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The next morning, the Fear Ship set sail, and behind the Fear Ship there were more than 20 ships of all sizes, some of which belonged to the Hundred Demons Pirates, and four of them were pirate groups that are now under the command of the Hundred Demons Pirates.

These four pirate groups are also famous in the New World today.

The Ghost Eye Pirates, Captain Ghost Eye Al, bounty of 350 million Baileys.

The Sharp Hand Pirates, Captain Heart-Digger Yoles, bounty of 290 million Baileys.

The Red"243" Wu Pirates, Captain Ink Bird Cohen, bounty of 210 million Baileys.

The Silver Bracelet Pirates, captain Silver Blade Da Rosa, has a bounty of 240 million Baileys.

Although they are not very strong, they still have a place in the New World. Moreover, this pirate group is not the kind of pirate group that burns, kills, robs, and commits many evil deeds all year round. The reason why they can carry the flag of fear is because of their style of doing things. Compared with pirates, they are more like heroes sailing on this sea.

"Hey, Yoles, how about we make a bet?" Ghost Eye Al lay on the side of the boat, looking at the Sharp Hand Pirates not far away from him, and shouted loudly

"How do you want to bet?"

Yolus is a tall and strong man. One of his hands was cut off in a previous battle, so he replaced it with a specially made claw. Because he focused on attacking the enemy's heart when fighting, he got the nickname of"heart-digger".

But he is not so scary. Among the four pirate groups affiliated with the Hundred Demons, his pirate group is the most worthy of the word"hero". Because the people he robbed and killed were mostly evil pirates, or some rich and unkind nobles.

"It's very simple. Let's bet on who can complete the task assigned by the general commander first. This time, Big Mom's Ten Thousand Kingdoms will definitely be destroyed. There is no point in betting on other people. Let's bet on things that are actually related to ourselves."

Al smiled, and then continued:"I remember that you have two pots of fine wine, and even you are reluctant to drink it.

If I win, how about giving me one pot? Of course, if I lose, you can ask for anything you want.

As long as I can do it, I will never postpone it!

" He himself is also a straightforward person.

Betting is just for a little fun.

At the same time, he does have some of Yoles's fine wine.

Among the pirates of their class in the New World, many people are thinking about Yoles's fine wine.

It's just that Yoles himself is quite powerful, so generally speaking, no one will provoke him.

"This is easy, but if I win, you have to give me your treasured sword. My brother finally became a swordsman and is in need of a good sword!"Yolers grinned and told his bet.

Then the two looked at each other, knowing each other's thoughts, and then laughed.

Seeing their behavior, Cohen and Da Rosa not far away also made a bet. They were full of confidence in this war. No one thought that Wanguo could withstand the general attack of the Hundred Demons Pirates.

After all, even the Four Emperors Big Mom was defeated by the Hundred Demons Pirates. What ability does Wanguo have to stop the Hundred Demons?


The Ship of Fear.

Except for the people responsible for navigation and maintenance, the others on this ship are the top brass of the Hundred Demons Pirates, that is, the leaders of each group and their subordinates.

Now is not the time to divide the troops, so there are no Hundred Demons on other ships. All the monsters are gathered on the Ship of Fear.

"General, I don't know why, but I always feel a little uneasy."The Ushiki stood beside Nura, his expression still as serious as ever, and said in a deep voice

"The strength of Wan Guo is not as good as ours. The only thing we need to worry about is Big Mom. But any one of Shuten Douji, Daitengu and Tamamonomae can compete with her. There is nothing to worry about."

Nura was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why the Ushiki suddenly had such an idea. But after thinking for a while, he shook his head, compared the combat power of both sides, and said slowly.........

"No!" Nura frowned suddenly, and a light flashed in his eyes. He immediately said to Niugui,"It is true that the Bank of Nations has lost its power to compete with us, but what if... Niugui, your uneasiness comes from outside the Bank of Nations? There is still a connection between Big Mom and Kaido of the Beasts!"

Hearing this, Niugui frowned and said in a deep voice:"If the Beasts Pirates also get involved, it will be a bit disadvantageous for us. Kaido of the Beasts is as strong as Big Mom. Moreover, he has a complete combat force under his command, and the three big bosses are also very strong. General, we need to be careful to deal with it." The three big bosses are Jin, Quin, and Jack. The strength of these three guys is good, but Jack's brain is not very good.

If the Beasts Pirates really want to intervene in this matter, it will indeed become a lot more troublesome, but for the current Baigui, it is not an uncontested opponent.

The three monsters have the strength to compete with Kaido of the Beasts, and now Nura is also very powerful.

"Contact Doflamingo immediately and ask him to find out the movements of Kaido, the Beast, for me. No matter if he wants to intervene or not,���The Ten Thousand Kingdoms will not be cancelled, we just need to prepare for it in advance."

Nura stood at the bow, looked ahead, and said lightly:"Once we find that Kaido is approaching the Ten Thousand Kingdoms, let Lord Arakawa 0.5 go to the sea to receive them well. On the sea, even Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, would be helpless in the face of Lord Arakawa."

"As you command." Niugui nodded and immediately went down to arrange the matter. Nura looked at the sea in front of him and murmured to himself:"It's time to end it. The Charlotte family should not be like this now. After getting rid of that old woman, this family will be completely renewed and will be the real Charlotte family."

Before Nura could sigh too much, Tamamonomae threw himself on him and said with a chuckle:"General, it's time to eat. I made lunch for my beloved wife myself!"

In an instant, the temperature on the ship of fear dropped a lot, because on this deck, there was a gritting Bingli..._

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