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Soon, the green-haired, red-eyed girl holding a special parasol slowly landed on the dock. Although her face was kind, even Nura could feel a chill at this time.

Nura knew very well that Hana-ma was angry!

Although the big aunt's move just now was directed at her own mansion, there was a back garden besides her own mansion, which was where Kazami Yuuka grew flowers.

For Hana-ma, her own flowers were more important than anything else, and if someone dared to attack her flower field... then she would absolutely, absolutely, absolutely!


"General, just now you allowed this man to attack the place where my flowers are, right?"When Yuuka Kazami appeared, she did not go directly to Big Mom at the first time, but said softly to Nura with that kind smile. This smile may be amiable in the eyes of others, but in Nura's eyes, there are only two words... danger!

He instantly broke away from the entanglement with Kurodabo, and then Nura waved his hand and explained:"How is this possible? Yuuka, think about it, that's where I live too, how could I allow others to attack there? Kurodabo can testify that I have been persuading this person not to attack in that direction, and it doesn't matter if he fights with me for three hundred rounds."

"The situation, is it what the general commander said?"Hua Ma narrowed her eyes slightly, and an extremely dangerous look fell on Kuroda Fang.

This look probably meant...

You'd better tell the truth, if you dare to lie, I will be the first to blow you into pieces!

Kuroda Fang was stunned for a moment, and then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said at the same time:"That's right, the general commander was indeed trying to dissuade the other party just now. And he also tried to stop it, but this person's defense is very strong, and our attacks have no effect on her, so we failed to stop it. Seeing the sword energy flying over, we were also sweating in our hearts!"

He knew how sinister his own general commander was just now. His method of speaking secretly was obviously to encourage Big Mom to attack the location where Yuuka Kazami was.

But, did he dare to say such a thing?

If he said it out, the seemingly harmless girl in front of him might teach him a lesson first, because she might not necessarily teach the general commander a lesson!

At this time, Big Mom saw that something was wrong with Nura and Kurodabo, her eyes rolled twice, and then her gaze fell directly on Yuuka Kazami, with a hideous smile on her face:"Well, well, well! It seems that this little girl is very important to you, Nura... Then you'd better listen to me clearly now, if you don't want this little girl to get into trouble, just submit to me!" As Ye

Yun said, she stretched out her hand to Yuuka Kazami, intending to grab her directly in her hand. In terms of size, she could indeed do so.宂However, size does not represent strength!@


A huge sound erupted at this moment. Feng Jianyouxiang simply punched the palm of the aunt, and a deafening sound was heard.

At the same time, the aunt's huge body quickly retreated more than ten steps, and she couldn't help but sit on the ground. She looked at the girl holding the parasol with surprise, and looked at her palm in disbelief. With an extremely strong body, there was actually a small fist mark on her palm, and the power of the circle just now was too terrifying.

Could it be that the petite body actually contained a giant...

No, is it a power that exceeds that of a giant?

"What a trouble! I don't want to fight with you here. Let's get rid of you quickly!"As soon as the voice fell, Kazami Yuuka rushed directly towards Big Mom. She was so fast that even Nura and Kurodabo only saw a shadow passing by.

Then, she appeared in front of Big Mom, and then there was another loud bang.

Big Mom, who was originally sitting on the ground, was actually knocked into the ground by this punch. The ground around her was spreading with spider web-like cracks at this moment, which shows how terrifying the power of her fist is.

""Damn you kid, don't look down on me!"

An angry roar came from the aunt's mouth, and then her fists were wrapped with armed color domineering, and then she slammed towards Fengjian Youxiang fiercely.

You know, the aunt's power is extremely terrifying. She was born with power that ordinary people can't reach. When she was 5 years old, she killed a bear with one punch. She wanted to help the giants get rid of mosquitoes on their bodies, but she broke several ribs of the giant soldiers with a slap.......

This strange power is now many times stronger than when she was five years old!

Moreover, she is now wrapped in the domineering aura of Armament Haki. However,

Kazami Yuuka didn't even have the intention to dodge. She held the parasol in one hand and clenched the other hand into a fist, then swung it out and hit the aunt's fist head-on.

"General, this... won't be a problem? The Flower Lord is indeed very strong, but the opponent is the Four Emperors!" Kuroda Fang said with some concern.

"If it's just a contest of strength, Youxiang won't lose to anyone. Just watch carefully, this is no longer our fight."

Unlike Kurodabo, Nura didn't have any worries on his face. No one in the world knows Hana Ma's strength better than Nura, except Hana Ma herself.

Shuten Douji is qualified to wrestle with Big Mom, not to mention Hana Ma who is good at frontal attacks.

Although Hana Ma's ability is to control flowers, her real strength lies in her pure powerful demonic power and superhuman physical fitness. It can be said that she is the most demon-like monster!

Although her strength lies in her demonic power and strength, every attack makes people feel extremely elegant, as if she is doing it casually...

Or, she is just being casual, but because of her casualness, it is a complete disaster for others!


The earth-shaking sound 0.6 erupted at this moment. After only a moment of stalemate, Big Mom's body retreated again. Even if she was entangled with armed color domineering, her strength was still no match for Hua Ma's terrifying demonic power and strength.

Then, the next scene made Kuroda Fang's mouth twitch.

He himself thought that there would be a battle like the one between Big Mom and Shuten Douji at the tea party, and it was even possible that Big Mom would have some advantages. After all, that body was too powerful, and Shuten Douji had no good way to deal with it for the time being.

But now...

Big Mom, who was seeking death, was completely suppressed by Feng Jianyouxiang and was basically almost out of strength to fight back.

And Hua Ma Feng Jianyouxiang, however, did not have any expression fluctuations, as if what she did was just something that could not be more normal..._

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