It no longer belongs to the imperial costume!

This shocked Emperor Wu's heart.

What he doesn't know is...

Xiao Shi had already been preparing for this day after he realized the hidden dangers of the imperial costume!

Especially after he found out that his enemy was Emperor Wu, he understood that Emperor Wu would come back to bite him sooner or later through his imperial attire.

The reason why he chose to use the [Martial Emperor Cloak] as his own exclusive item in the first place was not only because he valued the clone brought by the [Martial Emperor Cloak], but also for another important reason, which was to destroy the integrity of the Emperor's outfit!

Xiao Shi knew it well.

The power of imperial clothing does not come from one or two separate pieces of imperial clothing.

Although every part of the Imperial Equipment has considerable abilities and effects.

But the most powerful.

Or the imperial costume after all the collection!

And the only way to crack the emperor's armor is to break the integrity of the emperor's armor!

This may be difficult for others to do.

But for Xiao Shi, it is not difficult!

As long as he turns one of the imperial costumes into his own exclusive item, he will naturally be able to crack the integrity of the imperial costume.

Eight pieces of imperial clothing...

Whenever there is a problem with any part.

Even the imperial costume can no longer remain intact.

Therefore, even though Xiao Shi was trapped by Emperor Wu in his imperial disguise just now, he did not panic at all.

However, he was still a little surprised by the feeling of being trapped.

Within the confinement of the imperial suit, he completely lost control of his body and was unable to use all his power.

It seems that everything about him has been replaced by the emperor's costume, making the emperor's costume the leader.

At the same time, Emperor Wu's will kept trying to corrode him.

If it were a complete imperial outfit...

Under such a blockade, he really had no good way to crack it.

Fortunately, he is cautious in his character.

After realizing that there were certain hidden dangers in the Imperial Equipment, we had already taken measures and precautions very early on.

Emperor Wu looked ugly.

He thought that the previous battle between his clone and Xiao Shi had given him a clear understanding of Xiao Shi's strength and details.

I didn’t expect Xiao Shi to be here at all...

There are still some trump cards that have not yet been revealed! !

"How much else is he hiding?!"

Emperor Wu clenched his fists.

This is a powerful trump card that he specially prepared for Xiao Shi.

did not expect……

It was so easily cracked by the opponent!

This person made some completely unexpected actions time and time again, making him feel that the guy in front of him was like a bottomless abyss. He could never see clearly his background, and never knew what he had hidden. What a means!

In response, Emperor Wu took a deep breath.

Still remaining calm and collected.

Although the imperial equipment's blockade failed.

But he knew that the most important thing at the moment was to kill the Xingkui demigod and rob him of the rules.

As long as he can grab the rules of Xingkui Demigod.

So even if he can't occupy Xiao Shi's body with the imperial costume, he can still control Xiao Shi's life and death.

Now Xingkui Demigod's vitality has evaporated for the most part.

Just one breath left.

Even if Xiao Shi stops it now, it is already too late.

Emperor Wu's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

As he raised his hand.

Waves of powerful and terrifying power suddenly gathered on his raised left hand.

It not only condenses the power of the rules of extinction, but also contains the power of the life and death rules of the Muwen Demigod.

Under the intertwining power of two rules.

He raised his palms high, not giving Xiao Shi a chance to respond.

The entire palm was like a palm knife, and it was slashed down with a bang as fast as possible.

I want to have the palm of my hand, the Owl Head Star Chief Demigod!

Although at the demigod level, even if his head is cut off, he will not die.

But now Xingkui Demigod's vitality has evaporated.

Once his head was really chopped off by Emperor Wu.

There must be no extra vitality to continue to support it.

He will definitely die by then!

Although Emperor Wu struck down with his palm.

However, he did not look at Xingkui Demigod, his eyes were focused on Xiao Shi from beginning to end.

I am sure that Xiao Shi will do everything possible to stop it.

However, what surprised him was...

Even though Xiao Shi watched him slash with his palm, he was completely unmoved and did not make any reaction.


This made Emperor Wu feel doubtful.

Based on his understanding of Xiao Shi.

The other party is definitely not the kind of person who is willing to accept his fate.

Even if you know you can't stop it, you will definitely take action and you won't do nothing.

Xiao Shi's abnormality...

A strong vigilance arose in his heart.

However, the speed of the downward slash still did not slow down at all.

to him.

The earlier the Star Kui demigod is killed, the more advantageous it will be.

As long as the rules of Xingkui Demigod are obtained, no matter what Xiao Shi does in the future, he will be powerless.

It all seems slow.

In fact, with Emperor Wu's shooting speed, in less than a second, the palm he waved had already arrived in front of Xingkui Demigod.

But what he didn't expect was...

After he chopped it off with one palm.

The head of Xing Kui demigod should have been cut off directly.

The result was...

It's empty! !

Emperor Wu looked down in surprise.

He found that the head of Xingkui Demigod had already withered before the sword he dropped struck it.

Not only his head, but also his entire body withered and became shriveled.

It was as if all the energy, including flesh and blood, vitality, etc., had been drained out in an instant!

As a result, the Xingkui demigod died before Emperor Wu could cut him off with his sword.

This made Emperor Wu's eyes gleam.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Shi.

"Emperor's Eye!!"

He knows it very well.

The death of Xingkui Demigod was obviously caused by the eyes of the Emperor!

Emperor Wu still knew a lot about this semi-god-level forbidden treasure that once belonged to Yan Huagu.

But what he didn't expect was...

At this time, Xiao Shi didn't stop him from killing the Xingkui demigod, but instead fought with him to kill the Xingkui demigod!

What does this mean?

Emperor Wu frowned.

The next second.

He understood Xiao Shi's intention.

"He knows that the death of Xing Kui Demigod is inevitable, and there is no time to stop it no matter what, so he wants to kill Xing Kui Demigod faster than me, so as to take the initiative and snatch the Star Kui Demigod as quickly as possible. God’s rules of heaven and earth!”

Emperor Wu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Xiao Shi's idea is good.



The rule of demigods is that whoever kills first will get it.

Emperor Wu believed that no one in the world could compare with him in plundering the rules of heaven and earth.

He opened his hands and continuously condensed various marks. First, he preserved the rules after the death of Xing Kui Demigod intact, and then began to plunder these rules of heaven and earth.

Although he didn't think Xiao Shi could seize Xingkui Demigod's rules of heaven and earth faster than him.

But Xiao Shi was so unfathomable that he didn't dare to despise it in the slightest.

Just use your fastest speed to plunder the rules of the world.

However, just as he was plundering the rules of heaven and earth.

From beneath the ground, a branch suddenly emerged silently, rolled up on the ground, picked up something invisible to the Martial Emperor, and quickly retracted into the ground.

If it is under normal circumstances.

Emperor Wu will definitely notice it.

But at this time, his entire mind was immersed in the plundering of the rules of heaven and earth, and he had no intention of paying attention to anything else.

This allowed Xiao Shi to successfully pass through the Cang'e Ancient Tree and obtain the items dropped after killing the Xingkui demigod!

He quickly scanned the item information.

After discovering that this item could not bring about a breakthrough in my realm, I did not look at it carefully.

But a flash of determination and fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Knowing that there is only one choice before you now.


A sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Make a wish to [Tianwu's Wishes] again to make your own killing rules become the source of killing!

The will of heaven and earth comes with it!

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