Rainy Land.

Although Crocodile has not used dancing powder on a large scale during this period, he still uses it occasionally in the rainy land. It is precisely because of this that this area has become prosperous.

Moreover, Rain Banquet, the largest casino in the Kingdom of Alabasta, has provided Crocodile with huge wealth. Coupled with the support from Baroque Studio, Crocodile is actually a very wealthy person.

To be honest, Nura has never figured out why Crocodile would be defeated by the fledgling Luffy. It can only be attributed to the protagonist's halo. Otherwise, Crocodile's strength would never be defeated by a newcomer.

""Shouwu, did you bring any money with you?" Nura turned around and asked as he looked at the prosperous rain banquet in front of him.

Although the main purpose of coming here was to take advantage of the desert crocodile, wouldn't it be nice to satisfy his desire in advance?

And Nura has already calculated everything. If he wins the bet, he will let go of the crocodile hiding in the desert. If he loses the bet... if he loses the bet, he will take it back!

Not only take it back, but also make the crocodile spit out the extra money. Otherwise, how can he be called a pirate!

Shouwu immediately checked the things he carried with him, and then said:"General, we now have three million Baileys. With only three million Baileys, we……"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you what to bet on when the time comes. We won't lose no matter what when we play dice and bet on the size!"Nura smiled and took a step directly towards the prosperous Rain Banquet.

That's right, he will never lose when playing bets, because he can see the points in advance, even if the opponent cheats, it can't escape his eyes.

It's not that Nura's eyes are so special, but because he is a sly ghost. Will a sly ghost be discovered by others if he wants to do something sneaky?

In the entire rainy land, let alone those ordinary people, even Crocodile did not discover Nura's ability. After all, Nura remembered that although this sand crocodile was a man who had fought with Whitebeard, he was also one of the Seven Under the King. One of the Wukai.

But this guy seems to rely too much on the ability of the Nature-type Fruit.

Nura doesn't believe that Crocodile doesn't have Haki. After all, he was a great pirate who once stepped into the New World, but this guy doesn't use Haki very much.

In fact, there are many people with the ability of the Nature-type Fruit who are like this, such as the three admirals of the navy. They can just use lasers to cover their faces, so why would they use Armament Haki to fight someone head-on?

After entering the Rain Banquet and exchanging all three million Baileys for chips, Nura started the road to making money with Sumu, and at this time he also directly activated the ability of Nura.


"Boss, someone has never lost with 3 million Bailey chips, and now has won 500 million Baileys from us."A graceful woman walked into the room that belonged to Crocodile, and said respectfully.

At this time, Robin had not yet come to the Grand Line, nor had she become a member of Baroque Studio, so Crocodile's secretary was just a woman with some strength.

The reason why this woman was able to sit in this position was because she had good ability to do things. Although her combat skills were average, with Crocodile in charge, the organization did not need too strong combatants.

In the first half of the Grand Line, Baroque Studio was actually already a very powerful organization.

"Three million won five hundred million Baileys? I don't think there are people in this world who are so lucky! So, they reported this matter because no one has discovered how the other party cheated, right?"

Crocodile held a big cigar in his hand, puffing smoke and said unhappily.

He was not only unhappy because someone came to his trump card to make trouble, but also because of the incompetence of his men. The other party had cheated and won five hundred million Baileys, but until now, no one had discovered how they cheated.

"Yes, no one discovered how the other party cheated."The female secretary nodded and answered without hesitation, and her eyes were extremely cold. It was obvious that she knew what her answer would lead to.

"Then replace the person in charge.……"

A casual sentence can decide a person's life or death. In Crocodile's eyes, the lives of ordinary people are worthless.

After a pause, he continued,"But being able to avoid being discovered proves that the other party has some means and may even have some strength. Who among the senior agents are nearby now?"

"Mr. 4 and Miss. Merry Christmas just came back, do we need them to help?"

The female secretary glanced at her watch and said,"According to the time, if nothing unexpected happens, the other party has already won about 700 million Baileys."

"Just clear the area and let them do the work. If you dare to mess around in my territory, you will have to pay a heavy price."Sand Crocodile showed a cold smile on his face.

After hearing his decision, the female secretary immediately turned around to inform Mr. 4 and Miss. Merry Christmas. With two senior agents taking action, she thought the matter should be resolved.


During the rain banquet, Shouwu had won 700 million berries just as the secretary had predicted.

At this time, Nura, who had been invisible, stood beside Shouwu, patted him on the shoulder, and said,"It's almost time. Let's save face for that sand crocodile and use the 700 million berries to buy a few devil fruits.""

"Okay, I'll go and exchange these chips for Baileys now." Shou Wu didn't care about the money, he just held his chips and walked towards the exchange place.


Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, and then Shou Wu was blown away by a baseball-like cannonball, and the chips in his hand were scattered all over the floor.

"Dear guests, please leave the Rain Banquet. My boss is paying for today's consumption. Someone is cheating in the Rain Banquet, so I���It needs to be dealt with."The person in charge of the Rain Banquet stood up and said loudly.

At this time, he didn't know that his boss had already decided on his death.

Seeing such a scene, the guests who were a little confused ran out at once. Only the people from the Baroque Studio, Nura and Shouwu who was blown away by the shells were left in the entire Rain Banquet.

The next moment, two fat men, a man and a woman, came out. One of them carried a gun on his back. It was obviously him who had just blown Shouwu away.

Looking at these two people, Nura just felt familiar, they were people from the Baroque Studio, but it didn't affect him too much.

After all, who would remember two little extras clearly?

"I was planning to give Crocodile some face, but looking at this situation, he doesn't plan to give me face!" A cold light flashed in Nura's eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose up, revealing a sneer.

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