New World, on the sea.

A huge ship like a white whale sails on the sea. Many people around the world know the name of this ship...

Moby Dick, the main ship of Edward Newgate, one of the Four Emperors of the New World and known as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard. Whitebeard led his sons and created an era with this mother ship!

"Dad, there's another interesting guy on the sea!" Marco, with a pineapple-haired man, holding the news he had just received, walked quickly to the very imposing old man.

"Kulala, every era is full of outstanding newcomers. Is it the Hundred Demons Pirates? They dared to attack the Celestial Dragons, and escaped under the siege of two admirals?"Whitebeard looked at the newspaper handed to him by Marco and said with a smile,"It's great to have such courage. If you can come to the New World, you may become my son!" The son-recognizing maniac is officially online!

However, Marco looked at his father with a strange face at this time. After a moment of silence, he said:"It is really amazing to be able to escape from the hands of two admirals, and the World Government probably changed the news. Whether it is an escape or a retreat, no one can tell. In any case, this Hundred Demons Pirates is quite outstanding."

""It's just that, Dad, the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates is the man wanted by Big Mom before, that is, Big Mom's son, Charlotte Nura. If Dad were to take him in, it would cause a conflict between us and Big Mom."

Marco was a little serious when he said this. He knew his dad's character very well. He was not joking when he said that. As long as that guy named Nura came to the New World, Dad would most likely take him in as a son.

If that were the case, their Whitebeard Pirates would most likely provoke a conflict with Big Mom's Pirates, or even start a war!

"Kulala, Marco, you don’t need to worry about too many things. Who do you think I am?"

Whitebeard grinned and laughed,"I am Whitebeard!"

"That’s right, we are the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"There is no need to worry about the Big Mom Pirates. Marco, you are too cautious, hahahaha!"

Seeing the look on his sons' faces, Whitebeard grinned and drank the wine in big gulps. His body is not as bad as it was seven or eight years later. Now, he is still the real strongest man in the world.

As long as he is there, the Whitebeard Pirates don't need to be afraid of anyone, even if the opponent is one of the Four Emperors!


"Hehehe, the kid who stole the devil fruit from me, has he grown to the point where even the admiral can't catch him now?"Doflamingo held the newspaper that the news bird had just delivered and laughed continuously.

He had a deep impression of Nura. After all, it was the person who stole the devil fruit from him in the name of the Charlotte family. And no matter whether Nura had strength or not at that time, his courage was enough to show that he was extraordinary.

"Dover, do we need to catch this guy?"Diamanti couldn't help but speak up at this time.

He also had an impression of Nura, but it was not a good impression.

"Why should we help the navy deal with that guy?"

Doflamingo showed a meaningful smile, then turned his head and said to a woman with long green hair below:"Monet, I have a task for you. Go and contact Charlotte Nura and tell him that he owes me a favor, whether it's the devil fruit that he took away from the auction house in Shampoo two years ago or not long ago.……"

"At the same time, I also told him to come to the new world as soon as possible, because paradise is not suitable for people like him, hehehe……"

""Yes, young master." After Monet agreed, she withdrew directly. She would execute the young master's orders immediately.


Wan Guo, Cake Island

"Mom, the Navy Headquarters has updated some bounties. The bounties are for the fighters of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Black Flame Ibaraki Douji, 980 million Baileys; Demon Sword Princess, 840 million Baileys, and……"

""Captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Charlotte Nura, the Lord of the Hundred Demons, bounty of 1.3 billion berries!" The one who spoke was the eldest son of the Charlotte family, Perospero. He wore a top hat with many lollipops on it, had a slim figure, a long nose and tongue, and held a candy cane in his hand. He looked a little funny.

But his strength was not weak. Although he was not as strong as Katakuri, he also had a bounty of 700 million berries.

"Nura? 1.3 billion berries? Mom, mom! It seems that he hid very well when he was in the family before. Just from the bounty, he has reached the level of a dessert star."Big Mom smiled, and then said with a gloomy face.

She wanted to kill this son who betrayed the family and the kingdom.

But now it seems that this son who was once useless in the world has a higher value.

The bounty of 1.3 billion berries is enough to make him a big pirate. With such combat power, no pirate group would let him go if possible. More importantly, Nura has two fighters with a bounty of nearly 1 billion!

Maybe the bounty is because of the killing of the Celestial Dragons, but the Navy Headquarters will set such a high bounty, and Nura and his Ibaraki Douji and Youdaoji will definitely not be too bad.

""Mom, what should we do with Nura now?" Perospero looked up at Big Mom and asked slowly.

"Let Smoothie go. If Nura is willing to come back, he can be given the position of a general star. If he refuses, then I don’t need to tell you how to deal with it, right?"Big Mom grabbed the delicious cake with one hand and ate it while speaking.

Her idea was very simple. If Nura was willing to return to Bankoku, she could let bygones be bygones for what happened before. After all, it would be unreasonable for him to become one of the Four Emperors without any magnanimity.

Moreover, Nura’s return could enhance Bankoku’s strength. Compared to running away, Nura’s value is undoubtedly greater now!

But if Nura refuses, then she will never let Nura go. It’s true that the Four Emperors are magnanimous, but they are more majestic!

If her child is unwilling to work for Bankoku and herself, then what’s the point of keeping him?

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