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World, Wheat Island

"Lord Katakuri, the Hundred Demons... The Hundred Demons Pirates are here! The fleet has entered the Bankoku territory. Just now, a ship landed on the island, led by the Black Flame Ibaraki Douji!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Katakuri stood up at once, his face extremely solemn. He had just received the news not long ago and found that the Hundred Demons Pirates were heading towards Bankoku, but he didn't expect them to arrive so soon. After a little thought, Katakuri understood that it should be Lord Arakawa who controlled the ocean currents to speed up the sailing speed of the Hundred Demons Pirates in order to catch them off guard.

""Are there any other people besides Ibaraki Douji?" Katakuri asked immediately. He could deal with Ibaraki Douji alone, but if there was another senior cadre among the Hundred Demons, he would find it extremely difficult to deal with him.

"No, among the enemies that landed on the island, the only member of the main ship of the Hundred Demons Pirates is Ibaraki Douji from the Demon Group."The person who came to report thought for a moment and answered directly.

Hearing this, Katakuri's face became even uglier, and he walked outside step by step, thinking secretly in his heart:"If only Ibaraki Douji came to me, it means that the cadres of the other Hundred Demons have set their sights on other islands. It takes a lot of courage to launch a full-scale attack on the entire Bankoku in one breath, Nura... Are you planning to defeat Bankoku?"


The black flames burned wildly. Those ordinary soldiers were no match for Ibaraki Douji. How could ordinary people contend with the power of the great monster?


At this moment, a jelly bean bullet suddenly made a sound of breaking through the air and flew towards Ibaraki Douji.

However, before the jelly bean bullet got close, Hei Yan's sword energy turned into ashes in an instant, and Ibaraki Douji's eyes fell directly on the direction where the jelly bean flew.

Katakuri appeared here with a serious face at this moment. No matter what Nura planned, no matter what the outcome of Bankoku would be this time. At least now, he is still a dessert star, a senior cadre of the Big Mom Pirates, and a pink minister of Bankoku, so he must stand up and protect this wheat island.


Ibaraki Douji looked at the guy who was getting closer and closer, and said in a cold voice:"I am too lazy to fight with you.

I can't use my full strength in the fight, so it's meaningless.

Just stay aside.

The Bankoku will soon become a thing of the past.

The general will talk to you in person then.

I just want to occupy this island now!

""Actually, I also think it's a bit boring to fight without using my full strength.

Since you think the Bankoku is a thing of the past, let me have a real fight with you as the dessert star of the Bankoku.

As for what happened with Nura, let's talk about it after this battle.

If you can't defeat me, then this Wheat Island will not belong to you!

" However, Katakuri had walked to a position only a dozen meters away from Ibaraki Douji at this time, and then stood still:"You said that you want to have a good fight, and this lord will accompany you to the end!

So, there is no need to say more!


As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't hesitate at all, and kicked out his right leg quickly. He used the ability of his Mochi-Mochi fruit to stretch and become bigger, and then he wrapped himself in armed color domineering and went towards Ibaraki Douji.

Seeing this scene, Ibaraki Douji also showed a strange smile on his face. To be honest, he had wanted to take action a long time ago. If it weren't for the admiral's instructions, he would definitely have a good fight with Katakuri.

And now, since the other party took the initiative, he couldn't care less!

The rich demonic power surged wildly at this moment, and the Hand of Hell appeared beside him in the blink of an eye, blocking Katakuri's attack with one hand, and he stood there without even moving.


At the moment when his attack was blocked, Katakuri leaped up, and then his legs split into more than a dozen, and in an instant he launched an attack under the entanglement of armed color domineering.

Seeing that his attack was not enough, Ibaraki Douji couldn't help laughing and said,"This is what makes it interesting. Let me show you my true strength!"

With a wave of his hand, countless black flames rushed out, forming a black wall of fire in front of him, and these flames seemed to condense into substance under the influence of demonic power, and immediately blocked the dozen legs entangled with armed color domineering five meters away, preventing them from advancing.

At this time, Katakuri flashed and appeared on the right side of Ibaraki Douji in the blink of an eye.

Part of his right hand turned into a rice cake and compressed, and at the same time, the entangled hot air blasted at Ibaraki Douji like a rocket launcher.

"Grilled rice cakes!"

"Fighting a monster in close combat is underestimating me!"

Ibaraki Douji reacted in an instant. He turned around, and the black flames wrapped around his one arm, and then he blasted towards Katakuri's fist.


The two fists met, and a loud noise like thunder spread throughout the release. The fierce energy turned into visible ripples, directly blowing away those who were close to them.

After the blow, both of them took a few steps back. Judging from the physical strength alone, there was almost no difference between Katakuri and Ibaraki Douji.

But at this moment, Ibaraki Douji frowned suddenly.

The ground and other things around, in simple terms, the surrounding materials, all began to turn into rice cakes with glutinous properties.

Who would have thought that so many years before the development of the plot, Katakuri had already reached the point of awakening the fruit ability. No wonder he could become the first dessert star.

In the original plot, if it weren't for the appearance of King Luffy, Katakuri would probably think that he was the protagonist of this world.

""Flowing glutinous rice balls!"

With a low shout, the entire ground turned into glutinous rice balls and wrapped around Ibaraki Douji, binding him in place.

"You are quite strong, this kind of battle is interesting, much better than the one on Huludao Island before, but it is impossible for these sticky rice to bind me."

Ibaraki Douji sneered, and then said in a low voice:"The ghost hair black flame is entangled!"

The terrifying black flame suddenly wrapped around Ibaraki Douji's body, and the sticky rice that originally bound him was directly burned to ashes by the black flame.

But Katakuri had no intention of letting him do it. At the moment when the black flame was entangled on his body, rice cakes emerged from the ground here, forming a donut shape, and several of them appeared at a time..._

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