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"Your body may be very strong, and my attacks cannot stop you for now, but there is one thing you may not be clear about.……"

The inky demonic power quickly condensed, and Big Mom's body once again transformed into Nura's body. He looked at Big Mom with a ferocious face indifferently, and said slowly:"Your attacks will not have any effect on me either. Flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, such things are illusory and even non-existent. How can ordinary attacks touch them?"

If the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water can be fully exerted, then Nura will be the real nothingness. As long as he wants, as long as the enemy cannot eliminate his fear, even if the entire area within a thousand miles is destroyed, he cannot be hurt at all.

But now Nura can't reach that level. He just seems to exist here, but people can't touch him.

But this point alone is enough. Only people with extremely strong observation Haki can touch his existence.

"Big Mom. The new world doesn't need the existence of the Four Emperors like you. It would take a long time to defeat you, but you dared to come to my island, so I have to say sorry.……"

Nura always had a smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with unparalleled confidence:"The Island of One Hundred Demons will be your burial place!"

If Big Mom can be killed here, then the rest of the things will be much easier, at least that's what Nura thought. However, he couldn't kill Big Mom by himself.

On the Island of One Hundred Demons, the only one who had the strength to kill the Four Emperors was the big monster who was growing flowers in the back garden.-

"Stop talking nonsense here, you little brat! Emperor Sword Broken Blade!"

Big Mom was extremely angry at this time. She quickly swung the big sword wrapped in flames and slashed directly at Nura.

However, this attack was no different from the previous one she launched. The powerful force could not touch Nura's existence at all. Instead, the sword fell on the ground, cutting a shocking crack, causing the island to tremble.

If Nura and Big Mom were allowed to fight like this, before the two of them decided the winner, the first thing that would be destroyed would definitely be the Hundred Demons Island!

""Damn little devil, you can only hide and dodge, get out of here!"

In an instant, the extremely powerful domineering aura rushed out and swept across the entire Hundred Demons Island. The ordinary people on the Hundred Demons Island, even if they were hiding in their homes, fainted at this moment.

You are yelling and screaming... Who are you... trying to scare!"

At this moment, Nura also roared and cried. A domineering aura that was not inferior to Big Mom's burst out, and it also carried the demon power of monsters. That was fear, and its essence was a terrifying power!

As the general general of monsters, Nura, the king of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, and the lord of demons and monsters, he himself possessed the qualifications of a king, but he had never discovered it before, and never used it.

Now under the suppression of Big Mom's domineering aura, Nura completely broke out this power hidden in his body!

The domineering auras of the two men collided in the air, and the sky seemed to split apart at this moment. The sea around the island was also turbulent. Such a scene was like the end of the world!

""Nura!" Big Mom lowered her head and looked at Nura standing in front of her. She was still rational at this time and did not launch an attack immediately. Because she knew that even if she launched an attack directly, she could not really hurt Nura. Such an attack was obviously meaningless.

After a moment of silence, Big Mom spoke:"Your fruit ability is an illusion or something like that, right? In other words, your real body is on this island, maybe hiding far away, but it must exist, right?"

""Hey, hey, hey, you're not going to use an attack that can destroy this island directly against me, are you? I kindly advise you not to do this, or you'll regret it."

Nura showed a strange expression, then looked at Big Mom with unusual sincerity and began to dissuade her.

But what he was thinking in his heart was, if you have the guts, hurry up, as long as you dare to launch an attack that can destroy the island, even if it's just a sign, you will definitely be in trouble today!

"Are you scared, Nura? So, surrender now, or……"

Big Mom thought Nura was scared, so she was about to threaten him.

But Nura suddenly interrupted her and said,"I'm not afraid of you! If you have the guts, come and try. Let's see if you can destroy this island or I can tear your head off! You're always so slow in doing things. Did you lose your mind because of what Arakawa and I did at the tea party? You're always thinking about such unrealistic things as asking me to surrender.……"

She had been planning to threaten Nura calmly, and it would be the best if she could subdue Nura and the demons. But who knew that she would be scolded by the other party!

Big Mom's face became extremely ugly. Then, she ignored Nura and turned around to look at a mountain in the distance. She sneered and said,"Well, well, well! That's your mansion, right? I wonder if there is anyone living there? If so, is it your family?"........,..

Seeing Big Mom raising her sword while talking, Nura's face turned ugly and he shouted loudly:"Hey old woman, come and fight for 300 rounds if you have the guts. There is no one there. What's your ability to attack my place?"

Kuroda Fang, who was entangled with his general, changed his face at this time. He found for the first time that his general had such a dark side.

This was not to stop the other party from attacking the mansion, but to lure Big Mom to attack the mansion!

""It's too late, Nura! I said I would destroy this island, and I will definitely destroy this island, starting with your home!"

The sword in her hand was raised high, and then the terrifying power spread at this moment:"Elbaf Weiguo!"

In an instant, a huge sword energy flew out, and it was estimated that even a mountain could be cut directly, and it went straight to Nura's residence.

But just when the sword energy was about to fall on the distant mountain……


With a light sound, the sword energy dissipated directly in the air, as if it had never existed. Then a cold voice came out slowly. The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone from such a long distance:

"Who was it just now, trying to hurt my Huayi?"_Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - ∪ Collect, recommend, share!

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