Monet left. She would bring Nura's words to Doflamingo. As for what the final result would be, it would depend on what decision that Tenyasha made.

If it was two years ago, Nura would not have the qualifications to negotiate with Tenyasha, but it is different now. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates is far better than that of the Don Quixote family!

Nura is very much in need of devil fruits. If Doflamingo agrees to the conditions he just proposed, then he can indeed reach an alliance with the other party. Without saying too much, once the alliance is reached, Nura will lend a helping hand to Doflamingo if he does not betray the alliance.

Even if he meets the protagonist group in the future, Nura will not sit idly by.

Maybe Doflamingo is not a good person, but what does this have to do with Nura?

He is not a compassionate saint who sympathizes with the world. Those things in Dressrosa have nothing to do with him. On the contrary, he thinks Doflamingo is a hero he recognizes.

"Doflamingo has found me, so are the navy furious now? But it doesn't matter, I'm happy that they are angry." Nura sat in his mansion, watching the fish swimming in the small pond, and said with a smile.

The fact is just as he said, the navy is indeed furious, especially Marshal Sengoku and Akainu, both want to smash the table. The latter has already smashed the table in his office.

After all, they waited for so long in the Sabaody Archipelago, setting up a dragnet, but in the end they waited in vain...

Whoever falls into this situation will be depressed.

"General, someone has come to visit again, and this time the person claims to be your sister." Kuroda Fang walked slowly to a place not far behind Nura, and then reported,"Bingli is trying to please that person, and has even called her sister.……"

When Nura heard the first sentence, he knew that it was someone from the Charlotte family, and was about to get up and go to the tea room to greet this person who was related to him by blood.

Then he heard the second sentence...

Bingli called her sister? Don't move too fast, okay!

"Take her to the tea room. I will wait here. After all, we were once relatives, so we can't be too distant. But her coming this time is not just a good thing.……"

Nura stood up and said to Kurodabo in front of him:"After bringing her to the tea room, go and tell Ushio, Youdaohime, Ibaraki Douji and Lord Arakawa to be ready to fight at any time. The opponent's strength will never be weaker than the navy fleet we encountered before. It may even be... stronger!"

In an instant, Kurodabo's face became solemn. The navy fleet encountered in the Seven Water Capital was already very strong. If it weren't for the appearance of Lord Arakawa at the end, and the battlefield was on the sea, they would have a great chance of being defeated.

But now, their own general commander actually said that they might face an enemy that is more powerful than the navy outside the Seven Water Capital at that time!

""Yes, General!" After answering, Kuroda Fang turned around immediately. He was very efficient in doing things. As long as it was Nura's order, he would execute it at the first time.

The reason why he had to rule over Ushiki, Youdaohime, Ibaraki Douji and Arakawa Lord was because of the four of them... or a demon, the leader of the Hundred Demons Pirates, and the acting leader is also the leader, right?

After Kuroda Fang left, Nura's eyes became a lot more solemn, and he said to himself in a deep voice:"So, it's a woman who came, it should be Smoothie, right? After all, with my current strength, the old woman will also let the corresponding general come."

After talking to himself, he walked directly towards the tea room. He also wanted to see what the old woman wanted to do.

Now their Hundred Demons Island is not far from Wan Guo, and going to war is not what Nura wants to happen.

He knows very well that there will be a big battle between him and the Charlotte family and the old woman, but it is definitely not now! It's a bit too early to confront Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors!


Not long after, Kurodabo brought Charlotte Smoothie to the tea room.

She was very tall, much taller than an ordinary person, wearing a hat and a scarf, with white hair that reached her legs. She wore gloves on both hands, had long-legged tribe tattoos on her legs, carried a long sword with a spiral scabbard behind her, and wore a pair of pink patterned boots. It must be said that among Big Mom's group of ugly daughters, Smoothie was a real beauty, but her figure was a little too tall.

With her figure, Nura's tea room seemed a little small

""It's been a long time since we last met, Sister Smoothie, sit down and have some tea!" Although Nura's tone was gentle, he naturally had a kingly feeling. Even when facing Charlotte Smoothie, he was a little condescending.

In addition, he was seeing Smoothie in his own monster form at the moment. After all, this appearance was what he looked like when he was in the Charlotte family.

However, Smoothie didn't care much about this. Perhaps, in her eyes, no matter how Nura grew up, he was just her younger brother.

When Nura hadn't escaped from the Charlotte family, Smoothie was one of the people who treated him better, at least she didn't bully Nura like other people.

Moreover, as the fourteenth daughter of the Four Emperors Big Mom, Smoothie was not much different from Nura in age, and was only a few years older than Nura.

After sitting down in this tea room, Smoothie's pair of long legs obviously had nowhere to put. This was the innate advantage of the long-legged family, and most people envied it.

But to be honest, her legs were too long, too long!

"It's been a long time since we last met. The last time we met was two years ago. To be honest, when Owen brought back the news that you had escaped from the family, many of us couldn't believe it, because you didn't have that kind of strength and courage before."

Smoothie finally found a comfortable sitting position, then raised his head, looked at Nura and said slowly:"No one would have thought that in just two years you have grown to your current level, and even the three admirals of the navy can't catch you. Although most of the news is the credit of your subordinates, your own strength should not be weaker than our dessert star... I guess it's just a little worse than Katakuri." Nura

's current strength is definitely at the level of a dessert star, or even stronger, but if he faces Katakuri, he himself is not sure of winning.

Because Katakuri's top observation Haki is more restrained from his Nura's ability.

Nura smiled, then drank the tea in the cup, and made a slight sound when he put it down, and then spoke:

"Let's put aside the reminiscence for now. I will treat Sister Smoothie to a good feast later. Now let's talk about business! Four Emperors, what does Big Mom want you to do here?"

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