The prosperous island is where the world's top shipbuilders gather. It is said that eight hundred years ago, a warship named"Pluto" was built by the shipbuilding technicians on the island.

Of course, people nowadays have forgotten about the ancient weapons. The reason why the world's top shipbuilders gather here is partly because of the culture and history. On the other hand, it is because here is the world's number one shipbuilder, Master Tom.

And now, Master Tom is also working hard to build the sea train.

"This place is very close to the Judicial Island. Remember to hide your identity a little bit and don’t be too conspicuous. Wait until Niu Gui and the others arrive here, and then after we build our own ship, we will set sail directly to the New World!"

Before getting off the boat, Nura said to the people around him. At this time, Ibaraki Douji and others all covered their figures with black robes. After all, the ghosts were too conspicuous compared to ordinary people. Among their group of people, the one who looked most like a normal person was Kuroda Fang.

But at this moment, Nura did not cover his figure. His long back of the head disappeared. Now he had long black hair hanging down, and the whole person was less weird than before.

This was the human form that the system rewarded him before. He can now switch between human form and monster form at will. If he appeared in human form, he would not have such a long back of the head.

Of course, when he appeared in human form, he could not use monster power and fear. Only swordsmanship and domineering could be used. Naturally, his physical fitness could not be compared with that of the monster form.

Nura in human form is far inferior to his monster form in strength.

Swordsmanship at the level of a swordsman, plus two years of practicing domineering, is at most the level of a vice admiral of the navy, and it is estimated that he is not very powerful among the vice admirals.

"Well, as long as you are not exposed, take a break. Yaodao Ji and Kuroda Fang, come with me to meet the world's number one shipbuilder. Qingtian Fang will stay here and wait for Ushiki and the others. Shouwu will rent a small boat and go out to find the pirates passing by to borrow some Bailey. You need money to build a ship. As for Ibaraki can do whatever you want. Anyway, no one here will be your opponent."

After giving the order, Nura went directly to the direction of the wreckage island, which used to be the location of Tom Shipbuilding Company. However, Master Tom was convicted because he built a pirate ship for Gol D. Roger. Therefore, the once glorious Tom Shipbuilding Company no longer exists.

Seeing Nura and the others leave, Ibaraki Douji went straight back to the cabin to sleep. Just like Nura said, no one in this place would be his opponent, and he had no interest in those human amusement places.

Instead of hanging around, it is better to sleep.

What they need to care about now is Ushiki and others. When will they arrive? Another thing is whether they will be discovered by the Navy and the World Government.

The former is relatively more important, because after the arrival of Ushiki and others, it will be difficult for the Navy Headquarters to pose a threat to them, unless the Navy Headquarters dispatches two admirals and troops at the level of the Demon Slayer Order.

Otherwise, with Ibaraki Douji, Youtouhime, Kidomaru and Ushiki, like Shabaodi, only two admirals cannot deal with the Hundred Demons Pirates.

After that, the strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates will continue to increase. As long as Nura gets enough devil fruits, more monsters can appear in this world and form their own Hundred Demons Night Parade!


All the way to the Shipwreck Island, no one noticed Nura's identity. After all, his current appearance was quite different from the one on the bounty order. As expected, hairstyle is the key to determining a person's temperament and image. With his current hairstyle, few people can recognize that he is the pirate with a bounty of 1.3 billion.

Shortly after stepping onto the Shipwreck Island, a boy with a blue hedgehog head also discovered them. Before Nura and others could get close, the boy shouted loudly:"Hey! What are you doing here?"

The moment Nura saw this boy, he knew that this guy was the future shipwright of the Straw Hat Pirates, Franky. But now Franky is just his nickname, and few people know that his real name should be Kat Fram, and his body has not been modified with machinery.


Then, a boy wearing a white turban, who was half a head taller than Franky, trotted over. Compared with Franky, he was much more polite.

This boy with a white turban was Franky's senior brother, Iceberg.

After taking a look at Nura and the others, Iceberg asked very politely:"You should not be from the Seven Water City. What's the matter with coming here? Because in the Seven Water City, generally no one would come to this place,"

"We are here to find Master Tom. Is he here now?"Nura looked at the two little guys and said softly.

Before Iceberg and Franky could answer, a fat ox-horned fishman came over. He looked at Nura, then subconsciously protected Iceberg and Franky behind him, and laughed:"Few people come here, so do you need any help? If so, then say it loud and clear!"

Nura still has great respect for the world's number one shipbuilder, whether it is the sea train he created that saved the Water City, or he was convicted after building a ship for Roger, and he has no regrets even after falling to the present point. Or, his heroic and loyal character is worthy of respect.

If possible, Nura has thought about saving the world's greatest shipbuilder two years later!

"Master Tom, I am Charlotte Nura, the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates. I came here to ask Master Tom to build the best ship in the world!"Nura directly stated his identity and purpose at this time. It didn't matter if his identity was exposed here. He believed that Tom would not betray him.

"Get out! You are not welcome here!"

Upon hearing Nura's words, Franky shouted directly:"It is because of building ships for you pirates that this place has become like this!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Franky!"

Master Tom pressed Franky's head, then looked at Nura and said seriously:

"I'm very sorry, but I need to use all my time to complete the sea train, so I really can't help you build a big ship. There are many famous shipbuilders in the Seven Waters City, and I think you can go to them for help."

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