After sending Owen back to the ship, although the Ushiki did not take anyone's life, he did not return empty-handed. It must be said that there are still many good things on Owen's ship. He found 200 million Bailey alone, which can buy another half devil fruit.

As for the 100 million Bailey saved from the previous transaction with Doflamingo, of course, he bought supplies, medicinal herbs and food. How can you sail on this sea without more of these things?

Moreover, Nura is also a spendthrift. Half of the 100 million Bailey was directly spent. Now it has to be calculated that they have about 250 million Bailey, which is less than the funds of two devil fruits. There is still a long way to go before the next summoning!

In addition, after this fight with Owen, he has completely offended the Big Mom Pirates. He can't stay in the New World anyway, and can only go to the Grand Line.

Otherwise, in the New World, few people can withstand the wrath of one of the Four Emperors.

Look at Luffy, the protagonist who will be called the fifth emperor in the future. Wasn't he also thrown away by Kaido's thunderous Bagua warning?

Only when his own hundred demons grow stronger and Nura's own strength is improved to a certain level can he return to the New World.

"General, we will be leaving the New World soon, but where should we go after that?" Bingli asked softly while rubbing Nura's shoulders who was basking in the sun on the deck.

Hearing this, the Ushio on the side thought for a moment and began to analyze:"We do need a territory, and this territory must also take into account the ability to earn Bailey, that is, it must have sufficient value. After all, we need a lot of Bailey to buy devil fruits so that other Hundred Demons can come to this world, which can also enhance our combat effectiveness."

It must be said that Niugui's analysis is very accurate, but most of the territories that meet these conditions have owners. If you want to get such territories, you can only rob them!

After hearing Niugui's analysis, Nura also fell into deep thought.

There are countless islands on the Grand Line, and many of them meet the conditions, such as the Seven Water City, which is well connected and has the world's top shipyard. The profit from shipbuilding every year is unknown.

But it is close to the Judicial Island and is closely watched by the Navy. It is obviously inappropriate to confront the Navy Headquarters now.

Then there is the desert kingdom Alabasta, where Crocodile established the Rain Feast and earned an unknown amount of Bailey. But Alabasta is related to the secret of Pluto. Crocodile is also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Nura doesn't believe that the World Government has not paid attention to it.

To put it bluntly, even if Luffy doesn't stop Crocodile in the future, that guy will never get Pluto. How can the World Government sit back and watch a pirate have ancient weapons?

This is the real world, not the hot-blooded pirate show in the anime!

""Yes, I have thought of a place. Let's buy an eternal pointer when we get to the next island!" Nura's mouth corners suddenly rose, and a light flashed in his eyes.

He did think of a good place. As long as it was used well, that place could also provide them with a lot of wealth.


One month later, in the palace of Drum Island.

In the palace at this time, a group of king's party members headed by Valpo were all chained through their bodies and collapsed to the ground without any strength.

To be honest, these guys were too weak. If it weren't for Nura's order, Kidomaru would not have been interested in attacking them.

The only one who was still standing, relying on one hand to support himself without falling, was Dalton, the captain of the guard who possessed the Animal-type Bull-Bull Fruit. Although he was very dissatisfied with Valpo's rule, as the captain of the guard, he still stuck to his post and shouldered a heavy responsibility.

"Don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want! Bailey, yes, I have a lot of Bailey, I can give you all the Bailey in the entire Drum Kingdom!" Valpo's face was full of horror at this time, he didn't want to die, no matter what the cost, as long as he could survive.

Dalton was particularly disgusted with Valpo's performance at the moment, but still said stubbornly:"Charlotte Nura! If you kill the king, the navy will never let you go. The Drum Kingdom is one of the member states of the World Government and is protected by the World Government!"

"You take this kingdom too seriously. The World Government doesn't care who is the king of this country. As long as the Sky Gold is paid as usual, I can also sit on the throne of the king."Nura smiled strangely and said nonchalantly.

What he said, both Valpo and Dalton knew, this is the truth!

The World Government doesn't care who is the king of the Drum Kingdom. As long as it is not publicized, it doesn't matter even if Nura is a pirate. What they need is a country that pays the Sky Gold on time.

"Niu Gui, these guys are left to you to deal with, but you have to leave Dalton behind.……"

As he said that, Nura walked to Dalton's side, looking at the tough captain of the guard, he slowly said:"I'll give you a suggestion, live and see this country, even if it's worse, it will be better than now. Of course, if you die, there will be no one to protect the civilians here!"

Hearing this, Dalton's face instantly became ugly. He can be said to be one of the few people in the upper echelons of this kingdom who cares about the people.

At the moment when Dalton was stunned, several flashes of knife light flashed, and Waldo and others who had collapsed on the ground lost their last breath in an instant. What he saw was just the action of the cow ghost putting the long knife back into the scabbard. This kind of strength was beyond his reach.

Then, Nura sat directly on the throne and said:"Dalton, from now on you need to recognize one thing... I, Charlotte Nura, am the king of the magnetic drum kingdom!"

Dalton turned around and looked at Nura sitting on the throne. For some reason, he inexplicably felt an urge to surrender in his heart.

Perhaps it’s because the pirate sitting on the throne now is more like a leader than Walpo!

"In my eyes, this country should be ten times or a hundred times more prosperous than it is now! Before noon tomorrow, I want you to summon all the ministers here, understand?"

Although he knew that the person who said this was a pirate, Dalton couldn't say no. After a long silence, he knelt on one knee and said respectfully:"Follow your instructions."

After nodding, Nura turned his head and looked at the Ushio and said:"In this kingdom, there is a doctor named Kuleha. Tomorrow at noon, I want her to appear here as well. You know what to do!"

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