Smoothie would never come to him for no reason, because he was no longer a member of the Charlotte family. If Smoothie came as an individual, he might be punished by the old woman, which Nura knew very well. After all, he had lived in Wano Country for so many years and was very familiar with the Charlotte family. It was a family with almost no family affection.

As for the people in that family, the only ones he could remember and treated him a little better were Katakuri, Smoothie, Snarmon, and Pudding. In total, there were less than ten people.

Therefore, it must be Big Mom's decision for Smoothie to come here. The old woman had already set her sights on him!

After a moment of silence, Smoothie slowly spoke:"Mom wants you to go back. She said that as long as you are willing to return to the family, she will forgive everything that happened before, and she can also give you the position of Dessert Star. Now all the pirates under your command are under your management."

This condition is not bad. The Dessert Star is second only to Big Mom herself in the Big Mom Pirates, not to mention that it allows Nura to manage the pirates under his command.

Unfortunately, this condition has no appeal to Nura. Let him return to the old woman's command and work like a slave for her?

What a joke!

"Sister Smoothie, do you think this is possible?"

Nura smiled, and he smiled slightly while speaking, as charming as usual:"By the way, what did Morgans call me in the news some time ago? The fifth emperor, right? The four emperors of the New World have already ruled the second half of the Grand Line. If the fifth emperor appears, how will the world change?"

Hearing this, Smoothie's face changed instantly, and her expression became serious:"You should know that you are not your mother's opponent, and the Hundred Demons Pirates will not be our opponent. This is not a wise choice, Nura……"

She doesn't want to be an enemy of her loved ones, but if it is unavoidable, she will choose to fight as a dessert for the Big Mom Pirates.

"At the beginning, the navy also thought that I could not be their opponent, but the final result was somewhat different. I can't say that I defeated the three admirals, but at least the three admirals couldn't do anything to me, right?"

Nura stood up and walked to Smoothie's side. Looking at her sister, she said slowly:"The same reason, I'm not sure if I can be a match for Big Mom, and I may not even be able to beat Katakuri. But I finally escaped from that place, how can I go back so easily? To be honest, Sister Smoothie...……"

"Before I have the ability to completely change Banko and the Charlotte family, I will not go back to that place that is not much different from hell!"

That's right. In Nura's eyes, although Banko now looks prosperous and there are delicious foods everywhere, it is actually no different from hell, because everyone there has to fear one person... the

Four Emperors!

Charlotte Linlin!

A family maintained by blood ties, but without real family affection.

Before going out to sea, Nura told Katakuri that he would change the Charlotte family, but not now.

Because as Smoothie said, he and the Hundred Demons under his command are not Big Mom's opponents. That hateful steel balloon, Nura probably can't even break the defense now, let alone defeat it.

If it were on the sea, with the strength of Lord Arakawa, he should be able to fight, but Big Mom's family Guys, while keeping your sanity, you can use Thundercloud Zeus to avoid the wrath of the sea.

All these reasons together lead to a conclusion...

Now is not the time to go to war with the Big Mom Pirates!

Smoothie also stood up at this time. She looked at her brother. For the first time, she felt that the person in front of her named Charlotte Nura was so strange.

In the past for such a long time, she never knew that Nura had such a side.

To be precise, no one knew it at all. In the eyes of the Charlotte family, Nura used to be a timid waste who would not resist if bullied, instead of being like now, he has begun to show the aura of a king.

"Since the news of your defection spread to Wan Guo, Katakuri-kun has mentioned you in front of mom from time to time. If it weren't for his help, you wouldn't have had these two years to develop."

After saying this, Smoothie put an invitation on the tea table in front of him, and then stood up and prepared to leave:"I have brought mom's matter, and the decision is up to you. There will be mom's tea party in a month, and you can make your final decision then."

""Why don't you stay for dinner?" Nura said with a smile.

He had no aversion to his sister Smoothie. Although Smoothie was a cold-blooded person in public, she was still a big sister in the family.

"No, if you want to eat, wait until the tea party. I hope we can have a good meal then." After saying this, Smoothie left directly.

Nura stood there, smiled and shook his head, then was stunned again, and muttered to himself in a depressed manner:"I, Nura, seem to be a little incompetent. I actually invited people to dinner? To be honest, Nura seems to be going to other people's homes to eat for free!"

"Since you want to eat for free, then you can go to the tea party in a month, just in time to face the so-called Four Emperors!"Instantly, a cold light flashed in Nura's eyes.

He did plan to go to the tea party, but he was not going to answer the Charlotte family, but to see the old woman.

Moreover, he did not plan to go alone. If things went well in this month, he would have a night parade of a hundred demons in Wan Guo.

He did not come to the New World to recuperate, especially since the Hundred Demons Island was so close to Wan Guo. If he did not show his fangs, he might become a bully in the eyes of others.

Originally, Nura planned to find some big pirates in the New World to establish his prestige, and at the same time, he could see if he could snatch some devil fruits and Bailey from those big pirates. But now that one of the Four Emperors came to his door, he did not need to find other big pirates.

What would be more direct than confronting one of the Four Emperors?

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