Several military vehicles were speeding on the road.

"The auction is about ten minutes away, and it's too late." Someone in the car said, "Although it's just a small auction venue, it's an oligarchic property after all. Would you like to say hello in advance?"

"Need not."

The leader simply refused, with a sneer on his face: "The influence of the oligarch is indeed great, but the situation is different now."

"According to the current trend, it is estimated that there will be more and more abnormal situations, and the situation is expected to get worse and worse. At this time, whether it is legal or popular, the official rights will expand rapidly."

"How can a few oligarchs rely solely on the economy to maintain their subordinates, how can they compare to an official group like us that is closely linked in all aspects?"

"Our country has been reduced to the current state, and their greedy black hands are indispensable. When the time comes, the general account will be settled!"

The last sentence, the leader almost squeezed out through gritted teeth.

The rest of the car was silent.

The main reason why the Xiong Kingdom has reached the rusty state it is today is of course the collapse of the general trend, but an important source of the subsequent malaise is the capital oligarchs who collude with the inside and outside to squeeze the bottom and cause the entire country's economy to lose its vitality.

Those who came from the bottom and climbed up step by step on the basis of military experience, the hatred for them is almost deep-rooted.

This is the common will of the entire middle and lower classes!

It is foreseeable that once the turmoil comes, the first batch of slaughtered in the big reshuffle will be those oligarchs of the Xiong 20 who have planted bitter fruit with their own hands.

In the middle of Shen Ran, the car came outside the auction house.

A group of big men with guns and military uniforms got out of the car. Looking at the time, there were still three minutes before the auction ended.


Albert, who had just left the venue early and left by car, clearly saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and the group of people who were arrested at the airport before, seemed to understand.

"Find a place to change your identity, make some disguise and leave." He ordered.

Xiong Guo is really moving, and his current identity will definitely not be concealed for long, but fortunately, it is only more than 100 kilometers away from Aonia, and he can drive directly without taking a plane.

Xiong Ai and the two countries have always had disputes, and when they get there, Xiong Guo won't even think about finding them.


Subordinates respond.

And the other side.

A group of soldiers with live ammunition poured into the lobby of the auction house, and the people at the front desk were stunned, and they didn't dare to move: "Sir...

The leader showed a navy certificate ostensibly disguised as his identity, and then said firmly: "We have an emergency, and we must see your person in charge before the auction ends."

"Okay...Okay, I'll contact you right away." The front desk said in a panic.

The person headed by the Defense Bureau instructed his subordinates: "Lead people to block the entire auction hall, and not a single fly will be released."


When the people in the auction hall saw this situation, they became more and more anxious.

Soon, the person in charge who received the notice came in a hurry, and smiled kindly before meeting:

"I said that today's bread is so delicious. It turns out that a distinguished guest is coming. Sir, I have a set of Imperial series vodka there, which is absolutely good wine! Look, what can we drink and talk about?"

Speaking of these words, the people in charge are bleeding. A set of Imperial series vodka costs 2,400 meters, about 15,500 Yan national currency, and more than 170,000 blu.

Hearing this, the head of the man rolled his throat, restrained himself forcefully, and said with a stern face:

"Your fifth lot today may involve a military secret. I received an order to bring it back for testing, and if there is no problem, I will send it back to you."

The person in charge froze and roared in his heart, what the hell did you bring back? And where am I going for you now?

Seeing that the person in charge on the opposite side was wrong, the person headed by the Defense Bureau frowned: "I have a full set of authorization documents. This is very serious. It is not a question of whether you are willing or not. Do you want to disobey the order?"

"Sir," the person in charge said with difficulty: "Of course I don't dare to disobey the order, but... I really can't give you the lot."

Seeing the gloomy face of the soldier at the head, he quickly explained:

"We auctioned a total of 15 treasures today. Lot No. 5 was sold long ago, and the buyer paid all the money on the spot, a full 550 million roubles, and then took the lot away."

The head of the man immediately shrank his pupils.

Buying things at the auction is still such a large sum of money, how can there be payment on the spot, such a strange situation, coupled with the fact that the auction itself may have secrets, suddenly made him realize that something was wrong.


He took out his pistol and slammed it on the table, and said coldly: "Buyer information, time to leave, direction to go, immediately, immediately, tell me! This matter is very serious, do you understand?"

At this time, the person the Defense Bureau was looking for, Song Chengan, had already boarded a business plane and flew high into the sky with the roar of the engine.

Looking at the big box surrounded by people from the Anomaly Investigation Bureau, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although it cost more than 48,000,000 Yan Nation coins, such an item that has a profound connection with history and involves the mysterious and extraordinary organization of the Holy Shield, as long as you get it, it is worth it.


In the auction hall, there was a rush of chickens and dogs.

Under the pressure of the Defense Bureau, the staff of the auction house used the fastest speed to organize the buyer's information and submit it.

The leader immediately requested the help of the Bear State Security Bureau fsb.

The Xiongguo Security Bureau contacted the Xiongguo Exit-Entry Administration through the information, and then the Administration contacted the airport.

After this long series of procedures, even if it has been expedited, it will be ten minutes after Song Chengan and their plane take off when they receive feedback from the airport.

Moreover, they seem to have already foreseen the follow-up situation, and they are not flying directly to the Yan Kingdom, because if they do that, the plane will be in the airspace of the Xiong Country for a long time, which can be called by anyone.

In order to avoid such a situation, coupled with the effect of the anthropic principle, after Song Chengan and the others took off, they also headed for Aonia.

At this moment, they had already arrived at the airport, ready to take off for the second time, and then return to the Yan Kingdom on a route that completely bypassed the Bear Country.

When Director Nikita heard the news, he was furious and slammed a heavy punch on the desk, so frightened that the person who reported it did not dare to come out.

"An extraordinary item from our country was actually under our nose and was taken away by auction! Take it away!!!"

He was like an angry bear, roaring constantly according to the people in the office.

"Director, there may be a chance to make up for it a little." Someone whispered.

Nikita's cold and stern eyes immediately moved over: "Speak."

"Is such that."

The man recounted his thoughts:

"Although that thing can't be brought back, the area where it was found can't run away. Those craters are in our country, and no one can take it away. We can send a scientific research team to study and investigate, and maybe we can find something."

"Also, another valuable discovery in this incident is that the records in the book "Knight of Light" are likely to be true."

"And an appraiser from that auction house has a copy of the book, and we can make a copy for research. So, we are not without gain."

After thinking for a while, Nikita nodded: "Well, this matter is up to you, let's go out."

When everyone disappeared, he was alone in the office and sighed silently.

Sending a scientific research team to study for 100 inspections is easy to say, but every action means a large amount of money is burning.

Now Xiong Guo is dying of poverty, otherwise it would not be possible to establish a defense bureau, but it cannot even build a new base. It can only be modified with the navy, adding some equipment, and then it will be finished.

But these have to be done.

Judging from the intelligence collected from various countries, the aberration incident is only just beginning to emerge, but it is already terrifying enough, especially the last light beam incident, whose terrifying power has always kept the bear country on its back.

Moreover, in this silent competition of "investigation, research and preparation for abnormal events", Xiong Guo has fallen behind a lot, and no one can tell what price this backwardness will pay in the future.

So try to keep up.

At this time, Song Chengan, who was still on the plane, was listening to the report of his subordinates:

"Because of this auction, we discovered the book "The Knight of Light", and then we urgently searched for it in the entire Blue Star range. Four hours later, we found it in the private collection of a translator in China."

"I believe you have read the content of the book, but what I want to report at the moment is that we have invited scholars who are proficient in the history of the Eastern Roman Empire, as well as famous geographers."

"According to their research on various ancient names, as well as their research and speculation on the terrain, they finally agreed that the location of the Holy Shield station described in the book should be near Mount Romete in Italy."

"And the coincidence is that there was an earthquake not long ago, but the abnormality is that the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanism ingv did not publish specific data as before..."


ps: Everyone...Xin Chou Year of the Ox...Oxious...2021...Happy New Year! ! !

Sincerely wish all book friends, in the new year, a prosperous wealth, a happy family, all the best, and good health! ! ! .

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