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I have to say, the names of Katakuri's moves are easy to make people hungry just by listening to them.

""Super strong rice cake!"

At this moment, Katakuri swung his fist and manipulated the huge arm strengthened by the glutinous rice cake that stretched out from the donut. After wrapping the armament Haki on it, the terrifying power burst out in the breath, the power that could shake the mountains, and directly bombarded Ibaraki Douji.

""Come on, Hand of Hell!"

Ibaraki Douji shouted without hesitation, and then the Hand of Hell instantly solidified to the extreme and attacked the strange rice cake directly.

The moment the two met, the whole island trembled under this incomparably powerful force. The battle between the two people was not something that other people on the island could approach. After all, if these two people were really counted, their strength was that of a pirate with a bounty of 1 billion!

"I have to say, you are very strong. With this strength, you are worthy of the status of the general brother, but you don't have the ability to defeat me."

Ibaraki Douji said with a chuckle after blocking the opponent's attack.

He almost knew that Katakuri's strength was not much different from his current strength, and the battle between the two would not be able to determine the winner for a while. Of course, although it was impossible to determine the winner, he still enjoyed such a battle very much, at least it was countless times better than both sides being tied up.

"I really don't know where Nura came from to summon all of you guys, all of you are powerful one after another, and there are even some like Shuten Douji who can compete with my mother."

Katakuri couldn't help but complain at this time. When Nura and Bingli left before, he was a little confused. How did Nura, who had been living in the Bankuo, know Bingli who could use cold air.

Later, more and more powerful people gathered around Nura, but he still remembered one thing.

That is, these people called Nura the general commander not after his power became strong, but from the beginning. The little girl named Bingli called him the general commander two years ago when Nura had not left the Bankuo.

But no matter how he thought about it, he could not imagine that Nura was a person who had a system to help him cheat.……

"The general has the ability to command all the ghosts, so I and others will gather around him, that's all.."Ibaraki Douji smiled and said without hesitation.

The two people he truly recognized in his heart were his best friend Shuten Douji and Nura, the general commander.. Nura's talent? Maybe. If mom could have discovered Nura's talent earlier, everything would not have become what it is now. Two years ago, he told me that he wanted to change the twisted Chat family. He was still very weak at that time, but he made me choose to believe in him. This is probably what you call the talent."

Katakuri thought of what happened two years ago. Nura, who was about to flee from Bankoku, was not like this. He was very weak at that time. If he wanted to keep Nura at that time, he could not leave no matter what.

He did not do that at the time, but let Nura leave.

He thought that by letting Nura leave, he was giving him a chance to pursue freedom. Unexpectedly, in just two years, Nura would come back to change this twisted family.

"Are you still going to fight? If not, I can take this island!"

Ibaraki Douji looked at the other party with a sigh and couldn't help asking.

He came to capture the wheat island, not to have a heart-to-heart talk with Katakuri. And even if he wanted to talk about the past, it was the business of his general general, and it had nothing to do with him.

""Fight, but if you can't block this move, just withdraw from Wheat Island!"

As soon as the voice fell, Katakuri's arm turned into a rice cake and expanded rapidly. Then, his huge arm changed into the shape of a mace, and the armed color domineering was wrapped around it. Anyone who saw it could feel the powerful force contained in it.

This is Katakuri's strongest attack. In the original plot, even Luffy, who opened the fourth gear, could not resist the terrifying power of this move.

Maybe his power is not as strong as it will be a few years later, but the power of this move should not be underestimated.

The next moment, the black mace started to rotate at high speed, and gusts of wind swept around. Even Ibaraki Douji couldn't help frowning slightly at this moment.

But although his brows were frowned, his eyes were flashing with excitement. Although

Ibaraki Douji didn't like fighting as much as Kidomaru, fighting with the strong was also a happy thing for him.

For him now, Katakuri is a good opponent, and the power contained in this move is enough for him to go all out!

".∪Good, good! Hahaha, this is more like it!"

Ibaraki Douji laughed, and then the majestic demonic power gathered in front of him. The Hand of Hell became more and more terrifying, and the dark flames wrapped around the Hand of Hell, emitting a heart-pounding breath.

"In this case, I have to show my true strength! However, you have to be careful not to die, otherwise, I won’t be able to explain to the general!"After the voice fell, the Hand of Hell became more and more terrifying.……

"Chop the rice cake!"

""Ghost with Hell's Grip!"

Both of them shouted bitterly at the same time.

The dark mace fell towards Ibaraki Douji like a meteor hammer, and the strong wind swept through the surrounding space as if it was trembling slightly at this moment. What was even more terrifying was that the huge hand of hell grabbed the mace, and the terrifying black flames rushed into the sky at this moment. The huge column of fire directly swallowed up the figures of Ibaraki Douji and Katakuri.


The sound of explosion resounded through the sky, and no one could see what happened in the black flame.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

After three breaths, two figures flew out of the black flame column almost at the same time, at least a hundred meters away, and then fell to the ground, smashing two big holes.

Ibaraki Douji coughed violently, and blood was spilled on the ground. He forced himself to stand up, but the whole person was swaying and unable to stand steadily.

Katakuri, at this time, fell to the ground with his eyes looking at the sky, wondering what he was thinking..._

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