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Hundred Demons Island.

This time, all the Hundred Demons have gathered here. In the room are Nura and several team leaders, and in the courtyard outside are all the cadres of the Hundred Demons Pirates, who are actually monsters.

Nura sat on the main seat, his eyes slowly swept over the others, and then said with a serious face:"I think everyone should be clear about the purpose of this call... Now our strength is enough, so I plan to launch a general attack on the World Country, whether it is to solve the source of the Charlotte family's distortion or to develop ourselves, this is imperative."

"We have already prepared for this battle, and our subordinates are also looking forward to this battle, to formally understand the feud between us and the Four Emperors Big Mom."Niu Gui sat in his seat with a calm expression.

As for the other team leaders, they either had a smile on their faces or a serious look on their faces.

"The Wan Kingdom consists of dozens of islands, but there are only a few that are truly important."

Nurarihyon took out a map and spread it out in the room, pointing at it and saying,"The Creaky Creaky Island is managed by Daifuku, the Minister of the Wan Kingdom.

His combat power is not weak, but it is not strong enough for us.

However, we cannot underestimate him, after all, the military strength of the Wan Kingdom is still higher than ours.

This island will be handed over to the Ushi-Gui Group, and the specific arrangement of who will be in charge will be decided by the group leader Ushi-Gui.


"Flavor Island is managed by the Flavor Minister Saint Mark, and is also handed over to the Ushiki Group to attack. Remember not to hurt Saint Mark's life."When mentioning this island, Nura also gave a special reminder, after all, he was a brother who had been kind to him.

Then, nearly ten islands were arranged in a row. Basically, the task of attacking these islands was given to the Ushiki Group, and only two islands were given to the Tengu Group and the Arakawa Group. Nura's idea was actually to let Kurobamaru and Kappa attack.

After all, the managers of these islands are not strong in combat power, and the monsters of Kappa's level can deal with them.

"Sister Smoothie will be handled by the Ghost Moon Team.-……"

After a short pause, Nura narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:"The next ones are Biscuit Island, Candy Island and Wheat Island. These three islands are very important, and the managers are also relatively strong. Wheat Island and Biscuit Island will be handled by the Demon God Group. Let Ibaraki Douji go to Wheat Island, and Kidomaru go to Biscuit Island."

The manager of Wheat Island is Katakuri, the leader of the three dessert generals, and the manager of Biscuit Island is Cracker. Although he is not as good as Katakuri, he is still one of the dessert generals and his strength is not weak.

To deal with these two people, a big monster must be dispatched.

The reason why Ibaraki Douji was asked to go to Wheat is because Ibaraki Douji has a sense of propriety and will not kill him. After all, Katakuri is very good to him. As for the strength of Cracker on Biscuit Island, it is up to fate. If Kidomaru is in a good mood, he may be gentler. If he is in a bad mood, then

Cracker can only blame himself for his bad luck.

"The manager of Candy Island is Perospero. Although he is not a dessert star, his strength is not bad. This island will be handed over to the Tengu Group. Crow Tengu can handle the affairs of this island."

Finally, Nura pointed to the most core island of the entire Wan Guo and said seriously:"Cake Island, the most central island of Wan Guo, can be said to be equivalent to its capital, and here is also the most powerful fighting force of Wan Guo, the Four Emperors Big Mom. In addition to her, there is actually another guy whose strength is unknown and we have not met before... Chef, Long Bread."

Hearing this, Shuten Douji was a little impatient and said lightly:"I said, General, there is no need to be so cautious. This uncle can deal with the guy called Big Mom alone, not to mention that according to the arrangement, there will be Lord Arakawa, Great Tengu and Tamamonomae who will go to the cake with you. Let alone one of the Four Emperors, even if there is another one, it is not our opponent!"

Although it's a bit arrogant to say this, there's nothing wrong with it.

The three monsters have gathered together, plus Nura is much stronger than before. Even if there is another emperor, they are not afraid!

But sometimes you can't raise a flag, try not to raise it. This kind of world rule-level thing can't be touched casually.……

"There is indeed no need to be so cautious. Big Mom is our opponent, that is for sure. But have you ever thought about one thing? How can we break through that monstrous defense?"


Nura smiled and asked.

This question stumped everyone, because so far, no one has broken Big Mom's defense except Kazami Yuuka.

Daitengu shook his head at this time and said helplessly:"If Shuten Douji can't break the defense, my wind blade should not have much effect."

"Tsk, what's the problem? Isn't it just breaking the defense? Just let me handle it. I don't believe that I can't deal with her!"Shuten Douji snorted lightly, and then said arrogantly.........,........., but even so, he himself was not very confident that he could break Big Mom's defense. After all, they had fought each other last time, and he did not hold back.

As for Tamamonomae, with one more tail, she might be able to get rid of Big Mom, but in her current situation, she obviously could not do what Shuten-doji and Daitengu could not do.

"When the time comes, leave this matter to me. I will make her extremely vulnerable, and then, it will be the time to really get rid of her!"

A cold light flashed in Nura's eyes. He knew how to deal with Big Mom, which was a simple photo.

"All right, let's go down and make arrangements. We will set sail tomorrow morning and launch a general attack on Bankoku! As for the other islands, let the four pirate groups that have joined us solve them. If they can't even capture those ordinary islands, they are not qualified to carry the flag of fear!"

After Nura finished speaking, all the team leaders stood up, bowed slightly to Nura, and then turned and walked out of the room. They did have things to arrange, such as conveying what Nura had just said.

As for Nura himself, after arranging things here, he went directly to the back garden. Before leaving, he planned to try to fool Kazami Yuuka. If he could take Kazami Yuuka with him to attack Bankoku, then there would be no suspense... People..._

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