Ghost entanglement, merge with demons and monsters, borrow the power of hundreds of demons for your own use.

There are many ways to use ghost entanglement, the two known ones are"fear cannon" and"fear attack".

And the fear attack will change the attire, after launching it together with Kurodabo, Nura immediately changed into a dark robe embroidered with the words"Yugenmu" and carried multiple hidden weapons on his back. The demonic power he exuded became even stronger at this moment, and he swung out with a knife without hesitation, and then countless swords and weapons flew out with him.

Under the entanglement of demonic power and armed color domineering, these swords and weapons all became extremely sharp, and directly blasted the Hades Dog, whose power had been weakened due to the confrontation with the Hand of Hell.

"It is indeed a unique power, just like a thousand blades appearing with a single swing, a thousand cuts with one strike, even the generals will be troubled by my current power."

Nura looked at the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand, and then moved his eyes to Akainu:"I'm sorry, Red Dog, I don't have the time to play with you here today, and after this time, the name of the Hundred Demons will soon be known throughout the world. By the way, remember my name, I am Nura, the king of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, the lord of demons and monsters!"

He had no intention of continuing to fight with Akainu. It was not a simple matter to fight the admiral of the Navy Headquarters here. Moreover, if the time dragged on too long, Marshal Sengoku would find that something was wrong and would certainly send more navy to support.

If the old guy Garp came, things would be troublesome. The old guy who was called the hero of the Navy had unfathomable strength!

There were even many people who firmly believed that Iron Fist Garp's strength was even higher than that of the admiral, and that he was a powerful existence that was strong enough to suppress the admiral!

"Ibaraki Douji, Youdaoji, today's farce is over. Let's save some face for the two generals. Their lives are in their own hands for now. In the future, during the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, they will make up for today's regrets."

Seeing that Ibaraki Douji was about to say something, Nura's eyes sank, and his voice became solemn and cold:"I said, the farce ends here, the battle here is over, understand?"

Hearing the change in Nura's tone, Ibaraki Douji snorted and said nothing more. After all, he recognized Nura as the king of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, and also recognized him as his chief general. Under such circumstances, he would naturally not refute it.

And Youdaoji quickly retreated behind Nura, the madness in her eyes gradually faded, and then she said respectfully:"Follow your orders, chief general!"

"How terrifying! The Hundred Demons Pirates!"A beam of light fell beside Akainu. Kizaru had no intention of taking action at this moment. He was much more rational than Akainu. He knew very well that even if he continued to attack, he would not be able to keep Nura and the Hundred Demons here.

At this time, Shumu and Kurodabo also sailed to the vicinity.

"Old sir, you have been watching for so long, don't you plan to help? We are planning to leave, and it will be very troublesome if you are targeted by these navy officers."Nura turned his head and looked in the direction that had become a ruin.

Just after he said this, an old man walked out slowly from behind the ruins, holding an ordinary long sword in his hand, and smiled awkwardly:"Hahaha, brother, if you didn't say anything, they wouldn't have found me here, so actually, this trouble is brought to me by you, brother, remember to treat me to a drink in the future."

Seeing the appearance of this old man, Akainu and Kizaru's eyes suddenly changed, they knew this old man!

Pluto Rayleigh!

They didn't expect that this guy would be hiding around. If this old guy is here, it's not that they are not sure about keeping the Hundred Demons Pirates, but that they are not sure at all!

Pluto Rayleigh can definitely stop one of them, and the remaining one facing Nura, Youdaohime and Ibaraki Douji at the same time is not a wise choice no matter how you think about it.

"I owe you a drink, I will pay you back when I have time."After saying this, Nura turned around without looking back, and jumped with Youdaohime and Ibaraki Douji and landed directly on the deck of a large ship in the distance, setting sail.

Akainu and Kizaru were both wary of Pluto Rayleigh at this moment, their faces changing.

Rayleigh waved his hand at this time and said with a smile:"I don't mean to stop you, you can do whatever you want, after all, I am a retired old man."

Having said that, how could Akainu and Kizaru be so casual when he was here.

After a long pause, Akainu walked to the front with a gloomy face and shouted:"Don't even think about leaving so easily, Meteor Volcano!"

"In that case, I'll give you a gift as well!"

Akainu had already made his move, so Kizaru naturally couldn't just sit back and watch. He flew into the air in an instant, and fired countless light bullets at the ship that was moving farther and farther away:"Yashakani no Magatama!"

And Pluto Rayleigh really had no intention of stopping the two men's move. He was an old man, and wasn't it too much to let an old man fight two admirals alone?

Moreover, in his opinion, Akainu's Meteor Volcano and Kizaru's Yasakani no Magatama could not stop the group of weird little guys from the Hundred Demons Pirates.

Looking at the magma fist and light bullets flying towards him, Nura raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then the long sword in his hand slashed directly into the air.

With one slash, thousands of blades came out!

All the light bullets that fell like rain were directly blocked in the air, making an astonishing explosion.

Then, Ibaraki Douji raised one of his hands high at this moment, and then a cold shout came from his mouth:"Ghost Hair·Black Flame Shield!"

As soon as the words fell, the black flames instantly formed a huge shield, completely covering the top of their ship. They could only hear the sound of the magma fist falling on the black flames, and could also feel the extraordinary heat, but no one fell on their ship.

""Shouwu, I know you must have brought Den Den Mushi with you. Immediately control Bingli and the others, and don't let the Drum Kingdom have anything to do with us anymore. Let them take Baili and the devil fruit obtained in the trade to the Seven Water City to wait for us. It's time for the Hundred Demons Pirates to officially go out to sea!"

As he said this, Nura moved his eyes in one direction, and then said slowly:"This time, our goal is the New World!"

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