None of the members of the Fierce Dog Pirates could have imagined that their powerful captain, in the hands of this strange boy, could not even fight back.

In fact, they did not know what had happened, and their captain had already died under the opponent's sharp blade.

Even the story of the big talker Rolando was not so outrageous!

Can't see... Even if you can see, you can't hit, how can you fight? Isn't it just waiting to die?

Just when these pirates were in a stagnation and didn't know what to do, Nura took out a big bowl from somewhere in his hand. This big bowl was actually his wine glass, and then he exhaled gently, and the wine in the glass began to ripple:"Secret · Mirror Still Water · Sakura!"

In an instant, the blue flames instantly wrapped up all the pirates, and the surging flames burned wildly, accompanied by the screams of the pirates.

Until the moment when the ripples in his wine glass stopped, all the pirates were burned to death by the blue flames.

Although the flames were extremely fierce and killed all the pirates, they did not even melt the snow on the ground, which made people feel extremely weird.

"Bingli, have someone take Dalton and the others to the doctor, and then find someone to clean up this place. 20% of the things found on the pirate ship will be given to the guards as pensions, and the rest will all be put into the national treasury."

After throwing down this sentence, Nura left directly. Dealing with the Fierce Dog Pirates was considered to be a little bit of a fight.

Not long after he left, a group of people came to clean up the battlefield. As for the injuries of Dalton and others, it was not a big deal in the medical power of the Drum Kingdom.

With Kuleha and Doctor Twenty here, even if you are about to die, you may be pulled back.

As for the Fierce Dog Pirates, they are so poor!

The things they found after searching everywhere are less than 30 million Baileys in total.

When Bingli was directing people to clean up the battlefield, Niu Gui also came back with a fleet of devil fruits. After asking about the situation, Niu Gui's face became much uglier. Judging from his face, it is estimated that pirates passing by the waters around Drum Island in the future will suffer.


Drum Island, inside the palace.

Looking at the three devil fruits that Ushio sent him, Nura was helpless. It was not that the price of these devil fruits had increased, but that there were not so many devil fruits for Ushio to buy. The remaining money was returned to the treasury after Ushio returned.

"It seems that in order to get a large number of devil fruits, he must either go to the Sabaody Archipelago or find someone from the dark world."Nura whispered to himself.

He needs to consume a large amount of devil fruits to summon the Hundred Demons, so he naturally has to cooperate with some people who have a source of goods. In fact, Doflamingo is a very good choice.

But in this situation, the news of his betrayal of the Charlotte Family has spread, and Doflamingo must know that he has fooled him. Therefore, it is not an easy thing for the two parties to cooperate.

Unless he can show Doflamingo that the Hundred Demons Pirates have the strength to cooperate with them!

"Absorb them all, and then perform a random summon!"As Nura spoke, his mind moved, and the three devil fruits in front of him were all absorbed by the system.

"Start random summoning!"

"Ding, random summoning successful!"

"Summon character, the string killer from Changzhou, Shouwu!"

"Reward the host with an improvement in basic ability and quality, and reward the host with Nura's ability,"Fa·Kageshisui·Fire Slash!"

As the system's voice fell, Nura also clearly felt that his strength had increased. This time the reward was no longer an improvement in basic physical quality, but basic ability.

Simply put, his physical fitness and demonic power have been enhanced to a certain extent.

As for"Kageshisui·Fire Slash", it is actually based on"Kageshisui·Sakura", adding flames to the slash, turning the knife into a fire knife.

For Nura, who is committed to practicing kendo, it is a good ability. And with this reward, Nura has completely mastered the ghost hair and ghost power in Nura's energy. The next reward is estimated to be the power of karma, which is the so-called ghost entanglement.

However, the ability of ghost entanglement is not something that Nura can activate by himself.

At this time, the blond young man who appeared in front of Nura also saluted and said respectfully:"Long time no see, general general, Changzhou Xiansha Shishuwu, at your service!"

Shouwu is not a headless ghost in the true sense, because what he doesn't have is actually a neck. In the island nation,"首" refers to the neck rather than the head.

Although he is not as good as Kidomaru and Ushiki, Shouwu's fighting ability is also strong. In the world of pirates, if he learns Armament Haki, he should be about the same as the middle of the Marine Headquarters.

After all, he is the guard of the third generation of Nura Group. If his strength is not good enough, he can't be qualified for this position.

However, with Shouwu's personality, when he appeared here, he probably put Nura, the general commander, first, and would consider Nura no matter what.

Therefore, apart from guarding, it seems that he is not very good at other positions.

"You will be my bodyguard from now on. If there is anything important that I need you to do, I will tell you when the time comes. Nura nodded to Shumu and said

"Don't worry, General, I will do my best to protect your safety. Anyone who wants to hurt you must step over my body!"Shou Wu patted his chest and said firmly.

"Well, I have nothing to do now, I will go to Niu Gui to ask for advice on swordsmanship.���Let's get familiar with this country first."After saying that, Nura went directly outside. He did intend to find Ushiki.

After all, in terms of swordsmanship, Ushiki is definitely a great swordsman in this world. If he wants to improve his swordsmanship significantly, asking Ushiki is definitely the best way. As for

Shumu, he had no intention of learning about this country at all. He just followed Nura and fulfilled his duties as a guard.

After the incident of the Fierce Dog Pirates, Ushiki took this matter very seriously. As long as there were pirates who wanted to threaten Drum Island again, he would definitely be the first to take action.

As for those pirates who entered the Grand Line and passed by this island, as long as they didn't cause trouble, Ushiki didn't bother to pay attention to them. After all, he didn't have much interest in these weaklings...

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