Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

In the conference room, all the high-ranking officers of the Navy have gathered together, including the three admirals, Iron Fist Garp, Chief of Staff Crane, and a vice admiral of the headquarters. The gathering of all these people is enough to show the seriousness of the situation this time, but many people are still unclear why Marshal Sengoku suddenly convened such an emergency meeting.

Could it be that he is going to go to war with a certain emperor of the New World?

"Marshal, what happened? Another point is, why hasn't Vice Admiral Spider arrived yet?"Just when Marshal Sengoku announced the official start of the meeting, Vice Admiral Doberman, who is also a hawkish general, immediately asked.

Other senior naval officials were also a little confused. It was obviously an emergency meeting for everyone, so why didn't Spider show up?

At this time, Sengoku looked at the senior naval officials sitting below with a serious face, and said in a deep voice:"Spider is being rescued. Even if he is rescued, it will be difficult for him to recover to his original physical condition."

Hearing this news, many people's faces changed. Vice Admiral Mole couldn't help asking:"Who can severely injure Spider to such an extent? Did the Four Emperors of the New World take action? Is it Kaido or Big Mom?"

Because Whitebeard and Red Hair, as long as they are not provoked, they generally will not take action against the navy, so the first thing that Vice Admiral Mole thought of was the always tyrannical Kaido of Beasts and Charlotte Linlin, who was called the Iron Balloon.

If it is really the Four Emperors who take action, then it means that the Navy Headquarters will face a big battle, a hard battle!

Although they are not afraid of going to war with the Four Emperors, they also know what consequences will arise from going to war with an emperor of the New World.

"No, this matter has nothing to do with the Four Emperors of the New World."

Just when everyone's face was serious, and some people were even mentally prepared to go to war with the Four Emperors, Sengoku shook his head and said in a deep voice:"It was the Hundred Demons Pirates that caused this situation!"

Many people were stunned at once, they had never heard of the name of this pirate group.

What is the Hundred Demons Pirates?

Could it be a big pirate group on the opposite side of the New World?

But if that's the case, these high-level people should have heard of it.

Then, Marshal Sengoku continued:"Don't think about it. Before this incident, they were just an unknown pirate group. Among them, Charlotte Nura, who had the highest bounty, also had a bounty of 140 million Baileys because he defeated Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea not long ago. Except for him, the highest bounty of other members did not exceed 100 million."

"From the beginning, we underestimated the strength of this pirate group, which led to the current situation."

At this time, Vice Admiral Tsuru also spoke up:"Not long ago, the Hundred Demons Pirates appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago and killed the Celestial Dragon, Charmark Saint on the island! After receiving this news, Marshal Sengoku sent Admirals Sakaski and Borsalino to the Sabaody Archipelago at the same time to express his position, but in the end, they failed to keep the Hundred Demons Pirates!"

"What!?"Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even the admirals couldn't stop the Hundred Demons Pirates?

In other words, it was two admirals who took action. This is a bit scary. An unknown pirate group actually has the strength to escape from the admirals!

Don't think that escape is a simple thing. The supernovas of Luffy's generation were all pirates with bounties of over 100 million, but in front of Kizaru, they were like powerless children and were easily killed by him. After all, he is the admiral, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters!

To everyone's surprise, Akainu said with a gloomy face:"The opponent is strong. Even if Borsalino and I want to take them down, it is not an easy task. Moreover, Ghost Spider was defeated without even injuring the opponent."

Being able to resist the admiral and defeat the headquarters vice admiral, Spider Demon, without any injury, such a great pirate is definitely a prestigious existence even in the New World!

At this time, Vice Admiral Tsuru spoke again:"After this period of investigation, we found that the Hundred Demons Pirates are related to Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors. Their captain, Charlotte Nura, is a member of the Charlotte family and the offspring of Charlotte Linlin!"

There are not many people with the surname Charlotte, and as a pirate, the most famous one is Big Mom.

With this association, and then a little investigation in the New World, it is not surprising to find out the birth of Nura.

However, this piece of news seems to have led the senior navy officers astray.

"In other words, the Hundred Demons Pirates are actually part of the Big Mom Pirates. With such strength, they are probably also a star-level figure in the Wanoku. Judging from the current situation, Charlotte Nura is likely to be a hidden figure of the Four Emperors Big Mom.……"

Vice Admiral Mole fully demonstrated what it meant to analyze like a tiger.

If the intelligence system of the Navy was more professional, it should have been found out that Nura had been removed from the Charlotte Family by Big Mom a long time ago, and was even on her wanted list.

Of course, even if this was found out, the Navy's top brass might suspect that this was a way for Big Mom to protect Nura. After all, in the New World, there would be fights and frictions among the Four Emperors.

It was not strange for a very talented offspring to be assassinated.

At this time, Marshal Sengoku slammed the table, and then said seriously:"No matter what the situation is, what we can be sure of now is that the Hundred Demons Pirates are very dangerous and their combat power is also very strong. Now they are still in the first half, so no matter what, we can't let them enter the New World. Once they enter the New World, with the protection of the Four Emperors, it will be difficult for us to get rid of them!"

"The World Government has issued an order to capture the Hundred Demons Pirates and publicly execute their captain, Charlotte Nura, to warn all those who want to take action against the Celestial Dragons and let them know how serious the consequences will be!"

Marshal Sengoku took a deep breath, and then continued:"Now, I will announce the latest bounty for the Hundred Demons Pirates. The bounty for the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Charlotte Nura, the Lord of the Hundred Demons, is 1.3 billion berries, regardless of life or death!"

"A fighter of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Black Flame Ibaraki Douji, with a bounty of 980 million Baileys, regardless of life or death!"

""The bounty for the One Hundred Demons Pirates fighter, Princess Youto, is 840 million Baileys, regardless of life or death!"

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