"Little brat, remember my name, or you won't know who killed you when you die! I am the captain of the Fierce Dog Pirates, the user of the Animal-type, Dog-Dog Fruit, Hyena Form, a pirate with a bounty of 57 million, Fierce Dog!"

As soon as the words fell, the Fierce Dog instantly turned into a half-human, half-beast appearance, with sharp teeth that were particularly eye-catching. After all, the bite force of a hyena is quite terrifying, and the speed is extremely fast.

But what he just said was a bit ridiculous for Nura. In the first half of the Grand Line, in this paradise, a bounty of 57 million could indeed be called a big pirate.

But in the New World, this bounty is simply a joke. Charlotte Owen, who was defeated by Kidomaru before, is a big pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions.

And the bounty cannot fully represent the strength of this pirate. A large part of the pirates are given high bounties because of the damage they caused, such as massacres.

The Fierce Dog in front of him is obviously also such a pirate.

""Your Majesty Nura!" Seeing the fierce dog waving its claws, but Nura did not respond at all, Dalton could not help but exclaim.

If Nura died here, he would be guilty of a great crime, and if Nura got into trouble, Kidomaru in the palace would go crazy!

"Tsk, are you too scared to move?"Lieh Quan saw Nura not dodging and felt that he was frightened. He didn't believe that this young man with a weird face could compete with him.

The next moment, the claws fell, but Lieh Quan didn't feel that he had hit the opponent. The figure that was standing in front of him also disappeared little by little.

Then Nura's body reappeared here again, appearing on Lieh Quan's right, still maintaining that calm expression, as if nothing had happened just now

"What on earth is going on?"Dalton was stunned. He couldn't tell what had just happened. His Majesty had been hit, but it disappeared like smoke. Then it reappeared.

"You underestimated the general before. Do you think the one who can command all the ghosts like us is a weakling?" Bingli smiled and said softly.

Even for her, it was the first time she saw Nura take action!

"Stop kidding! No matter what tricks you have, I have the upper hand in front of absolute strength!"Lieh Quan didn't believe that the other party would be stronger than him. He increased his speed to the extreme in an instant, and his ultra-high-speed movement left several afterimages in the air.

It has to be said that this Lieh Quan is still powerful, but unfortunately, he met Nura, the...

King of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!

He bit down on Nura's figure, but just like before, there was no sense of reality, as if he had bitten the air.

After Nura's figure disappeared, he would immediately reappear, without any injuries on his body, and even his clothes were not wrinkled.

"Is this all you have?"Nura's cold voice came out slowly, and then continued to echo in everyone's ears.

"What on earth did you do!"

With a quick turn, the fierce dog swung his claws, but nothing changed:"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What's going on? I can see this guy, but I can't touch him?"

The fierce dog attacked Nura like crazy, but every time, every time it didn't work. No matter how much strength he used or how fast he was, Nura would disappear and then reappear.


Suddenly, a muffled sound was heard, and the fierce dog flew backwards immediately. At the place where he had just fought, Nura was still punching.

"Sure enough, using Ghostly Wisdom to deal with trash like you is simply an overkill. Even for someone with Observation Haki, it would be hard to see through my Mirror Flower and Water Moon, right?"

Nura sighed in disappointment. He now had a general understanding of his own strength, but he still didn't know exactly how strong he was, because this pirate called Fierce Dog was too weak!

The ability he used just now was the ability of Nura, which he got when he summoned Bingli at the beginning. Ghostly Wisdom·Mirror Flower and Water Moon!

Nura is a flower reflected in a mirror, a moon floating in the water, a great monster that materializes dreams into reality.

"Forget it, let's make the best use of it. If you can block my ghost hair, I can spare your life!" Nura said calmly.

"Brat! Ah!"

Liehquan's eyes suddenly widened, and a look of fear appeared on his face. Even the pirates behind him showed fear in their eyes. Dalton and the guards were shocked and had no idea what was going on. They saw Nura standing there, and no one attacked him this time, but in the blink of an eye, Nura disappeared.

""Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The sound of walking on the snow was clearly audible, but no footprints could be seen on the snow. But everyone could feel that Nura was there!

Especially Liequan, he knew clearly that Nura was in front of him, and he was sure that the other party was walking in front of him.

"Why can’t I see anything?" Liequan’s body was trembling at this time. He couldn’t help but whisper to himself, with deep fear in his tone.

The next moment, Nura’s voice rang in Liequan’s ears:"You can’t see it, because you don’t want to see me.……"

"Anyone who faces an existence far superior to himself will be too afraid and turn a blind eye to it. Even if he can see it, he will not be able to perceive it."Nura had already grasped the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand and walked towards the fierce dog step by step.

His pace was neither fast nor slow. At this speed, even a normal person could react, but the fierce dog and his men behind him could not react because they could not see Nura's existence at all.

"No, get out of here, I'm not afraid of you!" The fierce dog howled wildly, he wanted to dispel the fear in his heart, but he couldn't do it.

Not only because Nura was stronger than him, but also because humans were afraid of monsters. Even if he didn't know it was a monster, he would still have an instinctive fear in his heart.


A voice sounded, and Nura's figure appeared in front of everyone again. The long sword in his hand pierced the heart of the fierce dog directly, and then he said slowly:"Ghost Hair·Mingjing Shisui!"

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