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Nura never thought that he would be given such an ability. Although they are both mirror flowers and water moons, this control of the five senses is not the ability of Nura!

It is the ability of another world, a big boss, Lan Da Zanpakuto. Although the names are the same, they are both called mirror flowers and water moons, but the nature is completely different!

Now the system has given Nura this special and powerful ability in the way that Nura's mirror flowers and water moons ability is promoted.

It can be said that after the previous two consecutive increases in basic ability values, coupled with the ability to control the five senses, Nura's own combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even if this ability to control the five senses is elementary, far less than the power used by Lan Da, it is also quite terrifying. The elementary control of the five senses can affect the opponent's spirit to a certain extent, as well as the things that are felt and observed, such as reversing the up, down, left, and right in the opponent's perception. The effect of suddenly changing the opponent's perception in the battle is absolutely beyond imagination.

"System, the primary control of the five senses is like this, what are the intermediate and advanced ones like? Can you tell me? What is the method of improvement?"

Primary 857 is already so powerful, so Nura wants to know what the intermediate and advanced abilities are, and whether this ability can grow to the level of Lan Da in the future.

"As a reward for the host calling this system uncle, I will give you a brief explanation! The main improvement of the intermediate control of the five senses is to deprive the opponent of the five senses. The strongest can reach the level of depriving all five senses, and it can also have an effect on the observation Haki.……"

"As for the advanced control of the five senses, this system can tell the host very responsibly that it is exactly the same ability as the host has in mind. As for the method of improvement, please explore……"

After answering, no matter how Nura called, the system would not reply.

However, he was already very satisfied to get the news of intermediate and advanced control of the five senses, at least it satisfied his curiosity.

And through this, he also discovered one thing, that is, his ability can continue to improve beyond its own limits, such as the ability to control the five senses.

But to get similar abilities, it seems that the requirements are still relatively high. This time, it is to gather the three major monsters, and next time, I don’t know what I need to gather to get the corresponding rewards.

In addition, the ability to control the five senses is too powerful. Nura even suspects that to reach the advanced level, maybe I have to gather the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons. To be honest, I have a hundred demons under my command, and I don’t know how many powerful ones there are. Do I still need to go up and fight?

Of course, it is not necessary to gather all the demons. After all, this is just Nura’s guess. After a long sigh, Nura no longer thinks about these things. Anyway, if I get a devil fruit, I can summon it. Who knows if I will be lucky one day and gather another one, and then my ability will be improved?

After walking out of the study, Nura said directly to the pool:"Kappa, tell all the team leaders to come to Hundred Demons Island after half a month of rest. Now our strength can solve the root cause of the Charlotte family's distortion. Half a month later, it will be time for us to launch a general attack on Wan Guo and seize the territory of one of the Four Emperors!"

The general attack is not a difficult task. Now the strength of the Hundred Demons Pirates has completely surpassed that of the Big Mom Pirates. The only thing they need to worry about is the problem of breaking the defense.

Big Mom's defense is too strong. So far, no one has broken her defense and caused substantial damage to her except for Kazami Yuuka.

Apart from this, Nura's side can be said to have taken advantage of everything. The three major monsters have the strength to compete with Big Mom. The Ghost Group, Ushio Group, Onitsuki Group and Tengu Group under his command are also quite powerful.

To win, we only need to wait until the time comes. The reason why it has to be half a month later is mainly to develop ourselves first. In addition, the Great Tengu and others have just come to this world and need to get familiar with the environment.

"Well, let's wait for dinner first. Xiaoyu's food must be delicious."After stretching, Nura found a place to sit down and rest, waiting for the moment to eat.

Although he is a monster, he is actually a serious person who eats!


The huge body lying on the bed slowly sat up. She looked a little tired and was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"Mom, you're awake. Is there anything you need?"Smoothie, who was guarding here, reacted immediately and looked at the aunt and said respectfully

"What a monster!"

The aunt couldn't help but cursed, and the person she cursed was Feng Jianyouxiang, who was able to completely suppress her and even broke her defense with one blow, causing her to be injured.

"Smoothie, bring me the Den Den Mushi!" The aunt glanced at Smoothie, and then a slightly cold voice came out of her mouth. She was now full of anger and would not be happy with anyone. Even her iconic laughter had disappeared.

""Yes, Mom!" After answering, Smoothie immediately went to find the Den Den Mushi and handed it to the aunt. She knew her mother's temper very well, so she knew that she must not provoke her at this time, otherwise, she would be punished, that is, deprived of her life.

As a result, after the Den Den Mushi, the aunt was silent for a long time, asked Smoothie and others to go out of the room, and then she called an old friend of hers.

""Hmm, Lingling? You're calling me at this time, what's the matter?" A rough voice came from the Den Den Mushi, and the Den Den Mushi's appearance also changed into a special look. If there were other people here, they would find that Big Mom was talking to another of the Four Emperors... Kaido, the strongest creature on earth!

"I want you to help me deal with this kid, right now, immediately!" said the aunt with a gloomy face.

"Humph, you are talking about your own son, right? Lingling is really a mess, being defeated by your own son... But why should I help you deal with him?"After Kaido mocked him for a few times, he said in a deep voice

"Don't forget Kaido, you owe me a big favor, a lifetime favor! This time, as long as you help me deal with that kid, this matter will be written off, is that enough?"The aunt directly brought up what happened that year.

At this time, Kaido was silent for a while, and then he said:"Wait until I finish the things at hand, and it happens that I am also a little interested in your son!" ps: My computer was infected this morning, and the author was so sad that he rushed to update it immediately. Please don't blame me.

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