New World, Hundred Demons Island.

In fact, this island was not called this name before, but after Nura and his Hundred Demons Pirates arrived here three days ago, they easily got rid of the people who originally occupied the island, and then changed its name to this name.

This island is also the first island they decided to take after careful selection. The reason why they chose this island is because it has development potential. This Hundred Demons Island is rich in special scented powder, which is very popular among women. It is by selling cosmetics made from these scented powders that the islanders can live very well.

Otherwise, it is said that the money of women and children is the easiest to make?

The scented powder cosmetics here are sold outside. Although the price is high, there will still be a group of people scrambling for them, especially some noble women, who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy them.

With such an economic source, the Hundred Demons Pirates can also develop better. Although for Nura, the best way to develop the Hundred Demons Pirates is to collect more devil fruits. But to collect the devil fruit, Bailey is indispensable.

During these three days, Nura built a mansion on a mountain in the island of 100 demons. This mansion was exactly the same as the mansion of the Nura clan in the Nura world.

In this mansion, Nura sat cross-legged, with the Mimi Kirimaru on his knees, meditating on the way of the sword.

There was a specific rhythm between each breath. What he wanted to comprehend was the breathing of all things, which was the realm of cutting through steel that Zoro had comprehended when he was in Alabasta. Although his swordsmanship was not bad, his realm was a little bit behind.

"General, there is a woman named Monet who wants to see you."

At this time, Kuroda Fang's voice came from outside the room.

After the nine groups were divided, Kuroda Fang was included in the Ushiki Group, but Ushiki arranged him as Nura's bodyguard. In addition to Kuroda Fang, Youdao Ji also turned Bingli from her group into Nura's bodyguard. I don't know if the latter was Bingli's own request.


Nura slowly opened his eyes, with a little doubt on his face, and asked slowly:"Is it a woman with green hair?"

"Yes, her hair is indeed green. Kuroda Fang answered without hesitation.

"Doflamingo's men came to see me, what could it be?" Nura thought for a while, then stood up,"Take her to the study, I'll be there soon, no matter what she came for, we have to meet her. You know, Doflamingo is a smart man, and we owe him a favor."

"Got it, I'll do it right away." Kuroda Fang nodded and turned to look for Monet.


Soon, Monet was taken to the study to wait. She looked very calm, as if she didn't care about anything, and she wasn't worried about her current situation at all.

You know, she is now in the heart of the Hundred Demons Pirates, Nura's residence.

With the current strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates, even if they kill her here, Doflamingo can't do anything, because the fist of that Tenyasha is not as big as the fist of the Hundred Demons Pirates!

"Monet, Doflamingo's capable subordinate, the user of the Nature-type Snow-Snow Fruit."

After a while, Nura walked into the study and said lightly:"Your news is really fast. I have only been in the New World for three days and you have come here. In other words, you had news about me almost on the first day I arrived in the New World?"

Monet turned her head and looked at Nura who came in. Nura is now in human form, so he is a little different from the one on the wanted poster, mainly because his head is not that long.

After looking at Nura for a while, she replied:"The intelligence personnel in the dark world are very good. Even in the doldrums, the news bird can deliver newspapers to you, right?"

Hearing this, Nura also reacted. The news bird of Morgans, the birdman, can almost be said to be everywhere, otherwise he would not be able to collect so much news.

If the news bird discovered his trace, it would not be surprising that Doflamingo, as the middleman of the dark world, knew his whereabouts at the first time.

"Well, what does Doflamingo want you to do? If he wants to get back at what happened two years ago, I will accompany him to the end!"

Nura said in a show of power. He is not one of those little pirates. Doflamingo's title of Shichibukai cannot scare him.

"It was just a small matter two years ago. Just a few hundred million berries are our Don Quixote family's gift to the Lord of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons."

Monet's expression did not change at all because of Nura's words. She looked at Nura and said with a smile:"The young master asked me to come here mainly to tell Captain Nura two things. First, you owe us a favor for the previous matter. Second, if you still need a devil fruit, the Don Quixote family can provide some help."

It's true that someone brought a pillow when you were sleepy. Nura was trying to get a devil fruit, and Doflamingo asked Monet to come.

As for the favor mentioned by the other party, that's what the other party said. If necessary, Nura can give Tenyasha a face and return him a favor. If it is not necessary, the favor is just there to give the other party another excuse.

"So, Doflamingo is planning to cooperate with me? That's interesting.……"

Nura didn't have any intention of beating around the bush and said directly:"To tell you the truth, I do need a lot of devil fruits. I can also choose to cooperate with Doflamingo, but doesn't he worry about offending Wan Guo? Don't forget, I am a traitor to Wan Guo, and this Hundred Demons Island is not far from Wan Guo. Maybe in a few days, I will fall under the sharp blade of the Big Mom Pirates."

"It's just a cooperation. Even Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, will not vent her anger on our Don Quixote family because of such a small matter. Secondly, how could the Hundred Demons Pirates, who can fight against the three admirals and the troops of the Demon Slayer Order, fall easily to the hands of Big Mom's Pirates?"

Monet smiled, and when she said this, she seemed to be more confident than Nura.

After a long silence, Nura made a decision and said to Monet:"Of course there is no problem with cooperation. I will not give you a penny less of the Bailey that should be given. But since we want to cooperate, there must be some sincerity. You go back and ask Doflamingo to send nine devil fruits first. If he agrees, then we will cooperate well.……"

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