"Where on earth did these guys come from? They were clearly unknown before, and they are only in the first half of the pirate group. How could they have so many high-end combat forces?"

Dalmessia couldn't help but curse in a low voice at this time. He originally thought that even with the pressure from the Celestial Dragons, it was a bit excessive to dispatch so many combat forces. But now after fighting with Qingtianfang, he knew that it was a wise choice for Marshal Sengoku to dispatch such combat forces!

Not to mention the monsters who were fighting with the generals, just the monk in front of him who looked hideous and strong, his terrifying power was already at the level of their lieutenant generals, and even gave people the feeling that he was a giant lieutenant general.

And he could also see during the battle that none of his colleagues could be said to have the upper hand. The one who used the rope, and the one who hid countless weapons, and the one who used the wind and snow...

Each of them was extremely powerful, and the weird ability, as mentioned before, the Hundred Demons Pirates collected a lot of devil fruits. It seems that these weird abilities were obtained from the devil fruits.

It must be said that Dalmessia thought well. The appearance of Kurodafang and others was indeed related to the devil fruit, but they did not eat the fruit. It was just that Nurarihyon absorbed the energy of the devil fruit and summoned them.

"Pay attention when fighting... don't be distracted!"

Suddenly, Qingtianfang's beast beads were all scattered, and terrifying power and demonic power surged crazily at this moment. The next moment, his fist smashed directly towards Dalmesia.


A punch landed, like a meteorite falling to the ground, with a deafening sound. Even the ice surface within a radius of more than ten meters was shattered by this punch. The power of Qingtianfang, which was fully exploded, would definitely not be weaker than those giants, and it would even be stronger!

Dalmesia, who was hit head-on by this punch, spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. He stabilized his body after being dozens of meters away, and then looked at Qingtianfang with a serious face.

If he hadn't used the iron block to defend himself in time against the terrifying strange force just now, he would have fallen down.

But even with the iron block, he felt that one of his ribs was broken, but breaking a rib was not a big deal for him. It was just a minor injury, and it would not affect the battle much.

But it was not so easy to defeat this guy with terrifying brute force in front of him. Even when he was not injured, he felt that the odds between him and Qing Tianfang were about 50-50.

These guys in the Hundred Demons Pirates were probably as strong as the captains of the Four Emperors Pirates, such as the Great Whirlpool Spider and the Ice Witch under Whitebeard.

Those were the great pirates who were famous in the New World!

And if it weren't for the Shampoodi incident, the Navy Headquarters would not have known that there was such a terrifying pirate group in the first half of the Grand Line.


"I am responsible for justice, how could I be defeated by a pirate like you!"

After a roar, Dalmesia turned into a shadow and headed towards Qingtianfang. As a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, how could he lose to these damn pirates. Behind him, there was a group of navy soldiers watching, looking at the vice admiral they admired every day!

"Well, it is an admirable belief, but it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of our Hundred Demons and the general commander!"

Qing Tianfang was like a fierce King Kong at this moment, with a ferocious face, and walked directly towards Dalmesia.

The other party was carrying the justice of the navy, so how could he not carry the honor of the Hundred Demons?

On the pirate ship not far behind him, the flag with the word"fear" fluttering was the belief of the Hundred Demons and the former Nura Group!

Therefore, he also had a reason not to fail!


On another battlefield, Taotu was alert all around, because she didn't know when Nura would suddenly attack.

After grabbing Nura's wrist just now and fighting with him for more than ten rounds, a special flame suddenly appeared, forcing her to let go.

Just letting go for a moment, Nura once again entered the state of mirror flowers and water moon, so she had to keep her mind highly concentrated at all times, only in this way could she react at the moment the opponent attacked.

While being alert, Taotu couldn't help but curse in her heart, of course, she cursed Nura.

The ability of mirror flowers and water moon is really disgusting.

However, at this time, Nura was not in a hurry to attack. His eyes were on several other battlefields, watching the battles between the three generals and Ibaraki Douji, Yaodaoji and Kidomaru. Looking at the Ushiki, Kurodafang, Qingtianfang, Bingli... the hundreds of ghosts under his command were fighting very anxiously at the moment, and only he and the Ushiki were relatively relaxed.

Because of his own ability, although Momosagi is very strong, he can't catch his physical body, and he doesn't have a super-wide attack, so he has no way to deal with Nura. Moreover, Nura, who has revealed a flaw before, will not attack at will. He is very careful every time he attacks, facing the possibility of being caught by Momosagi again. It is still very troublesome to really fight this candidate in close combat.

"What, you don't plan to attack anymore? If you plan to continue the stalemate, it would be better to surrender. Although your companions are very powerful, they are not inferior even to the generals.……"

Taotu looked at Nura who didn't move at all and said coldly,"But you should know that it's only temporary.���We are no match for the general, and defeat is inevitable. Even now, your three companions are injured. You will not have any other ending except being arrested and executed."

Nura turned his head and looked back at Momosaki, then smiled and said,"As far as the current situation is concerned, we are indeed at a disadvantage, but the defeat you mentioned is impossible. Until now, have you seen any fear in any of our eyes?"

Hearing this, Momosaki was suddenly startled, and some uneasiness emerged in her heart. Then she rushed out quickly, swung her sword and slashed at Nura.

Although she didn't know what Nura meant, as long as she could stop him, it would be fine!

Unfortunately, his slash could not stop Nura from doing anything, because she was still attacking the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water...

At this moment, a ball of green light suddenly flew quickly from the direction of the Ship of Fear, and Nura slowly said:"Because they believe that no matter what injuries they suffer, nothing will happen. With me here, the hundreds of demons will not have any casualties... So, the undead have nothing to fear!"

"Ghostly entanglement, the grass is evergreen!"

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