
The moment Bingli got off the boat, she threw herself into Nura's words, and then her head began to rub like crazy. It must be said that in her heart, the Hundred Demons and the Pirate Group were far less important than Nura.

"Uh... okay, okay, nothing happened to me……"Nura stroked Bingli's little head and said with a faint smile.

Suddenly, Bingli raised her head and stared at Nura with her big eyes, which made Nura feel a little cold on his back.

This little look was like looking at a husband who went out for a drink secretly at night.

"Nothing happened, but! You are not allowed to sneak away without telling me again, understand? General!"Bingli's eyes, and the chill emanating from her body, suddenly made Nura's mouth twitch slightly.

"Okay, I understand. I will never run away without telling you again.……"

Nura nodded and agreed, then added in his heart:"Next time I will leave a letter, which should be considered as a quick notice before running away, so maybe there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

At this moment, Niu Gui came over and pushed Bingli away, then looked at Nura with a serious face and said seriously:"So, what should we do next, General? To be honest, from what I see, we, the Hundred Ghosts, still need a place to settle down, and we can't drift on the sea like other pirates."

This suggestion is still very pertinent. They are different from ordinary pirates. To be precise, they are not actually pirates. Although they are monsters, they don't do anything to harm ordinary people.

When they were in the Nura Group before, they were even more like a hero or a knight-errant type of organization.

And even for normal pirates, the big pirates in the New World have their own trump cards, don't they? Only with your own trump cards can you have long-term development.

"We do need a trump card, but Drum Island is no longer suitable for us. We have to go to the New World to seize a trump card. Although the four emperors are the most powerful in the New World today, there are still some islands that can be occupied by us. When we arrive in the New World, we will choose an island and then let the New World know the name of the Hundred Demons!"

Nura smiled. He had already made a decision in his heart. The New World must be the one that is truly suitable for their development.

Because there, the power of the Navy and the World Government has been weakened to the extreme. It is a world of pirates, or in other words, a world of free people.

"Since the general commander has already made a plan, I will not say more. However, when we arrive in the New World, please let me lead the way!"

Niu Gui was also quite bored on Magnetic Drum Island. Apart from occasionally going out to catch pirates who wanted to invade Magnetic Drum Island, there was nothing else to do. Although he did not like fighting as much as Kidomaru, he had not fought for too long, and his bones would rust, right?

"Hey, you want to steal my chance to fight?" Kidomaru stood up immediately. He felt that Niugui wanted to steal my job.

"Stop kidding, if we really meet a strong one, I should be the first one to go!"Ibaraki Douji said he was not convinced, but he was the strongest among the Hundred Demons.

As for Yaodao Ji, when she was not in combat, she was still very quiet. At least in her mind now, combat was not something worth caring about or fighting for.

"No need to argue, you will have to fight in the New World, there are too many pirates with bounties of over 100 million, and on the way there, the navy will never watch us go forward."Nura immediately stopped the fight among the crowd, but that was the fact, there would be dangers along the way.

And it is estimated that it is not just the Navy Headquarters that is eyeing them, after all, they have offended the Celestial Dragons, even during this time in the Seven Water Capital, Nura also felt that someone was watching him and others. It

's just that the person watching was very far away, and even he couldn't judge the specific situation for a while.

However, the most likely person who can appear in this Seven Water Capital and care about them, the Hundred Demons, is the CP organization under the World Government.

"As long as there is fighting worthy of my enjoyment, it's fine. By the way, next time there is something good, remember to take me with you, General. The battle of the Sabaody Archipelago, even watching the news makes me feel excited. What kind of combat power is the admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"What

Kidomaru cares about most is fighting. In fact, when it comes to fighting and killing, he is probably the purest monster.

""General, these are the devil fruits we got from the previous trade. There are five devil fruits in total, and there are 1.7 billion Baileys stored on the ship, of which 1.5 billion are used to build the ship, which means we still have 200 million Baileys left."

Niu Gui also told Nura in detail about their current wealth status. In fact, their financial situation is already very good. Although half of the bonuses among the 1.7 billion Baileys are the fruits of Shouwu's labor during this period, the rest are the wealth they have accumulated in the Drum Kingdom in the past two years.

Of course, in these two years, the wealth they have created is far more than this, but they did not take it all into their own pockets like other pirates. After two years of rule, the biggest beneficiaries should be the subjects of the Drum Kingdom. This is why when they leave, there will be people from the original Drum Island following them.

"Five devil fruits? That's a pretty good harvest.……"

As he said this, Nura took a step forward and prepared to walk towards the cabin. He had to hurry up to replenish his fighting power. If the current Hundred Demons faced a full-scale deployment of the Navy Headquarters, they would almost certainly die.

"Be careful in the Seven Water Cities during this period. Although I am not sure, the World Government probably has agents here. It doesn't matter if they target you. The main concern is the people they will attract, whether it is the navy or others.……"

After saying that, Nura walked directly into the cabin.

Hearing his words, Ushiki and the others frowned slightly, only Kidomaru showed an unusual smile on his face, and said in a cold voice:

"In other words, maybe someone will come to fight me? Hahaha, if that's true, that would be great, I'll wait here for them to come, no matter if it's the Navy Headquarters or the World Government, as long as I can enjoy myself!"

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