"Shortly after the incident, its northern neighbors, the Ori Kingdom and the Swiss Federation, and their respective earthquake monitoring and research institutions, published a full report on the Internet as usual. But after ten minutes, the report was withdrawn. "

"Nowadays, through search engines, although related items can be found, but there is no specific content, that is, waste links."

"What's even weirder is that, logically speaking, if an earthquake occurs somewhere, all Blue Star capable organizations can monitor it."

"But in fact, at that time, except for the two close enough neighbors, all the other agencies failed to detect the earthquake information, and we don't know the specific situation."

"But there is a famous scenic spot there. After the earthquake, some tourists were on their way to evacuate and found a large convoy of the Italian military rushing to the place where the incident happened and blocked it."

"This went on for half a month, and then, under pressure from tourism interests, Mount Dolomit reopened."

"However, there is still a place that has been designated as a military restricted area, and tourists are not allowed to take pictures in that direction, and it has not been lifted until this moment."

Song Chengan's expression was solemn.

An ancient novel of the ninth century that has experienced ups and downs, if it only contains the word holy shield, it can be said to be a coincidence.

After all, there are a lot of these two words in Yan Guo's various movies and novels.

However, in the description of this book, the Holy Shield is an organization with extraordinary power, hiding in secret against evil existences, which is completely consistent with their previous speculation and cannot be explained by coincidence.

Therefore, it can only be temporarily determined that what is described in the book is the real experience of the author Matthew's travels to the East, and he himself is the protagonist of the book.

Based on this, coupled with the reports of the subordinates at the moment, a conjecture emerged in his mind:

"The earthquake happened when the Holy Shield was born."

When the Taishi Mountain Stone Chamber appeared, the mountain collapsed, and then Jiuding appeared, causing a small-scale earthquake, and after the event, no other countries detected relevant information.

The two are too similar!


Song Chengan looked at his subordinates and said calmly, "I know what you mean, but in this matter, since the Italian side has already stationed the army, it can only let the diplomatic side try to get in touch."

"This time, we were able to get the mark of the Holy Shield in this way, but it was only because Xiong Guo didn't know about it that we took advantage of it."

No matter how unbearable Italy is, it is a fully sovereign country with an independent army, not a semi-colonial like Goryeo or Neon.

If he doesn't want you to go to his restricted military area, you can't do anything about it.



When the business plane passed over the clouds, Yan Guo, Sisheng County, Shanzhou City, Shanyang Deep Water Port.

This is a smart container port located at the mouth of Qiantang Bay, which belongs to Shanzhou City in terms of zoning, but belongs to Magic City in terms of business.

It is now October 30, 2020, and the sea is still calm.

Numerous ocean-going freighters docked here, hoisted from the giant unmanned gantry, quickly removed the containers, and then placed them in suitable warehouses by unmanned transfer vehicles.

The east port area of ​​Shanyang Port is an energy operation port area.

On the west side and in the middle, there are a number of lng storage tanks measuring 10,000 tons, which are connected to a 40-kilometer-long submarine gas pipeline, which directly transports natural gas to the Modu high-pressure backbone network system.

On the east side, is the largest oil product transfer base in the Far East, storing millions of cubic meters of refined oil.

Digital surveillance room.

On one of the many screens, there are ship parking information, real-time dynamics of transfer vehicles, and detailed data of each warehouse.

A certain young man noticed something, and the hand that was typing on the keyboard stopped, he helped his glasses, leaned forward, and narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the gradually reddening area above, he was suddenly shocked, and quickly issued a dangerous event warning in the system, and then took the microphone:

"The temperature of the No. 21 refined oil warehouse is abnormal. Please visit the nearby staff immediately to check and take appropriate measures. Pay attention to safety."

After a while, a voice came from the earphone: "Received, on the way."

Less than a minute later.

An unmanned car under the control of the system, carrying several security personnel who have been on standby, shuttled among many transfer vehicles to the No. 21 warehouse.

In the car, they chatted while checking tools.

"Old Lu, I heard that your daughter is going to college, or is it the Wujiaochang Secretarial University in the capital city?" Someone asked enviously.

Lao Lu is a typical technician with a little hair loss and heavy glasses. He looks a little shy. When asked about his pride, he just smiled restrainedly:

"Count her arrogance."

The others laughed suddenly: "You are too modest, Lao Lu, the Wujiaochang Secretarial University in the capital city, which is a well-known institution of higher learning in China, and graduates will be the future pillars of the Yan Kingdom."

A slightly older man patted Lao Lu on the shoulder and said enviously, "This is a good thing, you are still hiding it, so I don't even know about it! When I'm done with my work, I'll go back and give my eldest niece a bag. A big red envelope! Hahaha..."

Seeing that Lao Lu wanted to refuse, the man quickly held him down: "Don't be stubborn! What's the relationship between us? Your daughter has gone to college, and my feelings won't let me express as an uncle?"

Hearing this, Lao Lu could only scratch his head embarrassedly: "Then I will thank you for my daughter first, Lao Wu."

Everyone in the car burst into laughter.

Amid this laughter, Warehouse 21 arrives soon.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business." Old Wu said,

Several security officers picked up the equipment, entered the password, and with a slight sliding sound, the traction device slowly opened the warehouse door.

The light was thrown in, and many tall white tanks that were sealed and isolated appeared in front of everyone.

"The abnormal temperature is the No. 8 tank, we..."

Stepping into the warehouse, before Lao Wu finished speaking, he noticed that the temperature was obviously a few degrees higher, and a sense of dryness and annoyance permeated the surroundings.

Several security guards looked at each other and quickly accelerated.

The closer they got, the higher the temperature, and the faces of several people became heavier, and the situation was worse than they thought.

"Digital Center, I'm a security officer with the job number **, and I'm applying to turn on the automatic cooling device." Lao Wu turned to the radio channel as he walked.

"Security officer, the automatic cooling device has already been running, but the temperature in the warehouse has continued to rise. And the thermal radiation imaging monitoring shows that the heat source with abnormal temperature is very strange and is located below the ground."

Radio Road.

"Understood, please keep in touch at any time, we need to know real-time data." Old Wu said solemnly.

The digital center responded: "No problem. Please pay attention to safety and be careful."

At this time, several security officers could already hear the sound of water in front of them, which was the cooling device spraying water on the tank.

Looking around, the water vapor transpiring under the heat is being sent out of the warehouse by the exhaust device.

The security guards approached the No. 8 tank, and a burning sensation hit the face.

"Turn on thermal radiation imaging."

Hearing that, Lao Lu skillfully operated the portable device, and the image of the red and blue patches immediately appeared on the screen, and the reddest area was below the tank.

In fact, even without thermal imaging, they could already feel the heat of the ground through their shoes.

"This is too strange!" Someone asked suspiciously.

Lao Lu looked at the others: "To remove the heat source, we must dig up the ground for inspection, and the time is too late. My opinion is to quickly transfer the refined oil in the storage tank through the pipeline to gain more processing time."

"¨'Okay." Lao Wu nodded: "Open the pipeline, pay attention to be slow, to avoid the water hammer effect damage the tank, causing more serious consequences."

The rest hurriedly acted accordingly.

Looking at the temperature monitor that comes with the tank, the number keeps rising. Old Wu said anxiously: "The rest of the people have turned on the fire hydrant and connected the sprinkler, so the temperature must be controlled."

"Wow wow..."

With the efforts of everyone, the water column was poured on the white tank, and the beating numbers finally stopped gradually.


Old Wu touched the beads of sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, under the ground, a pair of tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a few swaying blood-colored granulation appeared on the upper and lower eyelids...

In the warehouse, Lao Lu, who had been staring at the thermal imaging, saw the screen quickly turn red, and his pupils shrank.

The radio that Old Wu hung on his chest suddenly came out with anxious words: "The temperature has risen sharply! Hurry up! You guys hurry up!!!"

In this voice, several security guards raised their heads stiffly and looked at the refined oil storage tank in front of them.

"Let's go! Let's go!!!"

In the digital center, the young man shouted almost hoarsely, and suddenly, a strong light flashed through the wide glass window overlooking the entire Donggang District.


As soon as the young man raised his head, he saw a huge black mushroom cloud that ripped apart the eardrums with a loud bang, followed by a terrifying shock wave.

The tempered glass shattered instantly.

Everyone in the digital center, together with any instrument table, was like a fragile and light rag doll, and was thrown away in shock under the shock wave.

Seven or eight kilometers away, the Shanyang Shilong Scenic Spot.

A group of tourists gathered in twos and threes, smiled happily, and took out their mobile phones to take selfies from time to time.

"Tong Lei, I heard that your father is working as a security guard on the opposite island?" a good boy asked.

"Yeah!" Lu Tonglei nodded earnestly, her short curly hair swaying around her neck: "I ran over while there was no class today, just to give him a surprise, but he hasn't gotten off work yet, so he can only wait."

"Hey, by the way, Saurer, what does your father do?"

Saurer showed eight white teeth and said proudly, "My dad is a firefighter!"

At this moment, a strong light flashed across the sky, and the two turned their heads in amazement, and saw a huge mushroom cloud rising from the storage area in the distance...


ps: Once again, I sincerely wish all book friends a happy new year!

I hope everyone in the new year: smooth sailing, two dragons take off, three sheep are open to Thailand, four seasons are safe, five blessings come to the door, six or six great successes, seven stars are shining, eight directions are rich, nine and nine are concentric, perfect and perfect, everything is prosperous, thousands of Good luck, all the best! ! !

(The content of this chapter is more than 3,000, and New Year's greetings, I hope you don't say that I am counted, laugh and cry...).

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