After leaving Rainland, Nura had no plans to stay in Alabasta any longer. Crocodile must still be in the country, and after he leaves, he will probably continue to cause trouble.

But the affairs of this country have nothing to do with him, so he'd better leave it to the future Straw Hats to solve.

He is going to the Sabaody Archipelago now. He has such a large fortune, and only in Sabaody can he exchange it all for devil fruits.

Of course, he sneaked out this time, so he and Sumu didn't have their own ship, so the two monsters used the previous method and sneaked on a merchant ship to move forward.


After the news bird flew over, Shumu ran towards Nura with a few pieces of paper in his hand:"The bounty order just issued, your bounty has been increased, and even I am on the bounty list."

Nura was stunned for a moment, and took the bounty orders and took a look.

The captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, the monster Charlotte Nura, is suspected to be a superhuman with supernatural powers. The bounty is 140 million Baileys, regardless of life or death! The fighter of the

Hundred Demons Pirates, the String Killer Shumu, the bounty is 47 million Baileys, regardless of life or death!

"My title is actually a monster? Can you give me a more interesting and domineering title? I am the King of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, the Lord of Demons and Ghosts! You can choose either one, why did you just give me the word monster?"

Nura said that he was very depressed. Others' titles were so domineering, but he just had two simple words, monster...

While he was depressed, he secretly made a decision in his heart that sooner or later he would have to ask the navy to change his title. At least he had to be called the King of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, right?

"Uh... this title is indeed a bit too much, even calling them Nura would be better."Shoumu said along with Nura.

But he also felt that calling them monsters directly was a bit hasty, after all, they were all monsters.

"Forget it, I'll summon two more hundred ghosts to ease the mood."Speaking of this, Nura asked Shumu to leave first. After all, the next step was to gamble on his luck.

He became unlucky after summoning Shumu before, so he seriously suspected that it was Shumu who was the real villain, not him.

Well, how could he be unlucky?

He summoned Bingli, Niugui and Kidomaru in succession at the beginning. Isn't this the reincarnation of the European Emperor?

"System, you have summoned twice in a row, do you dare to give me some powerful ghosts?"After Shouwu left, Nura was alone in the cabin and said to the system

"Random summoning is carried out completely according to the word"random", and this system clearly tells the host, don't dare!"

"I'm fucking……"Nura almost burst into a curse, but after all, he was a civilized person, so he had to hold back.

"Start random summoning!"

"Ding, random summoning successful!"

"Summon characters and destroy the monk Qingtianfang!"

"Reward the host with improved basic physical fitness!"

As the system's voice fell, a man in monk's robes, with his hair standing up and a rough physique appeared in front of Nura. He wore a"Beast Beads" made of skulls to suppress his own strength. Among the hundred ghosts of the third generation of Nura, Qingtianfang is definitely one of the most powerful monsters, and his strength should be comparable to that of Shumu.

Seeing Qingtianfang appear, Nura was relieved. Although this luck was not very good, it was not bad. At least he did not summon monsters like Natto Monk or Jumping Brother.

After all, he is not on the Drum Island now, but outside. If he summons such little monsters, he will not have the energy to take care of them in the battle.

"Long time no see, General!" Qingtianfang said in a muffled voice.

"Well, it's been a long time." Nura also nodded and said slowly,"By the way, Shouwu is outside, go out and say hello to him, you guys probably haven't seen each other for a long time."

Nodding, Qingtianfang went to look for Shouwu.

"Start the second random summon"

"Ding, random summon successful"

"Summon the character and assassinate the broken monk Kurodabo!"

"Reward the host with an improvement in basic physical fitness, and reward the host with Nura's ability, Ghost entanglement: Snow-covered Red Plum (cannot be activated due to lack of human blood)!"

Well, this has brought together the small team of the third generation of Nura Group, but this system is a bit tight, and there is no reward for bringing together this small team. What makes Nura even more depressed is that he was finally rewarded with the ability of ghost entanglement, but what does it mean to lack human blood and cannot be activated!

Ghost entanglement is indeed a move of Nura's half-demon and his subordinates, and it requires human blood, because the first generation of Nura Group, Nura Nura, does not have the ability of ghost entanglement.


When the emotional system is bound, it directly turns oneself into a pure monster, right?

Suddenly I feel so tired

"System." Nura called out softly.

"Does the host have any questions?"

"I am a pure monster now, right?"

"Essentially, this is true."

Nura took a deep breath, and then cursed the system in his heart:"I may not be a human now, but system, you are a real dog!"

At this moment, a handsome man wearing a monk's robe, a straw hat, holding a training staff, and with black waist-length hair appeared in front of Nura. Kurodafang's strength is not weak, and he is also a monster at the same level as Qingtianfang.

In general, the luck of these two summons is not bad. With Shuwu, Qingtianfang and Kurodafang, it will be much easier for him to encounter any battle in the future.

"I greet you, General. I feel honored to be your Hundred Demons again. Kuroda Fang bowed to Nura and said very respectfully:

"Well, take a short break. We will need to change to another ship when we reach Gaya Island. If there is a need for fighting on the way, it will be left to you."Nura nodded slightly. Although he was depressed about the ghost and human blood, he did not show it.

"Don't worry, General. If we encounter a battle, I will do my best to protect you!" Kuroda Fang's eyes flashed with light, and he said firmly.

For the Hundred Demons, the safety of their general is absolutely the most important.

Although Nura may be stronger than them, they can't always let their general take the lead.

"I understand. I'll leave it to you. Shouwu and Qingtianfang are both outside. You can go meet them and learn about the current situation. This place is still quite unfamiliar to you.……"

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