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At this point, Long Bread couldn't help but sigh. If it weren't for Big Mom not paying attention to Nura and letting him marry a female pirate, maybe Nura would still be a member of the Charlotte family.

And with Nura in the Charlotte family, they will surely be able to rule the New World, and Charlotte Linlin will also be qualified to become the Pirate King!

However, it's a pity, all of this is unchangeable after all. As of now, Nura has become their biggest enemy. One of the two sides must perish!

"Ma"Wuwusan" Ma Ma, he is indeed a very good child, but he is just too rebellious……"

At this time, the aunt looked at Nura with a gloomy face, and then said in a cold voice:"And you are too arrogant. You dare to attack my cake island when that guy named Kazami Yuuka is not here? Nura!"

She kept looking for the trace of Kazami Yuuka, and even used her observation Haki to the extreme. She was relieved only after she was sure that Kazami Yuuka was not there.

In her opinion, as long as Kazami Yuuka was not there, she didn't have to worry at all. Although there were two more guys she had never seen before, she didn't believe that there would be another person who could break her defense.

"Are you so happy? If Youxiang came, I wouldn't have to come to the castle to find you, because she only needs one strike to kill you, the long bread, and everyone on this cake island, and even this island will sink into the sea."

Nura smiled and said with contempt:"It's just that Youxiang felt that fighting with a weakling like you was meaningless, so she stayed in the Hundred Demons Island and didn't even think about coming here. So, I really don't know what you are happy about, are you happy that you are too weak?"

Is Big Mom weak?

As one of the Four Emperors on the sea, standing at the top of the four pirates, how could she be a weak person!

If she called a Four Emperor a weak person, she would probably be laughed at by people all over the world, because no one would say such words except for a psychopath.

Even among the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world, would not underestimate another emperor, let alone regard another emperor as... a weak person!

Big Mom is definitely not weak, it can only be said that Kazami Yuuka is too strong, that kind of power is completely beyond the norm.

It's a pity that she only has flowers in her eyes, otherwise, the slave Liangdu wants to take her to the holy land of Marijoa to see if the world government has the strength to compete with her..

Kawai-niang is indeed not a match for that guy, but without that guy, you are definitely not a match for me.

But since you are here today, then stay.

As long as I control you, the Hundred Demons Pirates under your command will have to listen to me!


As soon as the voice fell, Big Mom took Napoleon in her hand, and Elbaf Weiguo was directly used. This time she burst out her power without any reservation and launched an attack on Nura.

Although Kazami Yuuka is not here, Shuten Douji is still there. She knows very well that it is not easy to defeat Nura and others.

"Let me deal with this guy, General. This is the battle that has not been completed before!" Shuten Douji said softly.

Then, he rushed out directly, and the powerful demon power burst out at this moment. The ghost gourd also burst out with amazing demon power, and directly confronted Big Mom's attack head-on.

In the blink of an eye, a huge roar resounded through the world. The fight between Shuten Douji and Big Mom erupted in a wave of air, spreading in all directions, shaking the already damaged castle to collapse.

"I might as well take action. After all, there are only two of us. If I don’t take action, I won’t have any opponents to choose from. I don’t want to be just a spectator like last time."

Lord Arakawa said, and he took a step forward and walked towards Long Bread.

The demonic power emanating from his body condensed into a school of swimming fish around him. These fish were more condensed than the ones he had used to bombard the castle just now, and each of them contained terrifying power.

Seeing Lord Arakawa walking towards him, Long Bread’s face became much more solemn. Although he was a great swordsman and his fighting ability was not bad when he was young, he is old now after all, and he has been staying in Wan Guo as the head chef for many years without fighting with others, and his strength has declined a lot..........

Moreover, he is a user of fruit abilities. It would be strange if he had no expression when facing a guy who can control the sea water and has amazing combat power.

At this moment, a fish rushed directly towards Long Bread. The ferocious momentum broke through the air, making a sharp sound of breaking wind.

Long Bread's eyes condensed, and he immediately took a step back. He held the weapon in his hand and quickly slashed out a sword energy in front of him, forcibly blocking the attack of Lord Arakawa.

However, since Lord Arakawa has taken action, how could it be just a fish?

Just when the sword energy blocked the first fish, other fish with demonic power condensed into their children rushed towards Long Bread from all directions. The extraordinary power, any one of them falling on him, was enough to seriously injure him.

""General, don't we need to take action?" Da Tiangou looked ahead and asked.

"It is not a problem for Lord Arakawa to deal with the long bread. He has not used his full strength yet, and the old guy is already a little exhausted. The key lies in Big Mom. Are you sure you can break his defense?"

Nura's expression did not change at all, but he spoke slowly in a calm tone. Daitengu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:"Although my attack is sharper, Shuten Douji can't leave any scars on Big Mom, so I guess it will be difficult to break her defense. However, I remember that the general general said before that you have a way to solve this problem."

"Yes, of course, get ready, and when I break through her defense, I will send him directly.……"

Just as Nura was about to take action, a huge shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, and then a body fell directly from the sky and landed here. The whole cake island trembled wildly because of his appearance.

Then, a rough voice sounded……

"Lingling! I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed!"

Four emperors!

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