On the shore of Dressrosa, a young man supported himself on the ground with both hands, constantly spitting out something from his mouth.

The long-haired girl in a kimono patted the boy's back anxiously, fearing that something might happen to him.

Nura is also feeling miserable now. Why didn't he think about the fact that neither he nor Bingli knew how to sail when he went out to sea?

If it weren't for Bingli's cold wind along the way, it would be a question whether the two of them could come to Dressrosa alive. However, there were times when they were lucky. When their boat was about to be scrapped, they happened to meet the so-called supernovas of this era.

It has to be said that these supernovas are far inferior to Luffy and the others. The most powerful one is only at the level of a rear admiral of the navy, and all of them were directly frozen into ice sculptures by Bingli. A devil fruit was also found in their cabin. As for what kind of fruit it was, it had nothing to do with Nura. Anyway, he had no intention of eating this fruit.

In addition to a devil fruit, 300 million berries also fell into Nura's hands. If he bought the worst superhuman fruits, 300 million berries could barely buy two.

After a long time, Nura finally recovered. He was not seasick, but because he really didn't know how to sail and the turbulence was too severe, he became like this.

"Phew, I thought I was going to vomit to death. If that were true, it would be such a miserable death."Nura let out a long breath, and then the corners of his mouth slightly twitched, revealing that enchanting smile again. It must be said that if he didn't become bald and turned into an old Nura, he would be an absolute handsome guy!

"General, what should we do next? Bingli was relieved to see Nura recover, and then asked

"Of course, I will use the identity of Big Mom's son for the last time!"

Nura smiled, then stood up and walked straight to the front. In front of a guy dressed like a mafia, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the guy's collar. Then a slightly cold voice came out slowly from his mouth:"Hey, I want to see Doflamingo. Do you want to inform him, or do you want him to come to me directly?"

In an instant, all the people dressed like mafia around him took out their guns and pointed them at Nura. Seeing this scene, Bingli rushed to Nura's side at once, with a vigilant look on her face.

But these people are not strong. For Bingli, as long as she blows out a gust of cold wind, she can turn them all into ice sculptures.

Of course, this is not Nura's purpose. If all these guys are really turned into ice sculptures, wouldn't there be no one to pass the message?

""Young Master, can you see me whenever you want? Who are you?" The man in black who was caught by Nura was a little flustered, but this was the territory of their Don Quixote family, so they naturally couldn't be afraid of a person who suddenly appeared and whose identity was unknown.

"The Four Emperors, Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Nura, hurry up and inform Doflamingo, otherwise, I will go directly to King's Highlands to find him!"Nura said arrogantly.

It must be said that his name is still very intimidating. The Don Quixote family is very powerful, but compared with the Four Emperors, there is a big gap.

""Tsk tsk tsk!"

Before the minion could react, a guy wearing a fur-brimmed hat, two facial wrinkles, a red cloak, and dressed like an indigenous tribe came over. Seeing his appearance, the minions immediately became respectful. The first time Nura saw this man, he recognized his identity.

Diamante, one of the highest cadres of the Don Quixote family, code-named"Square", the leader of the Don Quixote family's"Fighting Group", a flag man who ate the fluttering fruit.

Diamante walked directly in front of Nura.

With a height of more than five meters, he could lower his head and look down at Nura.

After a moment's silence, he spoke:"Charlotte Nura, I have heard of your name, but you are different from your brothers and sisters.

You are not famous for your strength, but for your weird appearance, right?"

"Ah, that's true. In terms of strength, you can easily kill me, but you don't dare to do it. Even your young master, Doflamingo, doesn't dare to do it! Unless you want to challenge the Four Emperors!"

The guy in front of him definitely has the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters, but facing him, Nura will not be afraid at all. After all, before Big Mom announced his defection, in everyone's eyes, he was the son of that woman and a member of the Four Emperors Big Mom Pirates!

With this identity, few pirates dared to attack him. After all, this new world is ultimately ruled by the Four Emperors!

"Of course, it is impossible to challenge the Four Emperors. I don't think anyone has the courage to challenge the Four Emperors. But I want to know one thing. Why did you come here alone and meet Doflamingo?"Diamanti stared at Nura, waiting for his answer.

If Nura came to do something to hurt Doflamingo, he would not hesitate to do it. Even if he angered the Big Mom Pirates, he would take all the blame on himself.

As a subordinate, he is undoubtedly very qualified and very loyal.

"In fact, it's nothing big. I just came to discuss a deal with Joker. I believe Doflamingo will not give face to our Charlotte family, right?"Nura smiled and stated his purpose directly.

He really wanted to make a deal with Doflamingo, use the Bailey he got before to buy two devil fruits, and then use his identity as a member of the Charlotte family to trick two or three devil fruits into his hands. In this way, he can summon two more of his own Hundred Demons.

Moreover, his own strength can also be significantly improved.

Diamante looked at Nura for a while, then waved his hand to let all his men disperse, and then stretched out his hand to the front with a little politeness, and said:"In this case, then follow me, I will take you to see Dover, Charlotte Nura!"

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. Diamante is telling Nura that the reason why he was given the opportunity to meet Dover is not because the name Nura has so much power. It is because the three words"Charlotte" are something that their Don Quixote family cannot afford to offend. To put it more directly, if it were not for the existence of the Big Mom Pirates, or even if it were not for the existence of Big Mom, Nura... would be nothing!

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