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The pirate fleet led by Katakuri and Shuten Douji's Ghost Group fought fiercely, but Shuten Douji himself did not intend to fight. Katakuri was handed over to Ibaraki Douji to deal with, and as for the other slightly stronger ones, they were all handed over to Kidomaru alone.

Shuten Douji remembered Katakuri. The general admiral said that he could not be hit hard, so there would be no point in fighting. He might as well just drink on the side.

Fortunately, Katakuri did not come two days earlier. If he had come earlier, the two sides would not have been able to fight at all.

How can they fight with the Red Hair Pirates watching on the side? Why not sit down and drink, after all, Shanks' face should be given.

"Hey, you didn't give it your all, did you? Are you looking down on me?" Ibaraki Douji tore the rice cake that was coming towards him into pieces with one claw, then looked at Katakuri in front of him with dissatisfaction and shouted coldly.

"Didn't you not use your full strength either? I remember that it was your general commander who ordered that you must not use heavy hands on me unless it was absolutely necessary, although I don't think you have the ability to defeat me."

Katakuri looked at Ibaraki Douji indifferently, and then continued:"But your general commander won't let you use your full strength, so what's the point of me using my full strength? The real powerful one here is the red-haired guy carrying the gourd. He doesn't even have the idea of making a move, right? To put it bluntly, I came here just to contain you."

As he said that, Katakuri turned his head and glanced at Shuten Douji. The reason why he said this was actually to remind Shuten Douji to go back and help your general commander quickly!

After all, in his impression, in the Hundred Demons Pirates, Shuten Douji was the only one who could compete with his mother. Although the Lord of Arakawa was strong, that was on the sea.

"Stop looking. Are you underestimating my general? I tell you, don't look at him with the eyes of a few years ago. As my general, do you think he is a weakling? Since he didn't send anyone to call us back for help, it means that the guy called Big Mom is not a threat at all."

Shuten Douji noticed what Katakuri meant, but he just said it lightly and continued to drink alone. Katakuri frowned when he heard this, but he didn't say much. After all, he was a member of the Big Mom Pirates. He just reminded Nura because he was his younger brother out of concern.

Since the other party himself is not worried, then he has nothing to worry about. Yi...

Mizuki Island.

This island is famous for its abundance of a special kind of wood. The Mizuki on the island grows like trees, but after cutting its surface, you can find that it is full of drinkable water and it is as sweet and delicious as mountain springs.

But now, this is the place where the Ghost Moon Group guards.

"To be honest, does this battle really have anything to do with us? Team leader Yaodaoji is almost going crazy with killing. No matter how many idiots make cookie soldiers, he can't defeat Team Leader Yaodaoji, right?"Mao Changji stood beside Bingli, looked at the front with a calm face, and then said slowly.

The current situation is indeed a bit strange. The main combat force of the Guiyue Group is only Yaodaoji fighting alone. Bingli and Mao Changji chose to watch from the sidelines.

Of course, the reason why they watched from the sidelines was not because they had any opinions about Yaodaoji, but because this battle did not require the two of them to fight the enemy. What they are really wary of is not to let Yaodaoji kill those people in the Charlotte family who cannot be killed as mentioned by their general.

Let's fight a good battle. The two of them still have to worry about whether the other side will get into trouble. This is also uncomfortable in their hearts.

""Ah, ah, huh? Mao Changji, please help me pay attention. Which brother or sister is going to be in trouble? Is there anyone mentioned by the general?"

Bingli was anxious at this time. She shook her head from side to side, constantly staring at the members of the Charlotte family who came with Cracker, and exclaimed from time to time:"Sister Miukulu, don't get close to Team Leader Yaodaoji, it's very dangerous over there! Brother Saint Mark, step back a little, that is also within the attack range of Team Leader Yaodaoji! And Garette must be careful too, don't let anything happen to her!"

Hearing the call from his friend, Mao Changji's face turned black. If he didn't know that Bingli must be one of his own, he would probably have regarded her as a traitor.

"I say Bingli, you are so good at calling me brother and sister all the time? By the way, did you get the general's permission to call me that?"Mao Changji put one hand on her forehead, completely speechless.

In fact, Bingli's exclamations made the people of the Charlotte family confused. When did they have such a sister?

Or did Nura run away because he had such a little wife? They had no idea what was going on!

At this moment, when Myukulu was distracted by Bingli's shouting, a figure with a crazy and ferocious face suddenly appeared behind her. The big knife in his hand was about to chop off her head without any hesitation.

If she was hit by this knife, Myukulu would not survive anyway!

""The cursed blizzard is turning into a snowy makeup!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and a strong cold air instantly rushed towards Yaodao Ji, freezing her in an instant. But Yaodao Ji's demon power was so strong that it took only a breath of time to forcibly shake off the cold air.

Taking advantage of Yaodao Ji's momentary pause, a white figure flashed by and immediately took Miukulu away from that area.

Yaodao Ji, who failed with a knife, did not continue to chase Miukulu, but turned around and continued to attack the surrounding biscuit soldiers. She was crazy during the battle, and her rationality was not intact. Naturally, she didn't care who she was going to chop. As long as it was an enemy, she would swing her knife!


After letting out a long sigh, Bingli looked at Miukulu with a worried look on her face. After looking left and right and finding no wounds, she gently stroked her chest and said with relief:"Great, no injuries! By the way, sister Miukulu, do you know that it was very dangerous just now? That was the attacking party of Team Leader Yaodao Ji. The battle has reached this point, and she can't remember the instructions of the general general."

Mikulu had a dazed look on her face at this time. She looked at Yaodao Ji who continued to kill crazily, and then looked at Bingli in front of her who was a little angry because she was almost attacked...

Then, she began to doubt herself. Is this really an enemy?_Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - ∪Collect, recommend, and share!

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