The monster's words were not big, but they could be heard clearly by everyone who was separated by dozens or hundreds of meters.

The first mate scratched his hair with a stern face.

He felt that he had suffered from eight lifetimes of blood and mold today, and that he finally came to the rescue. Seeing that this matter was settled, he and others seemed to have survived the catastrophe.

The change in the situation made the rest of the people look stiff.

But Tang You looked at the "marionette", but he was not surprised at all, but still showed a coldness: "You are a mediocre rat, you dare not show your face, but you use the power of silt to act in disguise."

In this regard, the existence of manipulating the corpse of the monster seemed to be completely unheard of. The monster slowly fell to the deck, and with a wave of the palm, the shattered steel around it flew over to form a chair.

The monster with a blood hole in the torso, the flexible and weird Dala sat down, leaned back slightly, tilted his head slightly, and put his hands on the armrests, his posture was determined and arrogant.

"I never do anything insecure, I've been watching the world for a long time."

"I have to say that it is an incredible phenomenon that a group of fragile creatures can occupy such a rich area. However, for a world that has never been developed, this is indeed normal."

"It's you who amazes me."

The raised head of the monster returned to look straight, but there was curiosity in his eyes, and a few traces of greed that were covered up.

"According to my exploration of this vast space, not long ago, there should be no conditions for the birth of spiritual creatures."

"However, the spiritual creatures that work secretly from time to time on that land are weak, but their spiritual power is strong and pure, and they obviously have a systematic cultivation method."

"At first this puzzled me, until I discovered that occasionally there are other spiritual creatures in the Atrium and Myriad Realms who fall into this place like us, and then I realized that we are not a special case, and your spiritual power system also comes from this. "

"But an existence with such a level of cultivation system cannot be beaten by your human technological means, and such an existence obviously does not need to impart knowledge to you. Unless..."

Seeing that Tang You was still unmoved, the monster laughed "Jie Jie", as if he could see through the man's pretentious calm.

"Unless, what brought you your cultivation system is a powerful treasure! Originally this was just a guess. Although I am quite sure, it is still just a guess."

"But your appearance made me realize that this must be true! Otherwise, how could a demigod like you appear in the space where Spiritual Environment 11 only appeared less than a year ago."

Tang You noticed that the surrounding space was changing slightly.

Originally, with his early level 5 strength, he really couldn't realize this, but don't forget, he also controls the ancestor-level existence in time and space - Jianmu.

The increase brought about by this relationship has made his sensitivity and control over time and space far beyond what he should have at this stage.

However, although Tang You noticed the small movements of the mastermind behind the scenes, he did not expose it, but instead asked in a seemingly normal way: "So what?"

Hearing the words, the monster leaned slightly, as if looking down at the person in front of him. His elbows were still supported on the armrest, but his fingers were interlocked in a tower shape, and then he used the already stiff corpse to pull out an ugly and weird smile:

"So... I follow the trend and draw out important people among you based on your actions. And this matter is as I wish, you... come."

"We Mowen tribe have always loved to communicate, and I am the best among them. I made these things out of a genuine hope to chat with you. To be honest, I have never seen such a strange world, and its spatial composition is familiar to me. The atrium is very different.”

"There are no big or small planes here. All the spaces are connected into one, and it is unimaginably vast. In addition, matter is condensed into planets, and life depends on it to thrive. This is like an alternative plane."

"I don't know where this is, maybe it's the fourth pole other than the atrium, the silt, the ancient world of order, but it doesn't matter what it is, because it must be what you call the 'new world'. What does it represent, it represents opportunity ."

"Just talking about the multitude of intelligent beings who lack protection, it is simply unimaginable in the atrium, and it is a huge wealth. Killing millions of people casually, depriving the soul of the essence of the soul, is enough to make the demigods jump. "

"In our place, it takes nearly ten planes with the same area as Blue Star to nurture so many intelligent creatures."

Speaking of which, the monster's voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement:

"But more importantly, although your human body is fragile, your soul is unimaginably pure, and the light spot content of the soul is also very high. Only ten of my clansmen can be worth a human."

When he realized that his secret means had been completed, the excitement in his eyes became more direct and presumptuous, and his forward leaning posture was adjusted accordingly, returning to his arrogant sitting posture.

"Of course, I say all of this to elicit what I really want to talk to you about, which is about the rules of survival in the world."

"Reality is cruel and exciting. When something is in your hands, it doesn't mean it belongs to you, but it belongs to you if you have enough strength. This is true of individuals, and the same is true of ethnic groups."

"For example, humans and Blue Star, you and that treasure, you... do you understand what I mean?"

After the words were finished, purple light streaks appeared in the dark clouds in the sky, and the air became extraordinarily stagnant, and the surrounding line where the sea and the sky met gradually became faint, and even disappeared, replaced by a gray wall.

It turned out that the surrounding dozens of kilometers had unknowingly fallen into a space shrouded in dark purple light.

As soon as the unknown existence manipulating the corpse appeared, the crew had already realized that this was a difficult character to mess with, and the gesture of being in control of everything in the follow-up made them think of the villain's grandfather in the movie, where both strength and calculation coexist.

And at this moment, the changes made them panic and panic, and the only thing they could do was to pray in their hearts that the mysterious black-robed man still had a stronger strength.

On the other hand, he felt that his spiritual power level was already superior, and the means had already been arranged. Even if the mastermind behind the control of the monster was cautious enough, he still felt that the victory was in his hands.

He was about to admire this man's expression at the moment, but found that the man in black robe was just staring at him quietly, and asked him some inexplicable words:

"So, the rockets and missiles that attack the swamp are all your arrangements, right?"

Moreover, it was clearly the content of the question, but this person used a declarative tone.

He vigilantly used his perception to carefully check the person's aura. At the beginning of level 5, there was no error, and he was in the middle of level 5. Immediately afterwards, he screened the space that belonged to him, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Could it be... bluff?

Based on these observations over time, he found that this race called humans seemed to love these useless tricks.

Without taking his next move, Tang You looked up at the space where the color of the light was so poor that it would make ordinary people feel uncomfortable: "This is a fragment of the plane you originally lived in, and it's still a projection, a real fragment. Not on Blue Star."

The corpse obviously couldn't make too many expressions, but the hand that froze halfway up the black hand behind the scenes betrayed his emotions.

"I rarely talk so much with dying otherworldly beasts, but I'm willing to make an exception for you."

"Do you know why I'm watching your poor performance? Because I'm waiting for the projection to come and trace the true location of the fragments."

"Your plane shattered and fell into our world. You are a group of bereaved dogs. Then you only dare to use the evil power that fell into this place to make a fuss, and try to use the silt to deter and spy on the information, which is even more timid."

"Such a rubbish group, who don't have their tails tucked into their heads, dares to plot and bark on Blue Star, but they don't know they have become clowns... I found the coordinates."

Tang You looked at the monster and said word by word, "Jupiter."


Hearing these two words, the stiffened hands of the monster's corpse suddenly folded together. In the next second, the seat made of steel fragments collapsed, and the controlled corpse also fell to the ground.

"Wow wow..."

Immediately afterwards, a roar of water came, and the sea surface swelled up out of thin air, causing the floating ice island to rise and fall, and even the oil tanker frozen in it was bumpy.

For the dialogue between the two mysterious beings, the crew members who had been completely stunned were thrown out unsuspectingly.

They had just recovered from their fright, and the floating ice island turned to the other side. In panic, everyone quickly pulled the deck, but it was useless, and they slid to the other side with the inclination.

The captain with a spinal injury was even more powerless in this chaos. The whole person was like a gourd, his vision was spinning, and many fragments "tinkled" past him.

In the blur, he waved his arms as hard as he could to try to pull on the pipes welded to the boat, but he didn't touch it at all.


The captain slammed directly into the crane, his spine bruised again and he cried out in pain.


The first mate saw that the captain was about to slant around the crane and roll to the side to get rid of the ice. He quickly turned around, hooked the pipe with his foot, and bent over and grabbed the captain's foot.

The captain, whose head had passed the lower end of the railing and was hanging out of the window, turned his head to look at the person who was holding him, and couldn't help showing a pleasant smile: "Good boy! I didn't waste my usual photos..."

At this moment, the floating island of ice cubes tilted and reversed. Not only did the captain's words stop abruptly, but the whole person was thrown to the other side. A certain piece of steel that had been inserted on the deck during the explosion was also loosened under the action of centrifugal force.

To make matters worse, the captain, who was thrown off course, happened to be on his disengagement trajectory.


A harsh, high-pitched metallic sound rang out.

Seeing that the huge steel piece was about to come out of the socket, the first officer's eyes widened a little bit.

Just at this moment, the floating island of ice cubes, which was only half poured, suddenly stopped in the fierce waves, as if being supported by some powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, it was like an invisible giant hand brushing over the flour on the peaks and peaks, all the surging waves were smoothed out and sank, and the frightened sea quickly calmed down, and the ice cubes that were supported on the floating island. , and then stabilized.


In the sound of metal, the steel sheet that was about to fall out also slowly stood back.

The sweaty chief mate watched him return to his position, his heart gradually fell when he mentioned his throat, and then he hurriedly looked towards the bow of the ship.

As expected, the mysterious man was under the strange dark purple light, with a peaceful blue light on his body. It was obvious that he had rescued his group just now.

"Who gave you the courage to control the ocean in front of me."

As Tang You's plain voice came out, in front of the floating ice island, a sea surface with a diameter of more than a few hundred meters arched like sand, and then tens of millions of tons of seawater fell like a waterfall, splashing almost Contoured water splash.

Even oil tankers with a length of more than 100 meters and a carrying capacity of 30,000 tons are extremely small among them.

When the water mist fell into the sea, a giant monster with strange patterns appeared in the horrified eyes of many crew members.

I saw that this monster had a carapace, and its body was wide and flat, like a crab, but there were nearly a hundred slender shell limbs symmetrically at the lower end, and a structure similar to a scorpion tail protruded from the rear end.

In contrast, the tanker is like an inconspicuous toy.

People often talk about oppression by giants, but when this monster appeared in front of him, the captain felt that the oppression of giants was just a piece of shit. Don't you see some crew members with poor psychological quality, and now there are two wars.

Even at half the density of humans, this giant monster weighs more than 20 million tons. Under such a terrifying weight, even if it is made of steel, the upper end will crush the lower end.

And the strength of its skeleton and limbs that can support this amount of free movement is so terrifying, I am afraid that conventional high-explosive missiles are just scratching its itch.

In fact, the demigod-level defense is more terrifying than they guessed. Not to mention conventional missiles, even if a nuclear bomb is thrown on its head, it will not hurt at all after the explosion.

Even if they didn't know the true strength of the monsters, this group of seamen couldn't even figure out how the good Blue Star and the good Atlantic Ocean had become like this.

Recalling the dialogue between the two, it seems that there are other worlds and Jupiter involved, which makes them confused.

"I am a demigod in the mid-level 5. With the help of the fragment projection that is completely under my control, I can even reach the combat power of the late-level 5. Do you think that with treasures, you can fight against me?"

The thunderous voice of the monster echoed in the sky.

Tang You closed his eyes lightly, and when he presided over the graduation ceremony, those pairs of eyes staring at him with scorching heat, those sincere faces flashed in his mind one by one.

He opened his eyes, and under the gaze of the giant monster, he took a step by step and walked along the aisle in the middle toward the bow of the ship.

"More than 2,000 years ago, when I was first recognized by my master, I walked through the cracks alone and killed the monsters that tried to invade this world. Coincidentally, those monsters also called themselves 'Magic Clan', but they were pure Giant Scorpion."

The sailors noticed that when the mysterious man said these words, the eyes of the huge monster suddenly shrank.

"It's a pity that I was young and frivolous at the time, and I almost fell into a foreign land. Fortunately, I was rescued by my master and cleared away the demons by ploughing acupoints. I was able to return to my hometown. I'm a little curious, why are you called 'Magic Clan'?"

The giant monster took half a step forward in shock and pushed up the waves dozens of meters high: "Impossible! How do you know the original Moxie tribe, they mysteriously died out more than 2,000 years ago."

"By the way, the treasure you got must also carry the experience of the previous owner. Don't try to deceive me, no matter what, you can't change the fact that you are only at the beginning of level 5."

"Today, if you hand over the treasure yourself and leave this planet, that's fine. Otherwise, not only will Blue Star become our clan's new paradise, but you will also be wiped out."

Tang You is still on his way slowly: "You can become a demigod in more than a thousand years, thanks to the 'six-faced pillar' of the 'Magic Clan', right?"

This time, the giant monster's pupils shrunk to the point of being almost invisible, and the unprecedented horror completely enveloped his thoughts.

His ethnic group, "Hundred-footed Sea Worms", was originally only a weak tribe living on the edge of the "Magic Mark World". There were no strong people and no outstanding inheritance. If nothing else, they would live in the shadow of the Devil Mark tribe for a long time.

But more than 2,000 years ago, the core of the Demon Mark clan disappeared inexplicably in a short period of time, and the outer clan members went into chaos without a leader.

So, the leader of the Hundred-footed Sea Worm at that time took advantage of the situation, annihilated the Demonic Clan little by little, stepped into the core of the ruined Demonic World, and found many useful inheritances, the most precious of which is the Six-faced Divine Pillar.

It was a secret treasure of the entire Demon Mark clan, and outsiders had no way of knowing it.

Under the influence of the power of the six-sided divine pillar, the Hundred-footed Sea Worm gradually acquired some of the appearance characteristics of the Demon Clan, and later simply identified itself as the Demon Clan.

The real Demon Clan was also a powerful race with top demigods back then, and it was impossible for them to reveal the secrets of their clan, which is why he was so horrified and inexplicable.

Is it possible...

He had already believed it a bit in his heart, and faintly realized that it was not good.

Tang You can say this with certainty, of course not because of the information of Xuanwu Yuming. The latter chose to fall into the bottom of the silt because he couldn't become a demigod. He was only level 4 in the Atrium and Myriad Realms. How could he know this? .

And he can understand so much, completely because of the power of prayer after promotion.

Under the condition that the two universes are gradually blending, the historical information that his power of prayer can obtain has already crossed the scope of this universe little by little.

Of course, he can't stay in the Blue Star material universe yet, so he can pray to the contents of the spiritual universe, but the fragments of the magic pattern world have already fallen into the material universe, so it is not difficult to understand the past history of this world. .

As for the issue of transcendent interference, as long as it does not involve the existence of being observed in the past, the influence of other transcendents on the query history is very weak.

Among the horror of the giant monster, the only thing that can calm his heart is the fact that this person is only at the early stage of level 5, and now that the arrow is on the line, he has to send it, even if the latter is not easy, he can only give it a shot.

He mobilized a terrifying spiritual power, and the purple light patterns in the dark clouds increased.

The crew and others discovered that the air had become inexplicably turbid, and the light transmittance had deteriorated, making this space seem to be instantly plunged into darkness.

"Do you think that telling me some secrets will make me tremble and retreat on my own? Delusional! Even if you really entered the magic mark world more than 2,000 years ago, I'm not afraid!"

The roar of the giant monster was more deafening than before.

At this time, Tang You just happened to reach the front end of the tanker. Under the dim and strange light, he faced the monster as big as a mountain on the sea, and let the wind blow his robes, and his body was straight.

Compared with monsters and oil tankers, his back is so small, like an insignificant ant, but at this moment, the eyes of all the intelligent creatures present are dead on him...


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