The owner of the skeleton is a snake?

A flash of light flashed in the minds of the five people.

As a member of the Alliance of Peepers who are exploring the inner world, no matter what their previous status was, they must now know the legends of various regions, so as soon as this information came out, they immediately started brainstorming secretly.

Snakes are quite common in mythology and legends as creatures widely distributed across the Blue Star.

For example, the soaring snake of the Yan Kingdom, the eight-headed snake of the neon, the Naga snake god of the White Elephant Kingdom, the dark snake Apophis of the ancient Aiji, the feathered snake god of the Meizhou area...

But where is this now?

The island of ice and fire in the Weino Sea, one of the five Nordic countries.

What myth would be involved here?

Of course it originated in the Scandinavian region, and oral transmission dates back to Norse mythology in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the five people widened one after another, and names that would never be unfamiliar to those who knew Norse mythology came to mind in shock—

"The earthly python, Yemengade!"

In the silent duo before, the thick man with a scar on his face was full of surprise.

Facing the confirmation-like gazes of the five, Jerome shook his head:

"To be honest, I guessed the same as you, but it doesn't mean that this is the final answer. In the absence of conclusive evidence, guesswork can only be guesswork."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the skeleton lying still in the crack, his voice lowered a few degrees:

"Of course, I also hope that the facts are the same as what we guessed. In this way, it involves the existence of gods, and our hope of stepping into the inner world is even greater."

At this time, the rather thin young man among the five said: "Have you measured the specific width of the skeleton?"

"Exactly 35 meters." Jerome said.

The young man blinked for a moment, then opened his mouth slightly, as if startled by what he was thinking about.

After a long while, he said to everyone: "I have some understanding of snakes, if it is a python, then the multiple of body length and width is generally 20 to 40 times, and if it is a snake, it is 30 to 40 times. ."

"The median value of the two sets of data is 30 and 35, and the average value of the two is 32.5. If calculated based on this data, then the length of the skeleton master 177 before his life should be 1137.5 meters."

"And I think that this data is too fat, and it is probably longer than this normally."

A giant snake over a kilometer long? ! !

What should it be like when it is in action? The rest of the people just imagined it in their minds, and they felt a suffocating feeling of oppression.

Li Lanlan said with some shock: "In Norse mythology, the description of Yemengade is a huge sea snake that can surround the world."

"We all know that the descriptions of the ancients are usually exaggerated and imaginative. However, if you put yourself in the shoes, if you see such an existence up close, and say "can surround the world", I am afraid it is indeed an appropriate description."

Jerome nodded: "Our technicians have calculated the length of the skeleton according to the change in the width of the skeleton, which is probably between 1250 and 1300 meters."

"In addition, it can be seen from the detection results that its tail part extends westward, while its head faces eastward, but it is not buried in the surface layer, but directly 'drilled' into the depths of the ground."

"You come with me."

As he said that, he led the five people towards the east side of the factory, which had a low degree of completion and was only surrounded by the surrounding area. After a while, the door opened under his signal, revealing a large irregular pit.

And some personnel are operating machinery, carefully cleaning the rubble near the skeleton.

Through the cracks in the gravel, the five of them could vaguely see that the huge ribs of the corpses were like the supporting frame when building the tunnel, propping up the dark cave that slanted into the depths of the ground.

In the face of such a situation, everyone can almost imagine that for some reason, this giant snake took on such a posture when it still had flesh and blood, and when its flesh and blood withered away, it left a tunnel-like hole. .


The eyes of the five people were all filled with different colors.

Is this the "dead road" created by the giant snake trying to burrow into the ground before dying, or is it a passage leading to a mysterious area?

Thinking of the meaning of the latter, Li Lanlan, Xie Penghai and the others couldn't help but their heartbeats became short.

But before that, there is a more important question. If you can't get the answer, everyone will be stuck in the throat, and it will be difficult to sleep and eat, let alone explore the inner world.

Dolphin looked at Jerome and asked seriously:

"No. 0, if the previous guess is true, this skeleton is indeed Yermengard in Norse mythology, which means that you have a corpse of a god in your hands, and there is no need to say much about its value."

"Although we are both members of the 'Secrets' Alliance' in name, we are actually just members of a loose intelligence sharing and exchange group, and even a lot of information that is really considered to be of great value will not be shared at all."

"Under such circumstances, why did you choose to bring us?"

Jerome didn't speak, just looked at her calmly. In the dead silence, there was only the monotonous repetition of the sea breeze and the sound of the waves, and the atmosphere between the six was almost frozen.

Li Lanlan and Xie Penghai's short heartbeats intensified again at this moment.

Although he spent a lot of money on self-defense preparations before he came here, compared to the pistols equipped by these security personnel, it was like a pediatrician.

The two do have a bit of a gambling reckless mentality.

After all, when Team No. 3 arrived in Jiangcheng before, they chose to disguise themselves and make a report to the official because of the news from No. 0.

Although I don't know if the reports of the two of them are valid, but after a heavy rain one night, a local news media reported that the police took advantage of the rain to arrest the gangsters and start a shootout.

In fact, according to the rumors collected by Xie Penghai, the day after the heavy rain, a street near the Jinyun Mountain Reserve was urgently repaired. Judging from the repair area, the number of bullets fired was quite amazing.

After careful consideration, the two realized that when No. 0 disclosed the news at that time, it was very likely to induce them to cause trouble for No. 3 team, making their actions unsmooth, and even attracting the attention of the official Yan Kingdom, and finally to No. 3 Yu. dead.

In this way, No. 0 is by no means a good stubble.

With the background that the two of them have nothing to rely on, this trip is a great adventure.

Therefore, when they were on the plane, they laughed at themselves and finally realized what it means to "kill the bird for food" and "curiosity killed the cat".

The attraction of the world is bigger than money and drugs.

But in the frozen atmosphere, Jerome suddenly laughed, and directly pulled out a matte black pistol from the waist of a security guard at the gate.

This made the five people abruptly startled. The burly man with the scar on his face sank slightly in his left eye and tucked his right hand into his sleeve, while the rest of the people also reacted with stress.

"Don't be nervous." Jerome showed the pistol in front of everyone.

"This is a Victor sp1 made in South Philippines. It has a caliber of 9 mm and a magazine capacity of 15 rounds. It will not be a problem to kill two or three people."

"But it's just the least powerful guy in my security force, scar rifles, high-explosive grenades, man-portable missiles, we all have it."

He seemed to be showing off his strength, but he quickly looked around the crowd from left to right, and then changed his voice: "But are these useful for the existence of the upper world? It's useless, like a few broken sticks."

"We are going to find the extraordinary and become extraordinary, not to fight. Instead of relying on these, I believe in you more."

These words made everyone look at each other, puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Xie Penghai said.

Jerome nodded his head with his finger: "Everyone, since you already know that there are mysterious powers in this world, why are you still looking at things with the eyes of the past."

"Blue Star's billions of people, apart from the official ones, as few of you who can discover the truth on their own and embark on the road of exploration, do you really think that what you have experienced is just a matter of absolutely fair probability?"

"Don't you think of a more popular and more mysterious description-luck?"

"According to our Western parlance, this is called 'lucky person', and according to the language of Yan Kingdom culture, it is 'the one chosen by God's will'. So, I think it may be more miraculous sometimes to call you here. "

"Dolphin", Xie Penghai, and others were all a little stunned, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make some sense, but they had never thought about it before.

In fact, if some middle two teenagers had their experiences, they would have long felt that they were the chosen ones.

The corner of "Dolphin"'s eyes moved slightly, thinking of the conclusion of the psychological profile of the other four people except himself, and immediately thought of a deeper intention, but he just glanced at Jerome and did not point it out.

Putting the gun back, Jerome said: "After this place is cleaned up, someone will explore first, and we will go after the preliminary results. Now, let's go back to the house to avoid the cold wind, and let you see the bones by the way. research results.”

He walked back with the group.

Not far away, a long series of temporary prefab houses made of modular materials came into view.

Under the watchful eyes of the security guards, they stepped into a small temporary building. As soon as they entered, the warm wind blowing on their faces made people feel like they had entered a new world.

The layout inside is a typical western-style classical living room, with tables, chairs and sofas, all centered on the fireplace.

"Please take a seat." Jerome said, and said to the waiting servant, "Bring up the hot coffee."

Li Lanlan clearly understood the rich family style engraved in his bones. In such an environment, he even brought a servant, so he didn't know how to evaluate it.

After everyone took their seats, Jerome took out the tablet and slid it a few times. With a click, the projection screen hung down on the ceiling, and the micro projector placed on the cabinet immediately turned on, illuminating a bright picture on the screen.

People's attention was immediately attracted.

The broken ribs of the stone that appeared first were carried by several people.

"This rib broke due to the earthquake, and we found it." Jerome said, sliding his fingers on the tablet, switching to the next picture.

It was a bone fragment scattered in the sand.

"According to the determination, these bones are 2,100 years ago, floating up and down for 200 years. Their density is only 0.82, which is smaller than water, but even after two thousand years of erosion, the strength is still higher than ordinary steel."

Jerome explained the words with a touch of restrained exclamation.

The next picture is a picture obtained by enlarging the surface and cross-section of the bone chip with high-precision equipment.

Everyone can clearly see that the surface is full of strange lines, but what is even more shocking is that they have been staring at it for a long time, and their heads are obviously tired.


Aware of the strangeness, the five quickly retracted their gazes.

Jerome shook his head and said, "You are only looking at the pictures, and the effect has been weakened many times. The researcher who directly observed with the naked eye in the temporary laboratory fainted on the spot."

The rest of the people are all solemn, and the existence of the world is really incredible.

"Dolphin" seemed to think of something, and suddenly said anxiously: "You didn't cut the bones to use for other experiments, right?"

Jerome waved his hand: "Please rest assured, Miss Dolphin, how could I have made such a low-level mistake. In the context of the existence of mysterious power, in the face of items suspected of being the bones of gods, we must respect them no matter what."

"Many ancient fables have warned us that it is very important to maintain awe. Who knows how effective his remaining power will be. If you are cursed because of this, it will not be worth the loss."

"The bones we used to observe are all bone fragments dropped by the earthquake, and the whole process is absolutely respectful. We also conducted prayers and sacrifices in advance, and the sacrifices were quite generous."

"So far, except for the researcher who fainted because of the patterns on the bone fragments, there have been no abnormal accidents here. Of course, this is of course not absolute insurance, but there is a price for everything, right?"

Someone nodded.

Tang You's projection had just come, and when he heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head.

These complex and bizarre patterns were originally rubbed from the base of the decomposed Pillar God. If he hadn't done the weakening treatment, one of the people who had seen it would be counted as one, and all of them would have become corrupt and evil.

And this is just a warning of the danger of the ruins this time.

"Hope you guys realize that."

Tang You sat on the sofa beside him, ready to see what these people had researched.

Jerome continued to slide the tablet and played the information he currently had on the projector, making no secret of his affection.

When the materials were finished, the group expressed their opinions and started discussions, as if they were unprepared and grumpy with each other before.

In the middle of the night, just after everyone finished the barbecue, the knives, forks and plates were removed, and the handheld radio on the table suddenly sounded, and the tone was a little excited:

"Bah... Boss, the explorers came up. They said it was a passage, and there was a huge underground world at the end! And they also saw..."


ps: Some of the discussion content was originally written in this chapter, but after writing it, I found it was too long, and it was timed out, so I should move it to the next chapter and write it in the form of "seeing and discussing". .

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