In anger, Akainu's fists turned into lava, producing a large number of huge lava fists and launching them into the air.

Then, the lava fists, like a meteor shower, continued to fall from the sky, and included Ibaraki Douji, Nura, and Sumu in the attack range. This move was enough to turn the earth into a sea of lava!

Seeing the lava fists falling from the sky, Nura also took a deep breath, his expression became more solemn, and a pair of cold eyes swept over Akainu's body, and then he took a step forward with the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand.

He already had the intention to attack, and with Ibaraki Douji, the two of them would naturally have a greater chance of defeating Akainu!

But at this moment, a loud shout erupted from Ibaraki Douji's mouth:"Please wait a moment, General! This guy is my prey, I can kill him right here! It won't take long to smash him to pieces!"

Hearing this, Nura also stopped moving forward. He knew very well the pride of a big monster like Ibaraki Douji. There was no need to rush at this moment. The navy had already sent two admirals, and basically no more reinforcements would appear. Because even the so-called wise Marshal Sengoku would never have thought that the unknown Hundred Demons Pirates had the strength to resist two admirals of the navy headquarters.

"Then don't play anymore, just get rid of that guy, I will wait for you for ten minutes, after ten minutes, no matter what the outcome is, we have to leave this place. Although I don't think the other side will have reinforcements, this place is too close to the Navy Headquarters and the World Government after all, and there is no need for us to continue to cause trouble now!"

Although Nura gave Ibaraki Douji the opportunity to show off, he will not take it lightly.

The strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates is not weak now. The high-end combat forces include Ushiki, Kidomaru, Youdaohime and Ibaraki Douji, followed by Bingli, Shumu, Kurodabo, Qingtianbo and Maochangji.

But such strength is still not as good as the Navy Headquarters, let alone the World Government that has ruled this world for 800 years.

They still need more time to develop, waiting for the moment when the Hundred Demons are fully formed. Nura believes that there will be no rivals in front of the Hundred Demons!

"Don't worry, General. Ten minutes is more than enough for me! After all, although my best friend is not here, he cannot be underestimated in the future!"

Ibaraki Douji's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and the demonic power and ghost energy emanating from his whole body became stronger and stronger. The terrifying black flame burned more vigorously at this moment.

Just by looking at the black flame in the other's hand, Akainu felt a taste of being swallowed by the air. Fortunately, he was the admiral of the headquarters and the highest combat power of the headquarters of the navy. That kind of mentality only appeared for a moment and was wiped out by him.

If it were any other navy, even the vice admiral of the headquarters, it is estimated that they would be affected by the breath and the deep black flames emitted by the other.

Seeing that Ibaraki Douji exuded such a strong fear, Nura also knew that this guy was going to do his best, so he turned his head and said:"Shouwu and Qingtianfang, the two of you go to the dock immediately to find a boat to come nearby, we are ready to evacuate at any time!"

The reason why he chose to send Wu and Qingtianfang and left Kurodafang behind was because among all the monsters present, only Kurodafang could use ghost entanglement with Nura.

Although it is unlikely that Yaodaoji and Ibaraki Douji will be defeated now, he still has to keep a backup plan to prepare for emergencies that may occur at any time.

With his current combat power, he should be able to compete with the general by using ghost entanglement. Even if he loses in the end, he can still compete with him a little.

And this so-called competition is not to use the ability of mirror flower and water moon to deal with it like before, but to fight head-on. The power of the admiral!

Of course, according to Nura's estimation, even if he uses the ghost entanglement between him and Kurodabo, he can only compete with him, and there is still a distance from defeating the admiral.

If he can get the ghost entanglement of Ibaraki Douji and the like, then it is estimated that there will be a huge improvement in strength. After all, the ability of ghost entanglement is also related to the strength of another monster besides Nura.

Nura is looking at Ibaraki Douji who has already pushed his own strength to the extreme. The amazing demon power is spreading wildly in all directions at this moment. The space in front of him seems to be torn apart by this terrifying demon power.

"Red dog, right? Let me show you my real power. Come, Hand of Hell!"

Ibaraki Douji shouted with a ferocious look on his face, and then the terrifying demonic power directly summoned his wrist. The wrist seemed to come from hell. If it was in the world that originally belonged to them, it was summoned from hell. Then

, this dark wrist pounced directly at Akainu. Wherever this ghost hand passed, everything around it was burned to ashes by the black flames. Even in the places that were not burned by the black flames, the flowers and plants withered quickly and lost their vitality under this powerful force.

At this time, Akainu had no intention of dodging. He was the admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters. How could he avoid the attack of an unknown pirate?

The most important thing was that he didn't think that the opponent's power could surpass his own!

"Stop bragging here, I will let you see the real hell, the hell of lava! Hell Dog!"

Akainu immediately urged his most powerful strength, and a move of Hell Dog blasted out, directly bombarding the Hand of Hell.


The two collided with each other, and a huge noise broke out. The magma on the Hell Dog splashed everywhere, destroying everything around.

The Hell Dog and the Hand of Hell were in a stalemate for almost half a minute, and Akainu finally blasted away Ibaraki Douji's power. The terrifying lava fist went straight to Ibaraki Douji in the distance.

At this time, Kizaru also burst out a cross-shaped laser beam, which blasted the demon sword princess who was fighting with him back about a hundred meters. After a long fight, the demon sword princess couldn't help but gasp.

It can only be said that these two guys are worthy of being the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, and the current strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates is still slightly insufficient.

Of course, if Ushiki and Kidomaru were also here, it might be another story, but it is hard to say whether these big monsters are willing to work together to deal with an enemy.

At this time, Nura flashed and rushed out, and at the same time, Kuroda Fang also approached where he was, and a light shout sounded at this moment:

"Ghostly·Fearful·Thousands of Blades and Ten Thousand Swords!"

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