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This large ship was named Oeyama, and it was a ship specially built after occupying Huludao. After all, the Ship of Fear is the main ship of the Hundred Demons, and it is only used when Nura wants to go to sea.

And as the number of members of the Hundred Demons Pirates increases, just one Ship of Fear is definitely not enough. Therefore, several groups have built their own ships, the Oeyama of the Ghost Group, the Yaoming of the Ushio Group, the Qingxue of the Kizuki Group, and the Yusheng of the Yakushi Group.

Nura has seen clearly that these guys have no talent at all in naming ships. I don’t know what qualifications he has to criticize others when he named the Ship of Fear.

"I didn't expect that Shuten-doji would come in person this time. It was really disrespectful not to prepare a grand welcoming ceremony in advance."At the dock, Diamante looked at Shuten Douji who came down from the Oeyama, and said with a smile.

While speaking, there was still surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Shuten Douji would come. Those who came here to trade devil fruits before were all cadres of the Hundred Demons Group, that is, Qingtianfang, Shumu- and others. And this time, a team leader came directly!

You know, the reputation of the leader of the Hundred Demons Pirates in the New World is comparable to that of the dessert star of the Big Mom Pirates, the three signatures of the Beasts Pirates, and the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

That is a genuine high-level combat power. Even the poison that has never taken action has a high bounty of 690 million Baileys on his head, which shows what kind of status the leader of the Hundred Demons Pirates has.

Moreover, among the five leaders of the Hundred Demons Pirates today, the one with the greatest reputation is Shuten Douji, the leader of the Demon Group, a strong man who can compete with the Four Emperors Big Mom, and no one has the qualifications to underestimate him.

"There is no need to say welcome. Where is your Doflamingo? Tell him to come and see me. I will go back as soon as I finish the things here. There is no need to stay here."

Shuten-douji sat down and started drinking from his wine gourd. Whether it was him calling Doflamingo's name or his arrogant look, Diamante was very upset.

But no matter how upset he was, he could only endure it now. After all, the situation was stronger than the person, and his strength... naturally he could not compare with Shuten-douji.

"Since Your Excellency Shuten-doji is in a hurry, please come with me. Dover is waiting for you in the palace." Diamante suppressed his dissatisfaction and spoke in a kind tone.

But at this time, Shuten-doji's face changed, and a strong aura burst out from his body, pressing on Diamante in an instant. It was like the pressure of a mountain, making Diamante's face look much uglier.

Then, he spoke in a deep voice, and his tone became dangerous:"Don't you understand what I said? I asked that guy named Doflaming to come here to see me, not for you to take me to see him!"

He was called by Nura to suppress the Don Quixote family. How could he not show some power?

Moreover, he looked down on Doflamingo. He had seen him at the tea party before. He didn't know how strong he was, but he could tell from his hypocritical smile that he was insidious and cunning. He didn't like such people.

In Shuten Douji's eyes, heroes like Shanks who had enough ability were the ones he looked up to and could get along with.

"Mr. Shuten-doji, I respect you because you are the leader of the Devil Group of the Hundred Demons Pirates, so I give you face. If you come here to cause trouble, the Don Quixote family will definitely not……"

Before Diamante finished speaking, a demonic force emerged from Shuten-doji's gourd, blasting him out and crashing into a house. After the house was destroyed, he slowly spoke:"No, what? Did you just want to tell me that the Don Quixote family is going to go to war with the demons?"

Seeing the leader of their own army being blown away, the surrounding minions all raised their rifles and aimed at Shuten-doji.

At the same time, the pirates on the Oeyama also showed their weapons, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air. Both sides were about to go to war directly.

But if they really wanted to fight, even if the Don Quixote family was tied together, they would not be able to do anything to Shuten-doji!

""Hehe, hahaha!"

Shuten-doji covered his forehead and laughed. He just sat on the ground, not paying any attention to the other party's actions:"It seems that you are planning to start a war! If I had known this would happen, I would have asked Kidomaru to come over. With the way you react now, if it was that guy Kidomaru, he would kill all of you in a split second, do you understand?"


What he said was true. Kidomaru's personality was even worse than Shuten-doji's. The way these people raised their guns was enough for Kidomaru to kill them all!

"Hehehe, why is Shuten-doji so angry? Businessmen believe that harmony brings wealth. This is not the first time that General Nura and I have cooperated. Since Shuten-doji doesn't want to go to the palace, just let me know in advance and I will naturally come to the dock to meet you.".........,......

At this moment, Doflamingo came from the sky and landed in front of Shuten Douji. His eyes became cold under his sunglasses, but his expression was still normal.

Diamante was his family member, but he was beaten by Shuten Douji because of such a small matter. It would be strange if he was not angry.���

After all, Shuten Douji was hitting Diamante, and at the same time, he was also hitting Doflamingo in the face.

"Wouldn't it be better if you said this earlier? You're wasting my time.……"

Seeing that Doflamingo had no intention of standing up, Shuten Douji said directly:"Take out all the Baileys! This time we want twelve devil fruits, and we will leave immediately after the transaction is completed."

Seeing the box of Baileys, Doflamingo signaled his subordinates, and they immediately went over to count the money.

"Young Master, there are 1.5 billion berries here in total."

Hearing this, Doflamingo's eyes changed again. He looked at Shuten-doji who was drinking on the ground, and his voice became much colder:"1.5 billion berries is the price of ten fruits. The Hundred Demons Pirates are going too far by wanting to take away twelve fruits, right?"

"You know how many things you have done in the name of the Hundred Demons. I don't need to tell you, right? How many of these devil fruits did you get in the name of the Hundred Demons?"

Shuten Douji finally stood up slowly at this time, his eyes locked on Doflamingo, and said coldly:"So, don't talk nonsense to me, twelve fruits, hand them over!"_

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