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Big Mom's pirate ship suddenly appeared at the port of Hundred Demon Island, scaring the people of Hundred Demon Island.

Especially after that roar, the thundercloud Zeus beside Big Mom also began to grow larger and larger. Between the lightning and thunder, a huge pressure enveloped the surroundings.

The people of Hundred Demon Island are all hiding in their homes at this moment. They don't know why Big Mom suddenly appeared here, but they know that the Four Emperors are the existence that they cannot provoke in this life.

""General, how should we respond now?"

Kuroda Fang's face was extremely gloomy at this time. He had been worried that the enemy would attack Baigui Island, but he didn't expect it to come so soon. In this situation, even if they wanted to ask the other groups for support, it was too late. The only one who could support them was the Lord of Arakawa.

"Let's go and have a look first. This is the Island of Hundred Demons, our territory, there is nothing to worry about."

Or, Nura turned his head and glanced in the direction of his back garden, and then walked directly towards the port.

Indeed, with the boss in the back garden, he didn't need to worry at all. As for Big Mom's words about 860 destroying the island...

It's not that Nura looked down on her. If she dared to do so, Kazami Yuuka would definitely beat her up. In Nura's opinion, even Big Mom's iron body could not withstand the terrifying power of Kazami Yuuka.


""Mmmmmm! Nura, my son, are you finally out?"

There were already many dead bodies at the port. These ordinary people could not withstand the wrath of the Four Emperors Big Mom. Even though some of them were pirates from the New World, the gap between pirates was huge.

At this moment, Nura was walking over step by step, followed by Kuroda Fang.

Seeing Nura approaching, Big Mom's expression instantly became ferocious, and then she swung the Napoleon sword in her hand violently, and chopped directly in the direction of Nura.


Nura's eyes condensed, and he immediately launched a ghost entanglement with Kurodabo beside him. He changed into a dark robe embroidered with the words"Yugenmu" and carried multiple hidden weapons on his back.

Then, he raised the Mimi Kirimaru in his hand and directly blocked the blade that Big Mom was slashing down.

However, the power of Big Mom's attack was too great, and it actually pressed half of Nura's body to the ground!

"Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water!".After these four simple words came out of Nura's mouth, his body that seemed to be pressed into the ground disappeared, and then his body reappeared not far in front of his mother."Big Mom, at least I informed you in advance when I went to your tea party, right? Now you come to my Hundred Demons Island to make trouble without even saying hello, which is very rude!"

Nura looked at the aunt in front of him who was much taller than him, grinned, and said softly:"Why are you the only one here? What kind of people are these behind you? But it's true, none of the three dessert generals came, you should have asked them to restrain the others, let me guess.……"

"Katakuri went to the Devil Team, Smoothie went to the Ushiki Team, and Cracker went to the Kizuki Team, right? Shuten Douji is very powerful, and only Katakuri can contain him a little bit, and Smoothie was able to contain the Ushiki at the tea party before, so it won't be a problem this time.……"

"But, do you think that idiot Cracker can deal with Youdao Ji? Don't let her kill you!"

Nura's tone was full of sarcasm. He didn't take the aunt in front of him, who was called the Four Emperors, seriously at all. Without someone like Katakuri who had cultivated his Observation Haki to the extreme, what could the Four Emperors do to him?

"Nura! I will give you one last chance. Lead the ghosts under your command to submit to me. If you do this, you will still be my good son, and the position of general I promised you before will still be given to you. But if you refuse, today, I will definitely kill you and destroy this island that makes people angry just by looking at it!"

The aunt said in a deep voice with a threatening look on her face.

"Surrender? There was no such option from the beginning. From the time I left the Charlotte family, there was no relationship between us... As for what you dare to say, your son?"

Nura smiled contemptuously, and then a terrifying demonic power emerged from his body:"Old woman, don't think I will forget how that man died!" As soon as the voice fell, Nura suddenly rushed forward and slashed at Big Mom with a knife. With his move, thousands of blades flew instantly, and these blades turned into pure black, because he covered all these blades with the domineering aura of armed color.

Big Mom's body was so strong that the weapon slashed by the ghost entanglement between herself and Kuroda Fang, plus the demonic power entangled on it, could hardly cause damage to her. Although covering the armed color domineering aura might not work, it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

At this time, Big Mom also reacted. Seeing Nura attacking her, all the anger that had been suppressed before broke out completely at this moment. The fist wrapped with a lot of fire and electricity directly bombarded Nura.

""Go to hell, you little bastard!" A sharp and angry voice came out of her mouth. This punch blasted away all the blades with a crushing blow, and then directly smashed Nura's body apart with one punch.

""The Black Fire Slash!"

At the moment when Big Mom angrily shattered her body, Nura appeared behind her holding the Mimi Kirimaru, and then the blade of the Mimi Kirimaru turned black at this moment, and the flame of the Black Fire Sakura spread wildly at this moment.

Then, without any hesitation, he slashed Big Mom's body with a knife.

The flames spread all around in an instant, turning the place into a sea of fire.

Big Mom took several steps forward, then turned her head suddenly and stared at Nura. She was completely hit by the Black Fire Slash, but she was unharmed!

This body is as powerful as a monster, even Nura, who has always known this, can't help but be surprised.

"So this situation is very uncomfortable. No matter how hard you hit, you can't break through the body's defense, so the battle will become meaningless."Nura held the Mimi Kirimaru tightly with one hand, and a helpless look appeared on his face.

At this time, the sun Prometheus suddenly began to change, and then the aunt's roar was heard:"Fire in the sky!"_

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