Hearing the excited voice on the radio, the hearts of everyone present were lifted.

"What's going on underground? What did they see?" Jerome asked hastily.

The voice in the radio explained: "The environment in the underground space is very harsh. Not only is the oxygen content extremely low, but the air has many kinds of poisonous gases."

"What's worse is that not long after they arrived, they felt inexplicable pain, felt dizzy, almost lost their sense of direction, and all the electronic equipment they carried also failed, and even the flashlight was intermittent."

"Under such circumstances, even if they tried their best, they could only vaguely see the head of the giant snake and the vague outline of something above it in the dim light."

"They said that the item looked like a hammer, but it was different. Unfortunately, due to the strange power interference, they only stayed below for a minute or two, and they returned quickly before they could take a closer look."

The room suddenly became quiet.

The six people looked at each other in shock, all descriptions of the strange environment were filtered by them, and only the most crucial words kept reverberating in their minds.

The hammer...on the serpent's head...

Jerome's lips didn't seem to be pressed, and finally his back was slightly back, he took a deep breath, and just then he suppressed his heartbeat that suddenly became violent~.

The rest were no better.

"In Norse mythology, the worldly python, Yemengade, died in the tragic battle of Ragnarok." - Li Lanlan said.

"At that time, He and the first warrior of the Aesir tribe, Thor, the god of life, fought for life and death, and was finally killed by the hammer of Thor, Mjolnir, who was thrown, but at the same time, the god of thunder also fell because of its venom."

"If the item on the giant snake's head is indeed a hammer, it is confirmed from the side that this huge skeleton is probably the remnant of a giant python in the world."

Although there have been speculations before, when key evidence emerged, everyone's hearts were still full of shock.

A year ago, they would never have dreamed that such a movie-like plot would actually appear in their lives one day in the future.

"The corpse of the gods..." The thin man muttered to himself: "No wonder it has been down for so long, and the bones are still so strong, and they have unsightly power."

Miss Dolphin tapped on the table lightly, and after attracting everyone's attention, she said in a serious tone with a little excitement:

"Everyone, I have to remind one thing that the corpse of the giant snake is likely to point to the giant python on earth, which is exciting, but don't forget that the background of his death is the famous Ragnarok of the Gods, and the final battle location is Asgar, the kingdom of the gods. Germany."

"But now, his corpse is here, what does that mean?"

The rest suddenly woke up.

Yes, according to the legends, the two sides of the war fought a deadly battle in Asgard, and finally turned the kingdom of the gods into burning ruins.

Now that the corpse that should be in the ruins of Asgard is actually here, does it mean... that the underground space with harsh environment is the kingdom of gods that has turned into ruins?

Just looking at the death of the earthly python for more than 2,000 years, the skeleton still retains the power that mortals cannot look directly at, it is already possible to guess what a huge opportunity lies in the ruins of the kingdom of God.

The sound of everyone's inhalation immediately became heavy.

For them, the current situation is like a beggar who is extremely poor and suddenly found a shining golden mountain. Even Li Lanlan and Xie Penghai, who didn't have great ambitions, couldn't help but think about it at this moment.

Jerome left his seat and took a few steps around the room, turned his back to the crowd for a while, and then turned around and said:

"No matter how great the wealth is, the dangers of underground space cannot be ignored. We must solve this problem before we can explore it."

Hearing this, Xie Penghai beckoned and said:

"I have an immature conjecture about the description of the explorer's condition after arriving in the underground space in the radio just now. It may not be some mysterious power."

The rest of the people immediately became interested: "How do you say?"

"I'm not sure about the inexplicable pain, but I was dizzy and disoriented, and the electronic equipment was disturbed. It sounded like some kind of strong and chaotic magnetic field."

After Xie Penghai finished speaking his own views, he explained: "This conjecture, I did not start from the scientific level, but also took into account the content of the myth."

"Anyone who has studied physics should know that electricity and magnetism are very closely related, and the two can be converted into each other. In Ragnarok, there is the god Thor who controls thunder and lightning."

"Since the power of the earthly python can persist for so long, it makes no sense that the power of Thor has dissipated. Therefore, I think that the power is likely to be the latter's power of thunder and lightning retained here, and then the magnetic field disorder caused by it."

Tang You, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled slightly, he really set it like this.

The relics given by the system are getting bigger and bigger each time. When he adjusted this time, it was different from the "true relics" commonly used in the past, but made the ruins of ancient battlefields.

A high-level extraordinary existence of the ruins of war, even after more than two thousand years, there are still some dangers, this is only logical.

Of course, there are opportunities in danger.

However, Tang You didn't intend to leave it to Jerome's people. After all, many of the official soldiers in the Western world are not clean, let alone private armed members with strong control in places like South Philippines.

While building the history of the organization, he can give the national officials, which are important human forces, the power to deal with low-level alien monsters. That is to consider the big proposition of protecting human beings.

However, he would never be able to hold the bad guy to the superlative seat.

This is the bottom line!

In the room, after listening to Xie Penghai's narration, Jerome nodded in approval, notified the technicians, and then said to everyone:

"Everyone, it's getting late, rest early, I have prepared a comfortable bedroom for you."

"During our rest period, my people will continue to verify the power of the underground space, what is going on, and find a proper way to deal with it."

"We cultivate our energy, and then explore the world of gods together. To see the extraordinary, explore the extraordinary, and finally integrate into the extraordinary, our concept may not be far away."

The rest of the people smiled, and the atmosphere eased a lot compared to when they first arrived.

For a loosely structured organization, visible and ambitious goals, and interests that excite everyone, are the best glue.

After that, the five of them were allocated a whole house. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. For a temporary "construction site", it is definitely considered a luxury.

However, for safety reasons, Li Lanlan and Xie Penghai chose to live together, and for this reason they moved the bed of another house.

When the washing was finished, the lights were turned off, and the bedroom fell into darkness. The five people listened to the faint mechanical sound. No one was really heartless and could fall asleep while lying down.

The excitement of stepping into the god-level ruins, the fantasy becomes the extraordinary throbbing, the hidden worry about the so-called "companion", and the fear of the mystery and the unknown...

Countless complex thoughts swirled around in their minds, causing them to toss and slept.

Looking back on the experience of reaching this point, I only feel that it was really like a dream. Because of some accidents, I barely jumped out of the vision of ordinary people, and then went deeper and deeper, and I can no longer return to a normal life blindfolded.


"Hopefully it turns out well."

Li Lanlan lay on the bed and muttered to herself.


Day and night disappear.

After a night of research, the technicians have confirmed that the strange force in the space below is indeed a high-intensity disordered magnetic field.

To this end, Jerome immediately ordered special protective clothing. The principle of the latter is to use a ferromagnetic material with high magnetic permeability to make a wearable "shield box".

For example, the superconductor used in the high vacuum tempering machine can generate an ultra-high magnetic field of 0-4.5 Tesla. The shield is a stainless steel plate, and the magnetic field measured by the outside world is basically similar to the geomagnetic field.

With a lot of money, the shielding effect is of course no problem, but the disadvantage is that it will be very inconvenient to put on and move, it is like an iron can, the shape can probably be referred to as a plate knight, but it is covered with a layer of composite leather.

a few days later.

The peripheral facilities have been basically completed. The modular wall is three meters high. At the same time, most places in the site have also set up tarpaulins to avoid drones and satellite photography.

The entire venue is tight and airtight.

The plane that transported the goods finally arrived at Ice and Fire Island, and finally, the equipment was transferred to the construction site by vehicles.


The truck entered the gate and stopped, and many security personnel quickly opened the carriage and unloaded the goods.

One of the boxes was disassembled. Jerome stepped forward, looked at its typical orange construction appearance, raised his hand and rubbed it for a moment, then turned his head to look at the five people: "Perhaps, it's time to go."

"bang bang..."

Amidst the dull metal sound, in the factory building, the simple cable car above the dark passageway slowly rose under the lifting of the machine to the point where it was level with everyone's eyes.

A dozen people in bloated orange protective suits stood around the edge of the pit.

Although the passage is inclined into the ground, it is also very steep, and some sections are even 90 degrees vertical. Not to mention wearing this protective clothing that is difficult to move, even if you travel lightly, few people can climb down on their own.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Therefore, the use of a simple cable car is a must.


The hot air exhaled by Li Lanlan hit the full-coverage mask, making the vision a little blurry, and the connected oxygen tube immediately sent out pure oxygen.

In this set of equipment, the transparent mask that can shield the magnetic field is the most expensive part.

Li Lanlan looked around and saw that in addition to Jerome and himself, the other seven people were holding rifles, apparently as a security force for this trip.

"Let's go," Jerome said, stepping onto the cable car first.

They have just obtained the special protective clothing, and it is the first time they have made a real exploration of the underground space. Strictly speaking, it is very risky.

Knowing the risks, Jerome still chose himself as the leader of the starting team, entirely out of the concerns mentioned earlier:

Afraid of subordinates or others, taking the lead in getting useful items and mastering extraordinary power, thus threatening themselves.

Everyone looked at each other, holding old-fashioned pot-bellied oil lamps in their hands, and stepped onto the cable car one after another. Among them, Li Lanlan and Xie Penghai stood together.

"Bang bang... squeak..."

The machine started, and the cable car gradually sank into the wide hole.

The deepening darkness came, and the oil lamp, which was inconspicuous at first, showed a dim yellow light, and as it descended, it illuminated the dark road ahead, and the gray-white bones reflected a faint light.

During the close contact at this time, everyone really realized what the concept of a giant snake with a width of more than 30 meters was.

The cable car, which is enough to accommodate more than a dozen "big fat men", is extremely small in the width of its "opened" cave.


Seeing the ribs that were illuminated one after another and then plunged into darkness one after another, everyone suddenly had a strange association. This terrifying giant snake was still alive, while he and others were moving in their stomachs.

"How deep is the underground space?" Miss Dolphin asked aloud.

Everyone's oil lamps are hanging down to their thighs, so everyone's faces are almost immersed in a large shadow, looking like the lighting in a horror movie.

"Almost two-thirds of the 1,000-meter-long giant snake is in this passage. Although there is a certain inclination, the depth is more than 700 meters. That is the real underground world." Jerome said with emotion.

"Right." He suddenly remembered something and reminded everyone:

"According to the current descending situation, we will soon reach the end of the passage, and where the patterns on the bones are more preserved, there will be some rather strange situations. If you don't want to faint on the spot, you'd better close your eyes. "

So everyone looked at each other and closed their eyes.

In this already depressing space, when the vision is also closed, there is only a slight shaking in the brain, as well as the monotonous repetition of the noise of the cable car and the exhalation, which makes the mood even more dull.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the rustling sound that seems to be far and near, incomparably erratic, suddenly sounded in my mind.

It is like someone shouting in the distance, like a whisper from a lover close to the ear, more like a soft smoke swept across the waist, and then rises along the back, wrapping around the shoulders and neck, making people fall asleep.

After a while, the whispers became short and short, as if countless people were whispering in their ears at the same time, and the weird and sharp laughter was mixed in between.

A touch of smoothness that really comes from the skin.

Everyone suddenly woke up, only to feel goosebumps appearing all over the body, which was terrifying.

Jerome sensed the agitation and immediately shouted, "Don't open your eyes!"

"No. 0, this is the 'quite weird situation' you said? Who knows if there is a curse in it." Miss Dolphin said with gnashing teeth.

"Every gift has a price, be patient, Miss Dolphin," Jerome said.

Amid distracting whispers and shrill laughter, the cable car finally shuddered slightly and hit the ground.

"That's enough." Jerome said and opened his eyes, only to see criss-crossing, irregular light strips dotted on the ceiling of the cave hundreds of meters high, and then through the tumbling dark red mist, a bleak like ghostly fire bloomed. brilliance.

Beyond the sharp stone cones that gnawed at each other on the ground, in the distance there were vague outlines of dense trees, and further away, there seemed to be something hidden in the blur.

The light from those unknown bands was very dim, almost like the sky at the end of the evening.

Jerome slowly shifted his gaze and saw the skeleton of the giant snake hanging from the top of the cave. He drew an arc in mid-air and was supported by the protruding stone thorns on the rock wall. Finally, part of his head broke away from the rock wall and hung over the dark deep stream. , on a wide bridge.

A somewhat mutilated giant hammer could be vaguely seen, pressing on its shattered skull.

"Thor... Hammer!"


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