The first half of the Grand Line, Alabasta, the rainy land.

Crocodile is quite powerful. He rebuilt the Rain Banquet in Alabasta, and made it more luxurious than before.

But there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, Nura did not get rid of the sand crocodile at that time, but let it escape after transforming into an element, and the people from the Baroque Studio were only insignificant scum who were killed.

Apart from the wealth and devil fruit taken away by Nura, Crocodile's power did not suffer a significant blow, so it was not a big deal to rebuild it.

Moreover, it has been seven years since Nura last came to Alabasta. Even if Crocodile has nothing after being robbed by himself, seven years is enough for him to rebuild his power.

After all, this guy is still one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea under the World Government, and in the eyes of the people of Alabasta, he is still the hero who protects this country.

"No wonder people say that food is the most important thing for people. It is a good idea for Crocodile to add a tavern and a restaurant to the Rain Banquet. Those people who spend a lot of money below would not suggest spending more money on drinking and eating."

After finishing the food in front of him, Nura picked up the wine glass and drank it all:"Although the food here is delicious, it is still far inferior to the food made by Tamamonomae."


Do you mind if I sit here?"At this moment, a woman slowly sat down opposite Nura, supporting her head with one hand, and her eyes fell on Nura.

"Who would refuse to sit at the same table with beauty?"Nura smiled and simply answered, but he recognized the identity of this woman at a glance.

O'Hara's devil, Nico Robin, it is normal for her to appear at the Rain Feast at this time, because now she should be Crocodile's miss.allsunday

"Thank you for the compliment. It seems like this is your first time at Rain Banquet, sir?" Nicole Robin thanked him with a smile, and then asked

"I've been here once before, but it's been a long time."

Nura has been here before, and he ruined the Rain Banquet last time. It can be said that if it weren't for him, the Rain Banquet would not have become as luxurious as it is now.

Robin thought for a moment, then whispered:"It seems that sir has revisited the old place this time. By the way, have you read today's news? It is said that there is a pirate in the New World with a bounty of 120 million Baileys who wants to challenge the Lord of Demons and Monsters, but he was solved by Charlotte Owen without even a picture of the outer islands."

"Oh, I usually don't care about these things, but if Miss Robin has anything to say, just be direct. After all, you have recognized me from the beginning, right?"Nura put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Robin with a smile, and said softly.

This woman is very smart. If she hadn't recognized herself, as Miss All Sunday, she wouldn't have sat with herself.

Although she is now in a tied-up appearance, the human form is not as impressive as her appearance as the great monster Nura, but there are still many people who have seen her human form in the past few years. Therefore, it is not surprising that Robin can recognize herself.

"Ah, so Lord Nura has already seen it? But to be honest, I didn't expect to see a big man like you here, the lord of ghosts and monsters, the powerful one who reigns over the New World, whose reputation even overshadows the Four Emperors."

Robin looked at Nura at this moment, she was not very afraid, although she was a little nervous in the face of such a strong man

"Maybe, but the Four Emperors are not simple characters. Although Whitebeard is getting old, he is still very powerful when he gets angry."Nura said without comment. The current Whitebeard is completely different from the Whitebeard two years ago. If it was the Whitebeard two years ago, Nura would not be absolutely sure to defeat him, but now, if a war breaks out, he is confident that he can directly chop off Whitebeard's head.

It's not that he has become so strong. The three summons in two years have only improved his basic abilities.

It's just that the current Whitebeard is really old.……

"So, did Nura come here to see the boss?"Nico Robin asked.

In her opinion, the only person in Alabasta that Nura could take a fancy to was Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. After all, she didn't know much about the strong men in the New World, and she thought that the Seven Warlords of the Sea were all equal to the Four Emperors.

In addition, she also knew that Nura had destroyed the Rain Banquet seven years ago and beat Crocodile to escape, so this time Nura might have come to cause trouble for Crocodile.

"I have no interest in that Crocodile, and as long as he doesn't come to provoke me, I am too lazy to kill him."

Nura's tone at this moment gave Robin the feeling that he could kill Crocodile anytime he wanted, and it would not be much more difficult than crushing an ant.

After a brief pause, Nura continued,"I came out to travel this time, but I made a travel guide for myself before I came out. I'm too lazy to go around the world, so I took Alabasta as the starting point. The main reason for this decision is not the Crocodile. After all, I really have no interest in men. It's you who interests me, Nico Robin!"

Hearing this, Robin's body trembled.

"I have to say that I have no interest in the blank hundred years or ancient weapons, but my assistant officer is a strange collector who is clamoring to collect historical texts and interpret them. Considering how hard he works, I will collect some historical texts on this trip, and only you can interpret historical texts."

Nura smiled and slowly stood up:"Make a choice, Nico Robin. I know the location of some historical texts, so I will take you to see them one by one before returning to the Kingdom of Demons, and if you become a member of the Kingdom of Demons, you don't need to be afraid of anything anymore."

"Of course, you can also continue to stay here as Miss.AllSunday to work for that sand crocodile. I won't force you to make any decision. You need to choose your own future.……"

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