The next day, noon.

The Royal Palace in the Drum Kingdom.

The palace that was originally stained by the blood of Walpo and others had already been cleaned up. Nura sat on the throne, and standing on his left and right were Bingli and Ushiki. Kidomaru didn't like such occasions, nor was he interested, so he slept alone in the room.

Below the throne stood a group of uneasy ministers, and in front of this group of ministers was the captain of the guard, Dalton, and the most famous and top doctor in the kingdom, Kuleha.

Although it was unknown what method was used, Ushiki invited Kuleha over anyway. As for Chopper, he was still on the mountain at this time, and Kuleha had no intention of bringing him over.

"You should all be very clear about what happened yesterday. Valpo is dead, so from now on, the entire Drum Kingdom belongs to me. There is no doubt about this, and you have no right to object."

Nura said slowly, and listening to his words, no one dared to say a word. The only one who was careless was Kuleha. Even here, she was still drinking as if no one was around.

I don't know if Kuleha is confident because of her strength, or if she has some other trump card.

"I want you to hear something... Bingli, you go ahead and say it." Nura smiled and said casually.

After Bingli saluted Nura, she took a few steps forward, took out a small notebook, and read aloud:"The royal family property of the Drum Kingdom totals 1.2 billion Baileys, a devil fruit, and several ships and weapons. Adding them all together, if converted into Baileys, it is no less than 2 billion Baileys." More than 2 billion

Baileys sounds like a large number, but for a country like the Drum Kingdom with top medical care, it is nothing.

If it weren't for that idiot Walpo messing around, the national strength of the Drum Kingdom would be at least several times stronger than it is now, and most of the Baileys now accepted into the royal family were exploited by him from his subjects.

"Such a country is fortunately in the first half of the Grand Line. If it is in the New World in the second half, there is only one result, except for surrendering to one of the Four Emperors, it will be destroyed. I don't care what you think in your heart now, but after I take charge of this country, everything will change dramatically!"

Nura stood up from the throne at once, his eyes swept across the ministers present, and a sense of majesty slowly emanated at this moment. It was at this moment that Dalton once again had the idea of surrendering in his heart.

That kind of majesty, that kind of momentum, can be called a leader, can be called a king!

"Now listen to me carefully, remember every word, and carry out my orders!"Nura stood in front of the throne, and a slightly cold voice came out of his mouth slowly.

Dalton and a group of ministers couldn't help but secretly complain in their hearts when they heard this. The country had been ruined by Walpo, and now it was ruled by this pirate. I'm afraid the people will be miserable!

At this time, Nura said:"Dalton, you will take out 600 million Baileys from the treasury as funds in a while, and half of them will be used on the people on the island. Remember, it's not given directly, but let them produce well. All taxes will be cancelled within two years, and taxes will be paid after everyone's life gets better."

In an instant, Dalton's eyes were full of shock, and so were the ministers below. They never thought that Nura, as a pirate, would say such words.

Let the people recuperate, how can a pirate do this?

"What, you can't believe it? I can truly rule this country. If so, I must make it develop well. As for the remaining half of the funds,……"

Nura's eyes immediately fell on Dalton, and he said slowly,"I want you to invite back all the doctors who left the Drum Kingdom. Invite as many as you can. Do you understand? This is the Medical Kingdom. How can we deserve this title without enough excellent doctors?"

"From now on, all doctors who go out to sea for consultations will be protected by our Hundred Demons Pirates. The expenses and commissions of the protection will be used to subdue those who need treatment. In the first year, the kingdom will not charge any fees for all doctors who go out for consultations. In the second year, 10% of the consultation fee will be charged, and from the third year onwards, 20% will be charged. Do you understand?"

As soon as the voice fell, all the ministers in the palace, including Dalton, knelt down directly in front of Nura. Many of them even had crystal eyes and shed tears.

Even Dalton's face showed a lot of emotion. In his eyes at this moment, the one standing there was not a pirate at all!

He was obviously a wise king who loved his people!

Compared with Walpo... what is he comparing? Is a fool like Walpo qualified to compare with Nura?

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"The ministers and Dalton shouted in unison at this time.

They were not thanking Nura for themselves, but for the people of Drum Island and for the country.

"Dr. Kuleha……"

Before Nura could finish his words, Kuleha looked over and said with her signature catchphrase,"What's the matter, Your Majesty Nura, do you want to know the secret of my eternal youth?"

Hearing this, Nura's mouth twitched subconsciously.

I don't want to know!

And how can you be considered eternal youth!

At most, your physical fitness is better than that of people of the same age... Well, it is much better. After all, Kuleha is almost 140 years old, and her physical fitness is still good.

But this is far worse than myself. As a big monster Nura, Nura himself doesn't know how long his life span is in this world.

Anyway, in the original world of Nura, Nura is at least 500 years old, isn't he still alive and well?

"From now on, Doctor Twenty and all the doctors who will be invited back in the future will be under your charge. You are the chief medical officer of the Drum Kingdom, and your status is equal to that of the chief guard. I think you will not refuse, right?" Nura looked at Kuleha and said.

After a moment of silence, Kuleha gave a direct answer:"In view of your two orders just now, I will agree with reluctance, but I have a request, allowing all doctors to treat the people of this country!"

Nura thought it was a request, but he didn't expect it to be such a small matter. He smiled and agreed:"Of course!"

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