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Fearful Ship docked at Cake Island.

Homies and other soldiers from the Ten Thousand Nations surrounded the Fearful Ship, aiming their weapons at it, but they did not dare to attack it at will, because they all knew that the people on the ship were people they could not deal with.

To put it bluntly, in this world, military strength is really not important, because those top strong men cannot be defeated by numbers.

"You, is this how you welcome me?"

At this moment, Nura jumped down from the ship of fear and stood directly in front of these soldiers from all nations, with Mimi Kirimaru on his shoulder, his left eye closed, and even his right eye only half open, with a nonchalant look, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with an extremely casual smile.

He did not take these miscellaneous soldiers in front of him seriously at all, and to be honest, these miscellaneous soldiers were not worthy of being taken seriously by him.

Then, the three great monsters and the Lord of Arakawa all jumped down from the ship of fear.

Shuten Douji and the Lord of Arakawa stood behind Nura on the left and right, and the Great Tengu's wings danced gently, floating in the air behind Nura. Only Tamamonomae was special. She held one of Nura's arms and had no intention of fighting at all.

"All your fighting power has been blocked by my Hundred Demons. Now in Cake Island, apart from a few weak cadres, there are only that old woman and the chef."

Nura looked completely listless, and even his tone of voice gave people a sense of dishonesty, but no one dared to despise his existence.

Because he is the captain of the Hundred Demons Pirates, the king of the Night Parade of Hundred Demons, and the lord of demons and monsters!

"Bringing so many people here, are you planning to return to your mother's command, Nura?"Baron Dandan stood up at this time, looking like a gentleman, and said slowly.

However, looking at Nura and others, especially seeing Shuten Douji behind them, he was still very scared. Although his strength was not weak in the New World, he had no confidence facing these people from the Hundred Demons Pirates.

This confidence does not mean the confidence of victory...

What he does not have is the confidence of survival!

But he is also very clear that if he does not stand up at this time, then after this war, he will be executed by Big Mom, which means he will die anyway! Unless

Nura can really defeat Big Mom. But this is unlikely in the eyes of Baron Dandan, because he did not see the strange green-haired girl, that is, Kazami Yuuka, who has the strength to defeat Big Mom. As long as Kazami Yuuka is not there, Baron Dandan does not think that Nura and others have the power to defeat Big Mom, so he must stand up, even if it is very dangerous and he may lose his life. It

I don't intend to waste time talking to you here, Big Mom is in the castle, right?" Nura didn't want to pay any attention to Baron Dandan. The battle here was meaningless to him, or it didn't require any effort:"Da Tengu, clear the field, these guys are a bit annoying.……"

""Yes, General."

Da Tengu nodded, and then waved the fan in his hand forward, and a hurricane was instantly set off, and countless wind blades attacked the Homies soldiers and Baron Dandan directly at this moment.

Faced with this attack, Baron Dandan's face instantly became extremely ugly. He immediately drew out his cane sword and forcibly slashed at one of the wind blades, and then the whole person was pushed back more than ten meters away.

"What kind of monster-level attack is this? There are at least hundreds of wind blades, and the power of each of them is not weaker than the slash from the swordsman!"

At this time, Baron Dandan was like a thousand alpacas running in his heart. He never thought that the birdman with wings on his back would have such terrifying strength.

But I don’t know what confidence he has to call Daitengu a birdman.

Although Daitengu has a pair of wings, he is handsome!

Appearance is justice!

At this moment, those Homies soldiers fell down like wheat being cut, and Nura took a few big monsters behind him and strolled towards the direction of the cake castle. None of them cared about the situation here. Seeing Nura and others leave, Baron Dandan just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but was hit by the wind blade again. He never thought that even if Nura and others left, the hurricane here did not stop.

"This time, it’s really troublesome!"

Baron Dandan is very clear about the fact that he can’t escape. It’s simply a fantasy to escape from such a large-scale attack. If he turns around and runs away, he will most likely die faster. He will probably be strangled by the wind blades before he escapes from the coverage of the hurricane.

Asking for flowers

Therefore, only by withstanding this wave of attacks can there be a possibility of survival!

It’s a pity that with Baron Dandan’s strength, it’s just wishful thinking to want to survive in the hurricane created by Da Tengu.

Not long after Nura and others left, Baron Dandan changed from his original appearance to Viscount Chick, then to Count Rooster, and was completely strangled here by these wind blades.

His fruit ability can allow him to withstand two fatal injuries, but in this hurricane, it can only make him endure more pain before facing death..................0,


When he reached the huge cake castle, Nura stopped. He had no intention of going in to see Big Mom.

"Call Big Mom out. If nothing goes wrong, Chef Long Bread is also in this castle."

As Nura finished speaking, Lord Arakawa stretched out his hand and clenched the huge cake castle. Then the black demonic power turned into a school of fish and directly hit the cake castle.

These schools of fish were like cannonballs, and in an instant, the huge cake castle was blasted into pieces.

At this moment, a huge sword energy shot out from the castle and headed straight for Nura.

Facing the sword energy that was coming straight at him, Nura did not react at all.

"You're attacking the general directly. You really treat me as if I don't exist!" Tamamonomae frowned slightly, and a trace of anger appeared in her eyes. She stretched out her hand, which was as green as lotus root, and directly grabbed the sword energy.

Then, she exerted a little force on her palm, and in an instant, she crushed the sword energy with a bang, and it disappeared without a trace.


An angry and sharp roar came from the castle, and then a huge body rushed out from inside, landing not far in front of Nura, and beside her, there was a short man.

There is no doubt that these two people are the Four Emperors and the head chef, Long Bread Xi! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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