After roaring, the demigod-level monster raised its two front legs, and a purple arc of light danced at the tips of the two, and the lines on the whole body also lit up like running water.

Immediately afterwards, among the dark clouds full of strange patterns, dozens of purple streamers with thick heads and thin tails broke through the clouds, and they rushed down from the wide sky with extremely wide intervals, quickly approaching each other, and even circling each other.

The crew only blinked a few times before they saw that the huge spiral had already taken shape and was attacking with terrifying power.

In the vast darkness, purple spiral arrows fell from the sky in the silence, towards the "toy" oil tanker on the ice floating island on the sea.

Tang You's eyes lifted slightly, revealing an indescribable coldness:

"You should be afraid."

As soon as the voice fell, a blue electric light burst into the sky with a deafening crack, and the purple arrow was like a snail crawling compared to it, and was instantly penetrated by the electric light that connected to the sky.

The world seemed to freeze for a second.


The mutual annihilation of power sparked an earth-shattering explosion, and the dazzling light shone the world.


The subsequent waves of terror spread to all directions.

The people who closed their eyes in the strong light were like fragile dolls, they were directly pressed by the strong wind to their knees on the deck. Even if it was difficult to open their eyes, they could not see anything in the darkness, and there was only the whistling in their ears. The sound of the wind, nothing else can be heard.

The shattered arrows, like solid bodies, fell from the sky after being torn apart, bringing down and flickering purple light, reflecting the bewildered faces of the crew members.

The fragments smashed into the vast sea, as if a nuclear bomb had been detonated, and water waves thousands of meters high rose into the air, with a little dark purple light, and they were connected to each other tightly, like a huge wall of despair.

If such a terrifying tsunami occurred in the waters near Los Santos, the second largest economic region in the United States would be reduced to rubble in just a few minutes. will therefore rise.

And even if it appears in the usual middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the east side of South Magnesia and the west side of Feizhou will also suffer a lot, which is the real reason why Tang You let the monsters pull this place into the projection.


Some crew members stared blankly at this scene, caressing their heads absently. The rest of the people also grew their mouths and looked around blankly.

For some unknown reason, the purple lines in the dark clouds became even more bleak, and it didn't take long for them to disappear completely.


The troll roared in horror.

It looked like a purple mist, and the water wall was as high as a thousand meters. Because it was too vast and far away, its whereabouts seemed extremely slow. With the roar of the giant monster, one huge sharp claws broke through the water and protruded into the sky. go.

According to a rough estimate of the visual scale, each of these sharp claws is no less than two or three hundred meters in size, and all of them are comparable to the Blue Star aircraft carrier. Its weight alone is enough to shatter the ground.

At this time, the dark clouds were expelled by invisible forces, revealing the tiny figure floating in the dark clouds.

Seeing countless giant claws rushing out from under his feet, as if he was about to drag people into hell, Tang You closed his eyes gently and stretched his arms naturally on both sides. The Holy Wheel emerged from behind.

Pure white light burst out.

The moment the Holy Wheel appeared, the "atmosphere" of the entire space changed drastically, as if the rain continued for ten days and a half. At a certain moment, the clouds broke away, the warm sun appeared, and the darkness and depression dissipated in an instant.


The distant and ethereal bell rang in the hearts of all the living beings present.

The smell of sandalwood seemed to linger on the nostrils, and in a trance, they seemed to have heard thousands of people chanting and praying, and while the blue smoke was slowly rising, in the majestic hall, the golden curtains painted with simple ding patterns were fluttering in the wind.

What did they see?

what did they see!

The crew saw that the tiny figure was silently suspended in the cracked dark clouds, and a strange-shaped aperture was suspended behind it, as if the only light in this dark world, the infinite holiness and majesty, with the fluttering clothes. Scatter the room.

That holy figure was almost imprinted in the eyes of the crew looking up.

And the giant monster noticed the fluctuation of the soul that almost invaded its own thinking, and it was also full of shock, and then clenched its teeth, and the countless surging giant claws were a little faster again.


The infection of the infinite positive power of the Holy Wheel made someone's mouth tremble and his voice was harsh. The hands on the deck slowly closed into a prayer situation, and then the whole person gradually bent over.

Flickering white light illuminated his curved back.

A beam of white light extending from Tang You's hands to the surface of the sea, under its seemingly random wave, seems to be turning around the side of the cone, and wherever it passes, the giant purple claws are all broken and disintegrated.

When the white light turned back to its origin, and quickly converged to the center as a line and disappeared, there were only purple dots of light flying like sparks between the sky and the earth, like countless strange fireflies.

The first officer felt that his face suddenly became moist, and the air seemed to become cool.

That was the mist of water that was stirred up in the explosion.

Everything is slow to say just now, but in fact it is only a momentary thing, so that the second fight between the two has ended, and the water mist has just spread over everyone's cheeks.

Up to now, Tang You has not used the headquarters booster, but with the strength of the early level 5, he can easily defuse the attack of the monster's late level 5 combat power.

After all, the Holy Wheel is called the "Evil God Death Tool"!

Even if the original troll's spiritual power is not evil, it can't stand the toss of "inevitably hit", "weakness of the sword", "the enemy is getting weaker as they fight", not to mention that he was infected with the evil power at the end of his life, and he was the one for Tang. You added the "Critical Hit" buff.

He is equivalent to forcibly filling up all the benefits that the Holy Wheel can provide.

The troll watched with disbelief as his own tricks were disintegrated.

The difference between the demigod-level minor ranks is almost equal to the difference between the previous major ranks. He has the combat power of the late 5th level, and in the early 5th level, he is completely dominant, but the situation is completely different from what he imagined. .

What's even more terrifying is that he actually noticed that his own strength was weakening, because a power that appeared out of nowhere blocked a part of the divinity attached to the soul.

It almost horrified him.

You must know that divinity and soul are the source of strength for demigods, and they are also fatal weaknesses. Demigods may not die if they break their bodies, but if they break their souls, they will surely die.

The core area under such layers of defense can be silently infiltrated and blocked by an inexplicable force, and he still can't resolve it, doesn't it mean that the master of this force pinches him to death, just like pinching an ant?

This makes trolls how not to be frightened.

"Who is it? What the hell is going on here?"

He used all his strength, and also mobilized this projection space to try to find the hidden powerhouse, but after turning his mind around a few times, he didn't find any hidden signs.

Tang You, who had already tested how powerful he was when facing the Heretic God, looked down at the panicked monster on the sea, and said indifferently, "Don't look for it."

The latter was stagnant, with two long eyes like a crab, standing up and looking up at the sky. The idea that he only thought was absurd before, but now he couldn't stop popping up in his mind.

"If... if what this person said just now is true, and he really entered the hinterland of the Demon Clan alone more than 2,000 years ago, then how far will he have reached after more than 2,000 years? ?"

"However, my perception can't go wrong. This space has only been born with spiritual power not long ago. How could spiritual creatures appear more than 2,000 years ago!"

The problem of the spiritual power environment has always bothered him, so much that he still doesn't want to believe what this person just said.

However, Tang You, who had finished the test, no longer wanted to continue the fight, because the memories flashing in his mind had already made his killing intent almost unstoppable.

The brightness of the Holy Wheel is increasing, and there is a little white light in his pure blue eyes.

The troll only felt that the power of the positive infection skyrocketed in an instant, and it was almost impossible to stop it from digging into his mind, but before he had time to deal with it, he found that the breath of the tiny figure in the sky skyrocketed almost like crazy.

His eyes widened a little.

In the eyes of ordinary people, nothing seems to happen at this moment, but the two suddenly freeze for some reason, as if performing a confrontation pantomime.

But in the transcendent perception, a giant translucent blue face large enough to cover the sky was slowly rising from the sea until it was returned to the figure.

The fragment projection covers dozens of kilometers of sea and sky around it, and the giant face just fills it up. Compared with it, even the huge monster has become an insignificant little bug.

The figure, the halo, the giant face, in turn, the trinity.

The troll seemed to have lost the ability to think at this moment, and only felt the illusion that it was about to burst from the whole body. But that was not an illusion, and the pain that the fragment projection was overwhelmed was only because of the deep connection between the two, which made him feel the same.

Fragment projection is already on the verge of collapse.

And the reason for all this is not someone's attack, but the intrusion of a high-ranking existence.

It's like stuffing a big item into a small pocket, and it's like putting a heavy object on a dead wood shelf, and the fragment projection can't support the appearance of the giant face.

That is……

"...Spiritual God!!!"

After a long while, when the ability to think was restored, unprecedented panic hit his mind instantly, so that the troll shouted in horror at this extraordinary level.

You must know that the top demigods are enough to support a large clan and occupy multiple planes, and the powerhouses who step on the long-level of gods are enough to create an overlord-level force.

As for spiritual gods, only those ancient domains and holy places that have been passed down for a long time have the information and inheritance left behind. Even in the atrium of the spiritual power universe, the 6th-level spiritual gods are legendary existences that are only known to their names.

As for the troll, he had never heard of a spirit god appearing anywhere.

Some people say that the gods of that level have already stepped into the ancient world of order; some people say that to be a spiritual god is to become a rule, and from then on, it has transformed into a super-imaginary form, and they can no longer be observed in the material world.

The troll never thought that he would face such an existence directly, and it was the place where he believed that the extraordinary environment had just been born.

He had never seen Spiritual God, and only read a few words in some ancient books, which said: You don't need to know Him, you don't need to know Him, when you meet, you know it is Him.

At this moment, the troll's faint perception at the transcendent level is the best proof of that sentence.

Tang You's eyes turned to the giant monster, and the blue giant face at the back was in sync with it. He clearly saw the crazy monster before, and now he was scared to the point of shivering.

"You and your ethnic group will pay thousands of times the price for what you have done!"

"You are going to die, and the ethnic group that supports you will also die. It is your own greed and arrogance that dragged yourself into the abyss."

"Of course, I will let you see the destruction of the ethnic group with your own eyes before you die!"

As soon as Tang You finished speaking, the troll hurriedly said in a panic, "No! Great spirit, I still have value, and so does my clan! We will create more value by living than by dying!"

"We are willing to serve you as the Lord forever and ever, for your drive, even if we become slaves, we are willing to make up for my mistakes. I am a demigod, and my clansmen are not lacking in grades 3 and 4. We are better than those who died. more useful!"

"Great god, please give us a chance!"

Tang You stared at him blankly, and the memories of those young people emerged in his mind:

"The hospital...will...the president? Can we take a photo with you?"

After the graduation ceremony, on the lush grass of the academy, several young people scratched their heads, and with admiration and fear, they carefully gathered around and tried to ask.

Tang You smiled: "What's there to be afraid of, I'm not a man-eating tiger."

A few young people immediately smiled awkwardly, and then the surprise rushed away. They hurriedly surrounded Tang You and raised the cameras in their hands: "One, two, three!"


Their happy smiles are forever fixed in the photos.


Tang You recited these two words in his heart, his eyes became colder and colder, but the brilliance became more and more prosperous.

As a result, the troll was horrified to discover that it suddenly became lighter, the soul was pulled out of its body without any resistance, and the invisible force blocked it, and the consciousness slipped into the darkness irresistibly.

"Do not!!!"

One second before his consciousness completely fell into a coma, endless regret completely drowned it.

In the eyes of the crew members, the two just froze and faced each other for a moment, and then they saw in amazement that the forelimbs raised by the huge monster drooped a little, making two towering waves.

After that, the entire torso of the monster slowly fell towards the deep ocean...


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