The room of Boss Yuyan was very simply decorated, but the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Crocodile sat on his boss chair with a dark face, his eyes fixed on the man sitting opposite him. His hands under the table were clenched tightly, but he didn't dare to make any rash moves.

Because he knew very well that the guy sitting opposite him was a guy he couldn't afford to provoke now, or there was no need to provoke. In the past two years, this guy's reputation was comparable to Whitebeard's, and he even had the meaning of suppressing the latter. After all, after dinner, the pirates would sometimes talk about one thing.

Whitebeard's son died in the Country of One Hundred Demons, but Whitebeard had no way to do anything about the Country of One Hundred Demons. He just fought a war that ended in nothing.

Some people said that Whitebeard was afraid of the powerful force of the Country of One Hundred Demons, some people said that Nura and Whitebeard had reached some kind of deal, and some people said that it was because Nura's strength was comparable to that of the world's most powerful man.���But no matter what the reason is, those people think that Nura is not weaker than Whitebeard, which can be seen from the title of One Lord Four Emperors.

"Hundred Ghosts……"

Crocodile's face was extremely ugly at this time, but as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he still had a little confidence even when facing Nura. Of course, only a little

"What do you want to do here? I don't have the devil fruit you want! If you are here for what happened seven years ago, then I don't mind fighting you!" He was worried and afraid in his heart, but of course he couldn't show it. This is the basic quality of a great pirate.

"I want to say that I am here to eat and drink for free, do you believe me? By the way, remember to pay the bill for my consumption at Yuyan just now. After all, I am also working for you. It would not be good if my salary was deducted because of me."

Nura played with a crocodile ornament on the table of the sand crocodile, and then chuckled.

His casual look made Crocodile feel very uncomfortable, because in the heart of this sand crocodile, Nura was despising him!

But the fact is that, as the lord of ghosts and monsters, Nura did not take the sand crocodile seriously at all. With his current strength, it would only take a few minutes to get rid of the sand crocodile. What

's more, in seven years, this crocodile has not only not improved its strength, but has become weaker. It is probably because he has been focusing on ancient weapons.

"Are you kidding me, Nura? Tell me why you're here. I don't have time to mess around with you. I don't think you're some kind of lord.……"

Before he finished speaking, the extremely powerful demonic power and domineering aura instantly filled the room. Crocodile instantly felt a huge pressure. He was pressed hard on the chair at this moment. Even standing up was not an easy thing. Robin, who was standing next to him, also felt the change. She felt that it became difficult for her to breathe. This was because Nura did not target him, otherwise she would probably faint directly.

"Watch your tone, Sand Crocodile……"

Nura put down the ornaments he was playing with, narrowed his eyes, looked at Crocodile with a smile, and then a calm voice came out slowly from his mouth:"Don't take yourself too seriously. You who are obsessed with ancient weapons are no longer the sand crocodile you used to be. Believe it or not, it won't be long before you even fall to a rookie."

This sentence made Crocodile very angry. He himself knew that his strength had declined, but he would never believe that he would be defeated by a rookie!

What is a newcomer?

That is a self-righteous fool who has never experienced the beating of the sea!

He even suspected that there was no newcomer coming to provoke him. After all, he was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This title alone was enough to make countless people retreat.

"Are you here just to mock me, Hundred Ghosts?" Crocodile looked at Nura with a gloomy face, and then a low voice sounded.

"I don't have the leisure to mock you. After all, it's better to find a place to eat instead of mocking you."

Nura shrugged and said calmly,"I'm here just to inform you of one thing. I've taken Robin away. From now on, she's the second assistant officer of the Kingdom of Demons. I'm warning you, don't have any tricks, otherwise, I'll be very unhappy, and that guy Kizuna will be very angry too!"

Nura stood up, his extremely powerful demonic power and the domineering aura suppressed Crocodile, making it impossible for him to get up. He looked down at Crocodile with a pair of eyes, without any emotion in his eyes.

""Baigui, do you think that just one sentence will make me agree to let you have my men?" Sand Crocodile said with gritted teeth. If he could not defeat Nura, he would have done it long ago.

But he knew in his heart that once he took action against Nura, his business in Alabasta for the past seven years would be ruined!

He was no match for Nura seven years ago, but today, the guy in front of him has become one of the strongest men who reign in the New World. Without ancient weapons, he would never be able to defeat these people.

Thinking of this, his obsession with ancient weapons became stronger!

"I never intended to ask for your consent, Crocodile. Didn't I make it very clear just now? I came here to inform you, not to ask for your consent, because your idea has nothing to do with me. If you want to negotiate with me on an equal footing, then go to the Land of One Hundred Demons. If you can walk up to me there, I will give you a chance to negotiate."

As he said that, Nura turned around, not even planning to look at Crocodile again:"But in my opinion, you don't have any chance to walk up to me. Even your own enemy... yes, that old guy Whitebeard, couldn't step foot on the Island of One Hundred Demons. He couldn't even walk to the place, and you... Why?"

Throwing down this sentence, Nura took Robin away directly, and when he left, he put away his demon power and Conqueror's Haki.

Crocodile wanted to get up and fight Nura several times, but in the end he didn't stand up. It was only after a long while, when Nura left, that he suddenly punched the table and said viciously:"Asshole Nura! When I find the ancient weapon, both you and Whitebeard will have to pay the price!"

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