In an instant, the green light, which was actually Yingcao, turned directly into a white and green robe and draped over Nura's body. A strong vitality emanated from Nura's body, and the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand also glowed like green grass.

In addition, his sadness showed the pattern of Yingcao, which represented the ghost entanglement between him and Yingcao, and also proved that Yingcao was one of the hundred ghosts under his command.

The aura exuded by Nura at this moment was completely different from the weird feeling before. He seemed to be a doctor who saved the world and gave people a feeling of immortality.

Seeing such a change in Nura, Taotu also stayed where she was, but she was still alert. Although Nura looked approachable at the moment, she would not forget that the guy in front of her was a big pirate with a bounty of over 1 billion!

Suddenly, Nura raised the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand high, and the green light instantly spread in all directions. Kidomaru and others who were originally injured were in this light.���Under the illumination, he instantly recovered more than 80%, and his attack instantly became more fierce.

Feeling the change in his opponent, Akainu's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help shouting:"Momosaki, stop that guy. If he continues to heal these people, the battle will become endless!"

Hearing Akainu's shout, Momosaki also reacted immediately. She never thought that Nura actually had this kind of healing ability. Can the devil fruit provide people with multiple abilities?

As for the situation of taking two devil fruits, Momosaki didn't even think about it, because the idiots who dared to do so had already lost their lives due to the conflict of the devil fruit power.

"It's too late to stop it now, because I intend to end this battle. Continuing to tangle with you here will only cause more trouble."

While speaking, Yingcao separated and hid timidly behind Nura. After all, she had no ability to fight head-on, and she was a little timid.


At this moment, Nura shouted, although the voice was not loud, it was very clear to Bingli's ears.

""General, I'm here!" Upon hearing the shout, Bingli immediately left her opponent behind and ran towards Nura. For her, nothing was more important than Nura.

While she was running, she turned into a shadow and appeared in front of Nura.

Then, Nura put on a scarf of the same style as Bingli's around his neck, and added the same pattern as on Bingli's kimono under his outer robe. At the same time, ice and snow patterns appeared on his back, and extremely cold ice and snow were attached to Mimi Kirimaru.

Ghost entanglement, red plum blossom under the snow!

The ghost entanglement between Nura and Bingli, after the combination of the two, has greatly improved the former's strength. Now Nura definitely has the strength to compete with the admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

"The ability has changed again. What kind of fruit is this guy?"Momotogi felt very difficult at this time. Nura's ability changed several times in a row, making her doubt whether this guy in front of her really ate two fruits. At the moment when Momotogi was dazed, Nura had already appeared directly behind her, and the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand was dancing lightly. The extremely cold ice and snow froze her legs.

"So, the first person to be dealt with is……"

As he said that, Nura set his sights on Akainu, and then walked over. The ice and snow brought to him by Yukishita Hongmei and the lava of Akainu could be said to be mutually restraining forces. Just like Aokiji and Akainu, there is actually no difference in the strength of their fruit abilities, it just depends on who is stronger.

"Don’t even think about it!"

Momotobu attached the armed Haki to her legs, intending to shake off the ice and snow to stop Nura, when countless hairs swept over and directly bound Momotobu’s limbs.

A mature woman with long wavy hair was standing in front of Yingcao at this moment, holding a double folding fan in her hands, looking at Momotobu with a smile, and whispered:"I can't let you disturb the general.

" Momotobu originally wanted to use brute force to break free from the restraints of these hairs, but suddenly found that these seemingly weak hairs were actually very tough and difficult to tear apart.

You know, the hair of a prostitute is difficult to cut even with a sword. It is not an easy task to break free from her restraints by brute force alone.


"Hey, General, I already knew you were going to intervene, but why did you come to me first? Don't you believe I can get rid of this red dog?"

Seeing Nura approaching him, Ibaraki Douji's face instantly showed displeasure. He was the strongest among the Hundred Demons present, and even if help was needed, it shouldn't start with him.

Moreover, it was just to fight a red dog, did he, Ibaraki Douji, need help from others?

"You've been playing for too long. It's no good for us to continue the stalemate."

Nura ignored Ibaraki Douji's dissatisfaction and said with a serious face:"Don't forget, there are agents of the World Government in the Seven Waters. The battle here may have been spread by them. If we continue to entangle with these navy, we will face their reinforcements. With the current combat power of the Hundred Ghosts, it is already very difficult to deal with the navy in front of us. If reinforcements come, we will have no chance of winning."

He would not be so arrogant as to think that he was invincible.

The three admirals of the navy were still very strong.

Just as Momosaki said, if they continued to fight, it would only be a matter of time before Ibaraki Douji and his men were defeated.

Therefore, he had to intervene in the battle between Ibaraki Douji and his men.

The reason why he chose to deal with Akainu first was, firstly, because of the ice and snow ability brought by his own Yukinoshita Koume, which was targeted at Akainu to some extent.

Secondly, it was because Ibaraki Douji was indeed the strongest of the hundred demons under his command at this stage. It was also because of Ibaraki Douji's strong strength, together with Nura, that the two of them could get rid of Akainu in the shortest time.

As long as one of the three admirals was eliminated, they could support the other two, and things would become very simple.

""You are just a pirate. Do you think you can defeat me with just one more person? You bastard, don't underestimate the admiral of the navy!"

At this moment, Akainu roared angrily, and his arm turned into magma, and he blasted directly at Nura.

When the magma fist was about to fall, the Mimi Kirimaru in Nura's hand started to move, and countless snowflakes flew around his body...

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