The two fat guys are Mr. 4 and Miss. Merry Christmas from Baroque Studio.

Mr. 4 is an ordinary bounty hunter, but he has a gun that has eaten the Dog-Dog Fruit·Dachshund form. His combat ability is not strong. Even after the main storyline begins, he only has a bounty of 3.2 million berries.

Miss. Merry Christmas is stronger than his partner Mr. 4. After all, he is the user of the Animal-Type·Mole Fruit. The Animal-Type Fruit will improve the vitality and physical fitness of the user. So in terms of combat power, the user of the Animal-Type Fruit can't be too weak.

However, these two guys are far behind Nura and Shouwu.

To be precise, even if these two guys are tied together, they are not enough for Shouwu to kill alone.

From the moment these two guys appeared here, Nura knew that there was no way he could get along with Crocodile. It was also because Crocodile was stingy. He only won 700 million berries, but he actually found two high-level agents to deal with him.

"General, I have a request.……"

At this moment, Shou Wu slowly stood up, but his face looked very ugly at this time. He was attacked when he was exchanging chips, and in front of the general. This was... a very embarrassing thing!

"Okay, I understand. I'll leave these two guys to you. Since the other party has already made a move, I'll go up and fight the crocodile."Said Nura, turned around and walked towards the rain feast and the place inside.

After he turned around, he didn't have the slightest defense, because he believed that Shou Wu would never let the two fat guys touch his clothes.

"Hey, hurry up, there's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, in there. If we provoke that guy out, both of us will suffer!" Miss. Merry Christmas patted Miss. 5, and then immediately rushed towards Nura.

Although the user of the Mole Fruit can move faster underground, this is Rain Banquet after all, and if conditions permit, they will not cause too much damage here.

They were invited by the person in charge of Rain Banquet. Anyway, according to the news passed to them by the higher-ups, it was a task issued by Rain Banquet, asking them to deal with two cheating gamblers.

At this time, they didn't know that their boss was the so-called national hero, Crocodile Crocodile. Because of this, they didn't dare to mess around.

Of course, even if they knew that Crocodile Crocodile was their boss, they didn't dare to mess around, because in that case, this place would belong to the property of Baroque Studio.


At the same time, the dachshund gun also fired a baseball shell, heading straight for Nura.

"How can we let you guys touch even a hair of the general? Killing Snake Blade!" Shuwu suddenly appeared behind Nura, with multiple ropes in his hands spreading rapidly forward like snakes, and in the blink of an eye, he directly cut the shell.

Seeing that these ropes were so sharp, Miss. Merry Christmas did not dare to be touched by them, but it was too late for her to dodge with normal methods at this time, and her consciousness told her that if she couldn't dodge, she would be cut in two by these bright red ropes!

The situation was urgent and she couldn't care so much, and she drilled directly into the ground. This was the only way for her to avoid Shuwu's attack.

The next moment, Miss. Merry Christmas came out from Mr. 4's side, and her eyes became solemn at this time:"This person doesn't look like an ordinary gambler. Even the tens of millions of pirates I usually deal with, I don't think they are so powerful."

""Hey, kid! Who are you?" Miss. Merry Christmas fixed her eyes on Shouwu and asked sharply.

At this time, Shouwu's eyes were extremely cold. Without anyone noticing, the rope in his hand was going underground along the tunnel that Miss. Merry Christmas had just dug.

Then, Shouwu said,"I am one of the Hundred Demons of the Hundred Demons Pirate Group, the Changzhou String Killer, Shouwu!" As soon as the words fell, he pulled the rope with both hands and rushed directly towards Miss. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4, but he did not use the rope that had just extended into the tunnel, because that was a trap he had set.

As long as Miss. Merry Christmas dared to enter the tunnel again, he could strangle her to death in an instant!


Nura is not worried at all about the battle between Shouwu, Mr. 4 and Miss. Merry Christmas. With Shouwu's strength, it would be useless even if the opponent had more people.

Even Mr. 1 is not Shouwu's opponent. In the entire Baroque Studio, only Crocodile has the ability to deal with Shouwu.

""Hasn't the petty thief who cheated in my territory been dealt with yet?" Crocodile looked at his female secretary and spoke with a gloomy face.

The female secretary was about to speak, but Nura appeared directly on another chair in the room, with a bewitching smile on his face, looking at Crocodile in front of him:"If you are talking about me and Shuwu, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Those two trash are not a match for Shuwu... Nice to meet you, Crocodile, Crocodile."

The female secretary was shocked, and even Crocodile's face changed.

Before Nura spoke, neither the female secretary nor Crocodile noticed that there was an extra person in the room, and they didn't even know how the other party got in.

But the moment she saw Nura, the female secretary reacted. She moved a little closer to her boss, and then said in a deep voice:"The king of the Drum Kingdom, the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Charlotte Nura, the bounty is 33 million Baileys!"

"Haha, it's Baroque Studio as expected, the information is quite complete, so I won't beat around the bush."

Nura sat up straight, leaned forward slightly, and said to Crocodile:"Baroque Studio is such a big organization, in addition to Bailey, there should be some devil fruits, right? How about I discuss a business with you?"

"Oh? You sit in front of me, not considering whether you will be killed by me, but want to talk business with me?" Crocodile raised his eyelids and showed a weird smile.

At this time, Nura said softly:"I just won 700 million in your rain banquet, and I will use this 700 million to buy five devil fruits. What do you think of this deal?"

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