On a pirate ship heading to the Seven Waters, all the pirates were sailing with fear, mainly because behind them, there was a handsome boy sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, staring at him intently.

There was no doubt that this pirate ship was robbed by Shou Wu!

"Captain, you think he won't do anything to us, right?" The helmsman asked softly to the fierce-looking burly man beside him.

"God knows what he is thinking, but we have already given him the money, and he also said that he will let us go as long as we reach the Seven Water Capitals, so there shouldn't be any problem."The burly man, the captain of this pirate group, turned his head carefully to look at Shumu, then trembled all over and looked ahead obediently.

He was just a small pirate with a bounty of more than 40 million, how could he provoke a guy like Shumu with a bounty of 120 million!

That's right, after the Navy Headquarters updated the bounties on Nura, Ibaraki Douji and Youdaoji, it immediately issued a bounty order for Shumu, Kurodabo and Aodabo.

Although these three people are not as strong as Ibaraki Douji and Youdaoji, they are by no means weak. The bounties of the three are all in the hundreds of millions. In the first half of this Grand Line, they can be called big pirates! After all, when Luffy goes to sea later, people with bounties of hundreds of millions can be called supernovas.

"Forget it, let's not resist. If we make Lord Shuwu unhappy, we will all die. Think about the bounty of the navy. God knows what kind of person Changzhou Xianshashi is!"Originally, the second-in-command of the pirate group said worriedly at this time. It seems that their pirate group can survive in the first half, but it is really not enough when encountering those serious strong men.

If Shuwu is just a single person with a bounty of 120 million, they may still have some ideas, but the fact is that Shuwu is a member of the Hundred Demons Pirates, which is a large pirate group with a total bounty of more than 3 billion Baileys. Even in the New World, it is definitely not weak.

How can they afford to provoke them?

Even if they have the ability to kill Shuwu, will Ibaraki Douji and the others come to ask for an explanation?


Let's just drive the boat honestly.

""That captain... No, Lord Shouwu, we found a special ship ahead, with a flag but it doesn't look like a pirate group!" At this moment, the helmsman suddenly shouted.

On this sea, reporting immediately after seeing other ships is the most basic personal accomplishment for a helmsman.

"No need to pay attention, just sail over. If the other party wants to cause trouble, I can……"

Shou Wu raised his head and looked forward, he was stunned before he could finish his words, because on the flag flying on the ship in front of him, a big word"fear" caught his eye. In this world, pirates all use skull and crossbones flags, and the only ones who use the word"fear" as their symbol are the former Nura Group and the current...

Hundred Demons Pirates!

"Follow immediately and get close to that ship!"After seeing the flag with the word fear clearly, Shou Wu gave an order without hesitation.

If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the Niu Gui and his men who are coming!


"Lord Gyu-gui, there are other ships approaching us. Judging from the flags, they should be the Winged Feather Pirates. Captain Krauser has a bounty of 45 million Baileys. Vice Captain Rossman has a bounty of 38 million Baileys."A man with a long sword immediately said respectfully to the Gyu-gui on the deck.

In addition to Gyu-gui and his companions, there were five ordinary humans on the ship. They all followed them from Magnetic Drum Island. In the past two years, these five people were also members of the Gyu-gui Group established by Gyu-gui on Magnetic Drum Island. Five of them were determined to follow the Hundred Demons Pirates, so they went out to sea together.

"The Winged Pirates? Kidomaru, you……"Ushiki turned his head and looked at Kidomaru who was lying on the deck in the sun, bored to death. He was going to let him deal with this matter.

But before he could finish his words, Kidomaru turned over and said in a lazy voice:"No, no, there is no point in fighting with a bounty of more than 40 million. If there are pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, ask me to fight." It is true that he likes fighting, but not all cats and dogs are qualified for him to fight. He really has no interest in those with a bounty of tens of millions.

So far, the only person who allowed him to experience a little bit of the fun of fighting was Charlotte Owen, whom he met on the way out of the New World two years ago!

Most of the opponents he met after that were solved by him with one move, so now, he has no interest in those weak ones.

If it weren't for Nura's prohibition of internal fighting among the Hundred Demons, he would probably have to find Ushiki to have a good fight. After all, as of now, only Ushiki's power is enough to fight him.

"In this case……"Niu Gui turned around and said,"Mao Changji, I'll leave that pirate group to you. Bingli's eyes are full of the general commander now. It's obviously impossible for her to fight now." As soon as he finished speaking, a figure carrying a large bag jumped from the ship about a hundred meters away and landed steadily on the deck. Then he raised his head, grinned, and said,"I knew it was you. No one except us will use the flag with the word fear on the sea."


At a glance, everyone recognized the figure that came as scheduled.

Then, Bingli rushed to Shouwu in an instant, grabbed Shouwu's shoulders with both hands, and shook him quickly:"Why are you here alone? Where is the general admiral? Where is the general admiral!"

Shouwu was dizzy from Bingli's shaking, and hurriedly said:"Don't shake it, don't shake it, my head will fall off if you shake it again. The general admiral and his men are in the Seven Water Capital. I came out to make some money. After all, the general admiral is going to build a ship that can allow us, the Hundred Demons, to sail around the world!"

Hearing this, Bingli breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Nura was okay, she could be more relieved.

But the moment she let go, Shouwu's head just fell off and rolled all the way in front of a young man from the Ushio-gumi. Shouwu's face changed slightly, and then he said embarrassedly:"Well, I said this was an illusion, do you believe it?"

Believe it, that's weird!

In an instant, several ordinary people on the boat rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground.

Although they have known each other for two years, they have never seen Shou Wu lose his head!

Seeing such a scene, Niu Gui's face was also quite helpless. After a moment of silence, he raised his head and looked towards the Seven Water City, and said in a deep voice:"We, the hundred ghosts, finally have a beginning!"

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