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Hundred Demons Island, Nura's Residence

"The Navy has raised the bounty for Shuten-douji so high. Is it trying to cause internal strife among us? Haha, they probably never thought that my Hundred Demons would never have internal strife."

Nura looked at the latest bounty amount and chuckled to himself.

His Hundred Demons are all summoned by the system. All of them, including the one who refused to leave Hanami Fumiyuka, will never have any problems with their loyalty to him.

And Nura himself doesn't care about the Hundred Demons under his command, such as whether the bounty is higher than his own. He is the general commander who controls the Hundred Demons, not the kind of warrior who charges head-on. What's wrong with a lower bounty? Anyway, he doesn't care about such details. What they really need to worry about now is Big Mom's movements. That old woman has never been the type to give up. As for other forces in the New World, there are no special movements.

After all, in the current situation, ordinary forces dare not provoke their Hundred Demons Pirate Group because they are strong enough

""Kappa, what's going on recently?" Nura said slowly while sitting by the pond in his backyard.

After he finished speaking, Kappa slowly popped half of its head out of the pond, shook its head and said,"I didn't find anything special. It's just that someone went to Shuten-doji's place before. I thought he was an enemy, but in the end he was just drinking with Shuten-doji. From now on, it seems that the two of them are getting along very well."

"Oh? People who can drink with Shuten-doji are not ordinary. After all, those who are qualified to drink with big monsters must reach a certain level in both capacity and strength."Nura was slightly stunned, then chuckled.

He knew Shuten-doji's character. Even among the 100 demons under his command, there were not many monsters that Shuten-doji could recognize, let alone those from outside.

"The man called himself Shanks. Later, I also looked up the relevant information. If I am not mistaken, it was the Red Hair Pirates among the Four Emperors who entered our territory. But they did not, and the island they entered was the island where Shuten Douji was. Even if there was any accident there, the Demon Group could deal with it, so Kurodabo did not report it to the general commander for the time being.

After the Kappa answered, his head slowly sank into the water and disappeared.

After hearing what he said just now, Nura shook his head.

Kurodabo didn't think that there was no need to report this matter to him for the time being.

It was obviously because he had been staying in the back garden all this time.

If Kurodabo had no important business, he would not plan to approach the territory of Kazami Yuuka..

Sometimes, when you mention Kurodabo, Kurodabo would come to Xipianhe.

At this time, Kurodabo came in from outside with a stack of documents in his hand, and said to Nura:"General, here are the conditions and governance plans of Hundred Demons Island and the other three islands during this period.

After all, it is not only us who live on the three islands, but also the indigenous people.

Now we, as managers and rulers, also need to do corresponding things.


This is not the first time that Kurodabo came over with a stack of documents, but……

"Kurodabo, in the area we rule, besides us monsters, there are also humans, so don't discuss this kind of thing with me, just find a few human ministers to handle it."

Nura had no intention of reading the pile of documents. He wouldn't understand them anyway. At most, he would decide on the general direction of development, and the details still needed to be handled by others.

But what he said was all true. They, the monsters, should be responsible for fighting and the like, and governing the people should be left to capable humans.

Just like when he was in the Drum Kingdom before, except for solving Walpo himself at the beginning, he had never dealt with other things, and those ministers could naturally handle the affairs of the country.

"I understand, General."

Kuroda Fang nodded, and then continued:"There is one more thing. During this period of time, the Big Mom Pirates have had some friction with us on the sea, but neither side seems to have any intention of taking real action. They are just testing each other. None of the other party's dessert stars appeared, but Charlotte Daifuku led people to provoke"

"Daifuku? Then let them be. Lord Arakawa probably doesn't want to play with them for such a small fight... By the way, which island are they causing trouble near?" Nura was only worried about the island where the Kizuki Group was located. He was not worried about anything else.

".Wa is the island where the Ushiki Group is located. Lord Ushiki asked Shumu to lead a group of pirates to deal with it. Looking at the current situation, the two sides are only having small-scale frictions and will not really fight. After all, the other party also knows that we have an absolute advantage on the sea!"

Kuroda Fang told all the information in detail, and then continued his speculation:"But I suspect that Big Mom did this just to attract the attention of Lord Arakawa. I am still worried that she will directly raid Baiki Island!"

"There is no need to worry about this. Even if they come, the current Hundred Demons Island has enough strength..."Bang!

" Before Nura finished speaking, a huge noise was heard directly by everyone, and then the head of the kappa popped out of the pool again.

"The general commander, Big Mom, led the pirate group to suddenly appear at our port.���Suddenly appeared from below!" Kappa immediately told the current situation. He was very surprised about such a thing. He didn't expect that the other party would appear directly on Hundred Demons Island in this way!

And Nura frowned suddenly at this time, and said in a cold voice:"Did it rush directly from the bottom of the sea after being coated? It's really a lot of trouble to make a surprise attack!"

Ben Beckman had told Ibaraki Douji before that Arakawa could indeed find the other party's whereabouts on the sea, but what if Big Mom came from the bottom of the sea or from the air?

At this moment, Big Mom's sharp roar suddenly broke out and spread directly throughout the entire Hundred Demons Island and reached the ears of everyone present……

"Nura! Get out of here quickly! Otherwise, I will destroy this island immediately!"_Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - ∪ Collect, recommend, and share!

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