Human form and human blood?

Nura was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic in an instant, because he could feel a stronger power in his body. At the same time, he also felt that there was a special connection between himself and Bingli who was far away on the Drum Island, and Kurodabo who was not far away.

And this connection also proved that the Ghost Entanglement·Yukishita Hongmei he had obtained before could be used, but the prerequisite was that Bingli was by his side. The Ghost Entanglement he could use directly now was the Ghost Entanglement between him and Kurodabo, which was the Fear Attack·Thousand Blades and Ten Thousand Swords that the system had just rewarded!

The so-called Thousand Blades and Ten Thousand Swords is the form of the Ghost Entanglement and Fear Attack between Nura Rikuo and Kurodabo in Nura.

"Hey, General, are you trying to steal my prey with that look in your eyes? Please don't do that. We finally have a good fight. Can't you just watch from the side?"

Ibaraki Douji saw the fighting spirit flashing in Nura's eyes and immediately spoke up.

He didn't want to stand aside and be a spectator in such a scene.

"Don't worry, that guy is your prey, and this battle is also yours. I don't have the habit of competing with my own demons for opponents."

Nura shrugged, and the fighting spirit in his eyes gradually dissipated, but he still said:"It's just that if you are not his opponent in a while, then I can only take action when I have no choice."

"Tsk, don't underestimate me, old man. After all, I am also the great monster of Mount Oe, Ibaraki Douji!" As he spoke, purple ghost fire burned in Ibaraki Douji's hand, and his already fierce face became even more terrifying at this moment.

However, his words made Nura a little depressed. Is he really old? He was called an old man by Ibaraki Douji twice in a row...

Let alone anything else, if he was really an old man, could he have such handsome hair?

""Okay, okay, I'll leave this red dog to you, but be careful, that guy is magma, you might hurt yourself if you're not careful." Nura kindly reminded Ibaraki Douji, after all, the nature-type fruit still needs to be paid attention to. Although Ibaraki Douji is very strong, he has never encountered an opponent like Akainu.

""Red Dog? Is there anyone else called this name?" Ibaraki Douji was stunned for a moment, he looked at Nura with a puzzled look, then pretended to say in a low voice,"Is that guy a dog demon? He really looks a bit like one, but I don't know whose family it is. He comes out barking for no reason. Isn't he worried about having his teeth removed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ibaraki Douji's aura became stronger and stronger, the will-o'-the-wisp in his hand burned fiercely, and the black flame exuded an ominous aura at this moment.

Then he walked towards Akainu step by step. In front of him, this so-called admiral of the Navy Headquarters was nothing. As a big demon in Oeyama, he himself had extraordinary arrogance.

"Dirty pirates, you are not worthy of any sympathy at all!"Akainu hated pirates, and was insulted by Ibaraki Douji with words. He instantly went into a state of rage. He walked towards Ibaraki Douji step by step, with lava flowing on his fists, and even the ground was corroded by the magma.

Facing such Akainu, Ibaraki Douji was not afraid at all. He had experienced countless battles in his life, some of which were extremely dangerous, such as when one of his arms was cut off by Onikiri.

""Hell Dog!"

At this moment, Akainu swung his right fist violently, and blasted towards Ibaraki Douji at a very fast speed. The violent lava stretched out in an instant and swept forward.

However, in the face of such an attack, Ibaraki Douji's expression did not change at all. He still maintained his pride and indifference, and shouted softly:"Ghost Hair·Flame Devouring!"

Then he waved the black flame in his hand, and the front of him turned into a raging sea of fire, as if to devour everything in front of him, and the flame he controlled was several times more powerful than Nura's Mingjing Shisui·Sakura. After all, this is the embodiment of Ibaraki Douji's fear, and a big monster like him is a big monster who is very good at fighting.

Seeing the black flames that filled the field of vision, Akainu sneered and said to himself:"Although I don't know what your ability is, as long as it is flame, you are definitely not my opponent, because my magma is the upper fruit of flame, it is lava that can even burn flames!"

After the Battle of Marineford in the original plot, he relied on his own terrifying magma to burn Fire Fist Ace to death!

Therefore, Akainu is not afraid of fire at all, and looks down on any flame-type ability users.

However, Ibaraki Douji's black flame is completely different. Although it looks like fire, it is the condensation of demonic power, which is feared by a big demon like him!

Its essence is the demonic power of the demon, which comes from the raging fire of hell. How can it be possible for magma alone to burn out the fire of hell?

The next moment, Akainu's face changed suddenly. He immediately retracted his arm, then jumped up to avoid the range covered by the black flame, and at the same time, he was shocked.

When the face transformed by his arm came into contact with the black flame, he actually felt a tingling pain. Obviously, his ability was superior to that of fire, but he had a faint feeling of being restrained and even swallowed by the opponent's fire.

""Sakaski, don't underestimate these guys, they are by no means ordinary rookie pirates, if they enter the new world, they will definitely have a place!" Kizaru spoke again at this time to remind him, he could still slightly���He spared some energy, but he did not dare to be careless.

At least at this moment, the laziness on his face had almost disappeared. The strength of these big monsters far exceeded their initial estimates.

If Marshal Sengoku had not sent two generals to come, perhaps one of them would be seriously injured here today, which would not only cause dissatisfaction among the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, but would also directly bring shame to the Navy Headquarters and the World Government!

"Hey, are you just going to get away? Weren't you very arrogant just now? Let me think about your name. By the way, I heard the general commander just say that your name is Red Dog, right?"Ibaraki Douji showed arrogance on his face at this moment, and started to mock Akainu.

Although Akainu and Red Dog have the same meaning, Akainu hates the latter because that name carries a contemptuous meaning!

"Stop being so arrogant, and let me die here, Meteor Volcano!"

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