Gaya Island.

This is a boring island for Nura, but there are interesting people.

Of course, this interesting person does not refer to Bellamy, who has admired Doflamingo since childhood. Nura doesn't even know whether Bellamy appeared on Gaya Island during this period.

If he did, Bellamy would be really weak. After so many years, the bounty was only 55 million Baileys, and he was killed by Luffy in one punch.

The person who really makes Nura feel interesting is actually Wenbrand Kulik, the diamond-shaped uncle with a chestnut on his head, the 400-year-old descendant of Wenbrand Noland, the protagonist of the story of"The Great Liar Roland".

In order to prove the existence of the Golden Country and break the curse of the Monbrang family, the man who gambled his life to fight against fate.

Just such tenacity is enough to make people admire.

But in the eyes of others, he is just a fool who believes in the lies of his ancestors.

If there is a chance, he can help Kulik prove the existence of Sky Island.���Jinxiang exists, but obviously not now. In the future plot, the method used by Luffy and his friends is too risky. If it weren't for the blessing of the protagonist's halo, the Straw Hat Pirates would have died without a burial place.

He doesn't think he is lucky enough to reach Sky Island by riding the rising current. Even if he relies on the rising current to reach Sky Island, how do he get down?

Therefore, regarding the matter of Sky Island, it is better to wait until the Tengu monsters are summoned in the future before considering it.

""General, I have heard the news. We are really lucky. Tomorrow morning, a merchant ship will depart directly to the Sabaody Archipelago. We can take that merchant ship and go directly to the Sabaody Archipelago." Shouwu rushed into the tavern and said to Nura who was drinking.

"That's really good luck, but it's a pity that I didn't have a chance to go to Sky Island when I passed by Gaya Island. I am still interested in the guy who calls himself God."Nurarihyon said with a little regret after taking a sip of wine.

The guy on Sky Island is naturally Thunder God Enelu. Like Crocodile, he is also a poor man defeated by the protagonist's halo. As the strongest natural system, the user of the Thunder Fruit, he also has a heart network that can cover the entire Sky Island, that is, a powerful observation Haki. He was actually beaten down by Luffy who didn't even know how to use the second gear at that time.

Who would believe it if it wasn't for the protagonist's halo?

"Hahaha, this is so ridiculous. Apart from that idiot chestnut head, there is actually an idiot like you on this island? How can there be an island above the sky? Guys like you, just go back and play house with the kids, idiot!" A pirate who was drinking heard what Nura said just now, and laughed and mocked.

His mockery made the faces of Shuu, Kurodabo and Aotabo change.

But Nura didn't care much, because no matter what time period, there will always be self-righteous idiots who use their ignorance to laugh at others.

"There is no need to bother with these guys. Find a place to have a good rest for a day. It's time to set off tomorrow."Nura stood up and planned to walk outside. The most powerful pirate here is estimated to have a bounty of about 30 million, so he has no interest in taking action.

Just as Nura was walking outside, the pirate who had just mocked him, who didn't know if he had a brain cramp or drank too much, picked up the bottle and smashed it directly at Nura's head.



The sound of the wine bottle breaking and the screams rang out together, but the wine bottle did not fall on Nura's head. After all, Shumu and the others were here. If such a scumbag met their general, they, the Hundred Demons, would probably be ashamed to the point of being embarrassed.

At that moment, Qingtianfang stood up directly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the pirate's wrist, and with a little force, he crushed his bones directly. The severe pain made the pirate unable to hold the wine bottle at all. While screaming, the wine bottle also fell to the ground.

"Damn it! Everyone, kill these idiots!"The pirate's eyes immediately became fierce, and then with a loud shout, dozens of people stood up in the tavern, drew their swords and guns, and immediately attacked Shouwu and the others.

However, no matter how many minions there are, they are just minions, what use can they have?

"It's a pity that the general has no intention to attack you bastards, but I can't just sit there and watch!"

Kuroda Fang showed a strange smile on his face, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. He moved his body and thousands of blades stretched out. As for Shou Wu, he had no intention of taking action at this time, because he knew very well that if Kuroda Fang took action, none of the soldiers who were fighting against them would survive.


At this moment, Qingtianfang snorted coldly and punched the pirate's chest hard. The pirate who was hit by his punch flew out like a cannonball and smashed through the wall of the tavern. With such a huge force, there is no need to see the end of the pirate, you know that he can't die anymore!

In the very short time when Qingtianfang punched, the pirates who had just taken out swords and guns all fell in a pool of blood, and Kurodafang also retracted his thousands of blades, and his expression became extremely calm.

It was as if the person who slaughtered dozens of pirates in one breath was not him at all.

At this time, a pirate who was still sitting in the tavern looked at Nura and others who turned around and left with trembling hands, and a trembling voice came out slowly:"Hundred... Hundred... Hundred Demons Pirates! They are from the Hundred Demons Pirates! That guy with strange hair is a big pirate with a bounty of 140 million!"

It's a pity that the dead pirates couldn't hear his words. If he had said this earlier, even if the pirates had a few more courage, they wouldn't dare to show their weapons to Nura and others. A bounty of more than

100 million , even if it was for massacring civilians and committing many evil deeds, is not something they can afford to provoke."……

"These pirates are so weak, but as far as humans are concerned, they are actually pretty good."Kurodabo followed Nura and said slowly.

However, Shumu, who came to this world earlier, shook his head and said,"Don't underestimate the strong people in this world. These are just ants at the bottom. We probably can't compete with those who are really strong. For example, the guy with eagle eyes who fought with the Ushiki a year ago……"

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