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As for Big Mom...

God knows where she was hit by a light cannon from Fengjian Yuxiang and went straight away. Anyway, no one cares about her. Even the Lord of Arakawa didn't find where Big Mom went.

Now Big Mom's life and death is unknown, and Cracker is also severely injured. Under such circumstances, the entire Wan Guo can only shrink back. It is not easy to look after their own little piece of land. As for attacking the Hundred Demons Pirates, there is no idea at all.

It can be said that in this war, the Hundred Demons Pirates won a complete victory, which also let everyone know that Nura and his group have truly possessed the qualifications to be the emperor of the sea. The fifth emperor of the new world mentioned by Morgans is not a lie!

After the news of this war spread, the bounties of the other members of the Hundred Demons Pirates did not change, except for Yuuka Kazami, who was directly given a bounty of 2.2 billion, becoming the person with the highest bounty in the Hundred Demons Pirates.

The reason why it was only 2.2 billion was because in the eyes of the Navy, it should be Nura and the others who consumed Big Mom's physical strength first, and then Yuuka Kazami was able to defeat Big Mom. But no matter what, for a girl who has the power to defeat the Four Emperors, the bounty can only be low, not high.

At this moment, no one knows where Nura is in the hall.

Nura sat high on the main seat, and below him, sitting on both sides, were the current leaders of the Hundred Demons Pirates, in order Shuten Douji, Ushio, Arakawa no Sumire, Youtouhime, and Yamato.

"Let's report the recent situation. It has been one and a half months since the war. How are the developments of various islands?"Nura's eyes swept over Shuten Douji and others, and then he spoke slowly. In the past two months, many people have joined their Hundred Demons Pirates, and some pirate groups have taken on the banner of"fear" and become pirate groups under their command.

However, Nura's requirements for these pirate groups are still relatively strict. Those who only know how to burn, kill, rob, and commit crimes will not be accepted. Most of those who can become pirate groups under their command are heroes on the sea.

"Huludao has developed quite well.

Now my ghost team has 57 members, including Ibaraki Douji and Kidomaru.

Including me, there are 60 people in total.

The existing funds on the island, except for some necessary and reserved liquidity, can be mobilized in total of 700 million Bailey.

After Shuten Douji drank the wine in front of him, he said calmly that he didn't care about the management of the island at all.

So Ibaraki Douji was in charge of everything.

He was the leader.

He was just a top fighter.

"The Ushiki Group now has a total of 84 people. There is no problem with the development of the island. The total funds available are 1.1 billion Baileys."

Ushiki told the situation of Changye Island with a serious face. He is a good manager. Not to mention 84 people, he can manage even if there are twice as many people. It can be said that Ushiki has the best management ability in the entire Hundred Demons Pirate Group.

"The Onizuki Group has nine members so far, and the funds available on the island are only 200 million Baileys, but the development of the island is not bad, mainly because Bingli is in charge of these things."

Yotohime said that she was not a person in charge of things. Anyway, the position of the team leader is the highest combat power.

In her opinion, the meaning of the team leader's existence is that if anyone bullies his own team members, he will just take up his sword and look at them. To put it bluntly, he is to support his own team members. What is the management...

That has nothing to do with him!

As for the Yakushi Group and the Arakawa Group, they do not have any islands to manage now, so they did not speak on this matter. After all, Nura's power is not very large now, and there are only four islands in the Hundred Demons Island. Compared with the territories of the Four Emperors, it is far behind.

After a moment of silence, Nura said:"Arakawa, starting tomorrow, you will be responsible for opening up the waterways in several directions around us, so that the pirates in the New World will know that as long as there is a flag with the word fear, they must follow our rules."

After saying that, Nura looked at Shuten-doji and continued,"The Devil Group should take 1.5 billion berries to Dressrosa. Doflamingo has been a little unstable recently, so we need to suppress him. Don't let him use our name to do things that harm the Hundred Demons. Buy some devil fruits and bring them back. 1.5 billion berries, at least bring back 12, right?""

"Twelve devil fruits and 1.5 billion berries, isn't that a bit too much? I remember that guy named Doflamingo helped us when we needed devil fruits."

Zhen felt that this was a bit unfair, because in his opinion, Doflamingo had done a favor to him and others, so if he went too far, it would not be good.

"It was just a simple warning to him, and future transactions will go on as usual. Besides, although the price of devil fruits is high, that guy is the middleman of the dark world. Even if he takes twelve of them from him for 1.5 billion, he will not lose money. After all, some of his devil fruits were obtained without spending any money."

Nura smiled. It was true that he and Doflamingo were allies, but he also had a certain understanding of that Tenyaksha, and it would not be wrong to suppress him appropriately.

And it was precisely because he wanted to suppress Doflamingo that he let the Demon Group go. If it was just a simple transaction, it would be better to hand it over to the Ushio Group.

"In the next period of time, we just need to stabilize these islands. Too fast development will not be good for us. Moreover, the places in the New World that are truly rich in resources have been divided up by the Four Emperors. If we want to become bigger, we have to completely destroy the Ten Thousand Kingdoms!"

A cold light flashed in Nura's eyes, but he was only talking about the destruction of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms, not the Charlotte family.

He believed that the old woman would never die so easily. With that kind of strong body, she would definitely survive even if she endured a blow from Kazami Yuuka, so there must be another war between the Hundred Demons and the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

It's just that that war will be the end of one of the parties... and the one that ends will never be the Hundred Demons! _

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