Katakuri, the second son of the Charlotte family, is also the top leader of the Big Mom Pirates. In front of outsiders, he is a perfect and powerful man who protects his beloved brothers and sisters.

When Nura was young, he was protected by Katakuri. In this twisted family, Katakuri is the only one who truly has family affection.

"Come back with me, Nura. Mom doesn't know about this yet, and I won't tell anyone about it. You can live here as usual. As for this woman, I will arrange a suitable identity for her."Katakuri looked at Nura calmly, looking aloof and cold.

He still cared about his younger brother very much. After all, he was his family and blood relative.

Especially three days ago, when he saw Nura helping Brulee, he knew that Nura, like himself, cared a lot about his brothers and sisters in the family.

"I'm sorry, Brother Katakuri, I can't agree to this. This country is not suitable for me. Apart from blood, I have no relationship with that woman!"

Nura took two steps back, looking at his second brother with his eyes, and a somewhat devilish smile appeared on his face.

"Then I have no choice but to take you back by force, but what I said just now is still the same, I will not let anyone know about this matter, just think that you fell down and fainted, and I found you.

"As soon as the voice fell, Katakuri no longer hesitated, and stretched out his right hand suddenly, and his arm turned into a white rice cake and stretched out, rushing directly towards Nura.

With this amazing speed, even if Nura's body is much stronger than before, it is difficult to dodge the attack of his second brother.

After all, his second brother has extremely high attainments in the three colors of domineering!

""Cursed blizzard, snow makeup!"

At this moment, a light shout came from Bingli's mouth, and then a strong cold air instantly swept across the place, completely freezing Katakuri's arm that had turned into a rice cake.

""General, hurry up and get on board, this guy is not easy to deal with!" Even though she froze the opponent's arm, Bingli still looked solemn. The perception of monsters is very strong, so she can clearly know how terrifying the tall guy on the opposite side is.

At least, she and Nura together would not be Katakuri's opponent.

"Don't be so scared, Brother Katakuri won't do anything to us, and if he doesn't want me to leave, we can never escape from the Kingdom."

As he said that, Nura suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and then put it directly on his neck:"Now, you can let us go, Brother Katakuri!"

Even at this time, Nura still maintained that enchanting smile on his face, but his eyes were unusually tough, as if if Katakuri chose to refuse at this time, he would really end his life directly.

Of course, Nura didn't want to end his life here. The reason for this action was because he knew very well that Katakuri would not let him die!

"Is there really nothing here worth staying for? Are you going to leave the kingdom even if it costs your life? Nura!"

Armament Haki appeared on his arm, shattering the ice on his hand. Then Katakuri looked at his brother with a serious face and couldn't help asking.

But when he asked, he was very worried. This family, this country... is really not a place worth staying.

"I will come back. If I can live to that day, I will definitely come back and change this place! This is my promise to you, Brother Katakuri!" Nura was silent for a long time before answering this question. There are people here who are worth his nostalgia, those family members who once cared about him.

Yes, even in a place like Banko, there are such people, but the existence of these people cannot stop him from leaving here.

However, because of the existence of these people, he will definitely return to Banko in the future to change this twisted country, or in other words, to save this twisted family!

And at that time, the enemies he has to face are not only his brothers and sisters, but also the woman that the entire ocean fears...

The Four Emperors, Big Mom!

"Stop saying these useless words, you can't leave today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Katakuri turned his right hand into sticky rice and punched Nura with a punch. The speed was so fast that even Bingli couldn't react at this time.

However, Nura looked ahead with a smile on his face. He had no intention of dodging at all, because he didn't find any murderous intent in his second brother's eyes, which meant that Katakuri never intended to kill him.

Coupled with the kindness and worry in the depths of those eyes, he could almost confirm that his second brother was going to let him go.


A light sound was heard, and Nura flew backwards. Seeing this, Bingli had no mood to continue fighting with Katakuri, and immediately chased after Nura.


Bingli called out softly. She probably didn't even notice that the general she was calling landed squarely on the boat that had been built in the past three days.

Katakuri's punch just now looked mighty, but in fact, he didn't use any strength at all, as if he had just sent Nura to the boat.

"You'd better leave the New World quickly, otherwise once your mother finds out, you won't be able to leave." After saying this, Katakuri turned around and slowly disappeared from Nura's sight.

Nura raised his head and looked at his second brother who had left, still with that enchanting smile on his face:"I will come back, I will definitely come back!"

Because of Katakuri's appearance, he also discovered that there was something in this place that he really missed, and that thing was family affection. Although this family affection was rare, it did exist.

"General, it's time for us to set sail." Bingli also realized at this time that the guy who looked very fierce just now did not attack his general ruthlessly. The attack was more like a farewell between brothers.

"Well, let's set off. Let this sea wait for me... the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!" As soon as the words fell, Bingli blew out a gust of cold wind, urging the boat to sail away. As the boat went farther and farther away, Nura kept his eyes on the island, looking at the direction where Katakuri left...

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