the other side.

The vast space is immersed in dead silence.

Because it is too empty and lacks reflectors, even if the sun in the distance is shining brightly, this vast space is still shrouded in deep darkness.

Jupiter, the most massive planet in the solar system, has a mostly gaseous surface.

A black dot the size of a peanut slowly circled the giant object with yellow-brown stripes. It was Io, a satellite with a diameter of more than 3,600 kilometers.

At this moment, Io surface.

"Although this world is very different from the atrium, it still has breathtaking and magnificent wonders. You see how this cyclone looks like a huge eye."

A wide-bodied centipede sea worm withdrew its gaze from Jupiter, which covered the entire sky, and the two erect long eyes returned to a straight line, full of emotion.

"Such an area is considered a giant plane in the atrium. Unfortunately, such an environment is not suitable for weak clansmen to survive, and it cannot allow us to thrive."

It's a pity that the slender sea worm beside it.

"That's why we need to snatch that blue planet. It has land, ocean, and the right pressure. It's a god-given new home."

The broad sea worm looked around: "Although the elders temporarily deposited the fragments of our plane on this satellite, this strange world is still eating away at it, and it won't be long before the space we rely on will be completely destroyed. ."

"At that time, the powerful elders will be crushed by the rules, and the weak clansmen who are sleeping..."

Having said that, he lowered his head and looked at the dimples under the cliff, the short bags that were shrunk into a ball and buried in the soil: "The weak clansmen will also die in their sleep because of the harsh environment."

Hearing this, the slender sea worm waved its forelimbs: "I always feel very uneasy."

"This world is very strange, beyond the data accumulated by our ethnic group, and beyond our cognition. It is a completely unfamiliar and unknown world. No one knows what dangers hidden in such a place."

"I feel very inappropriate to act rashly like this."

"Also, you know that guy 'Chongxiao', although he is a veritable genius in practice, he has serious flaws in his personality and thinking. He loves to monopolize precious things, and once he is fascinated by interests, his IQ will plummet."

"He's now the dominant player, and to be honest, I'm very worried."

Kuo Kuo Sea Worm couldn't help sneering: "He is also considered a genius? He can become a demigod far away from us, but relying on the high affinity with the 'Six-faced God Pillar', he directly introduces the power of 070 retained by the predecessors. itself."

"However, it is rare for him to hold back his temper in this matter. After observing for a long time, he determined that the environment of that planet is not sufficient for the birth of high-level spiritual creatures, and then decided to do it. In my opinion, there will be no surprises. "

"In any case, I hope he succeeds. After all, if we can't win the Blue Star, then we have little hope of finding a suitable place."

"The distance between the material condensates in this world is desperately far. In addition to this place called the 'solar system' by native organisms, the nearest star system is more than two light-years away from us."

"Even if the plane fragments are not eroded and can exist forever, it will take nearly ten years for us to attach them to the asteroid, put the clansmen in it, and work together to push the asteroid over."

"Besides, after arriving in that star system, there may not be a habitable place. It will take decades or even hundreds of years to go to the next place. We can't afford to delay."

"What's more, according to the elders' speculation, the spiritual power environment generated in the star system may not necessarily spread to the vast space. If this is the case, the rules and regulations encountered on the road will be unimaginable, and it is not impossible that it will be difficult to move."

The slender sea worm was silent for a long time, and sighed: "Our plane was broken without warning, a large number of clan members were annihilated in the terrifying power, and even the six-sided divine pillar disappeared, only our part survived."

"If that disaster hadn't happened, why would our Demon Mark tribe be reduced to only the demigod 'Chongxiao', and the current elders are even taller than the short ones, and they were temporarily elected to serve."

"If you still have the power of prosperity, where do you need to worry about it, just crush it directly. Such a weak human being occupies such a good place, it's a waste, but..."

"Their souls are very pure, with a very high content of light spots in the soul, which can extract the precious essence of the soul."

"We may be able to keep them in captivity at that time, and harvest them when the souls grow to their best condition. The shells can be used as food for the new members of the clan, and the soul essences provide level 3 and level 4 combat power."

Silt is the base of evil, but it doesn't mean that Atrium Ten Thousand Realms is a neutral force.

The system of knowledge and power has, to a large extent, determined their mode of survival and civilization.

In a world where intelligent creatures or not, as long as they possess spiritual power, they can be regarded as materials for cultivation. It is impossible to expect them to have sufficient empathy for creatures other than members of the clan.

Even if there is such a race that is born in the spiritual power universe, but still upholds "morality" and "peace", there must be very few, and they have good strength, otherwise they will be destroyed long ago.

Moreover, these sea worms dare to contaminate the power of the silt when they know the bottom of the silt. Obviously, they are not ordinary atrium creatures, and their nature is biased towards darkness.

Kua Kuo Hai Woong comforted: "Don't worry, when we become the master of Blue Star, we have a suitable place to live to reproduce and develop, as well as the precious 'crop' of human beings, and one day we will return to the grand occasion of the past."

"Although we have lost the six-sided divine pillar, another treasure is intact. When we have enough strength, we may be able to reconnect with Atrium Wan through it..."

At this moment, the ground shook suddenly, causing his words to choke in his throat.

The two looked at each other, and then quickly looked around.

"Is this celestial body shaking?" The slender sea worm looked at Io's desolate surface with some doubts.

However, the broad sea worm said solemnly: "No, it is a fragment of our plane."

"Squeak... clack..."

It was as if the tree had been bent to the extreme in the gust of wind, and the internal fibers made a sound of breaking. At this moment, the two otherworldly sea worms could clearly hear the overwhelmed movement of the space they were in.

Immediately afterwards, a dark background appeared in the surrounding space, and cracks appeared.

"Planar Fragments... What the hell is going on here!"

Both panicked.

Very far away, a certain mountain peak suddenly lit up with purple light, illuminating a large area of ​​desolate land, and then, the elders' shouts were directly transmitted to their minds:

"All the awake members of the clan, all rushed to the core with the fastest speed, and injected strength with us to stabilize the fragments, otherwise the clan will be in danger!"

Then, several figures swept around the mountain peak, all rushing towards the peak.

With the instructions of the elder, the broad sea worm and the slender sea worm immediately calmed down a little and looked at each other.


Two creatures about tens of meters long jumped up, but within a few seconds, they saw many of the same clan flying out from the rolling hills and the deep holes on the flat ground, and went towards the Ziguang Mountain together.

Many sea worms burst out their spiritual power recklessly, trying to race against time to arrive. From a distance, this corner of Io is a dense black and purple color.

With the time buffer, the two "Magic Clan" with the limit of level 3 have more space to think.

"The rules are stable, so the nibbling of the plane fragments in this world will obviously not suddenly become faster. But apart from the engulfment of the world, what else can make it so overwhelmed?"

"We've been in it all the time, and no psychic creatures have attacked at all."

"Furthermore, even if it's just a piece of debris, it's a piece of plane, and where is the personality level, it's not comparable to ordinary small spaces, and it's impossible for ordinary spiritual creatures to hurt it."

"What exactly is going on?"

"Wait... I remember that 'Chong Xiao' seems to have a high level of authority for this shard, and can even project a phantom image of the shard within the influence of the power, the effect is almost equivalent to a small space. Could it be..."

When the terrible guess came up, the broad sea worm felt numb all over.

At this time, the dense black and purple "Magic Clan", just halfway through the flight, suddenly——

A ray of vertical white light suddenly appeared!

Looking at the thin white line falling from the sky and running through the mountain peak, many sea worms subconsciously stopped their bodies, and they were extremely at a loss: "What is this?"


They inexplicably heard a distant bell, as if it was ringing directly in their hearts.

In the next second, the thin white line expanded rapidly, becoming thicker and thicker, quickly encompassing the entire mountain, and a few mutilated figures suddenly burst out, but before they could escape, they were completely engulfed by the white light.

The whole process looked like a few mosquitoes died.


The mournful howl, through the spiritual power link of the clan members, was transmitted to the brains of every magic-patterned sea worm present, and the despair contained in it made the heartbeats of all clan members suddenly intensify.

"That's... the elders..." A magic-patterned sea worm murmured in horror.

And just now there was a wide magic-patterned sea worm that was hard to guess. At this moment, he turned to the other clansmen in a daze, and whispered: "Run..."

The rest all looked at him.

"Run! Run!"

The broad magic-patterned sea worm neighed loudly, and then turned back at the lead, almost exerting all the strength to suckle, and the horror of death and genocide completely enveloped his mind.

The rest of the magic-patterned sea worms were stunned for a moment, and finally realized that the "black-purple ring belt" that originally showed a trend of closing, immediately spread out in all directions as if it was upside down.

The broad Demonic Sea Worm never imagined that the strongest of the Demonic Clan, the mid-level 5 half-god "Chongxiao", would miss the blue star's weak humans, and it would also lead to the annihilation of the clan. Dangerous.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! There are such powerful spiritual creatures on that planet!"

He was nearly exhausted.

What makes him even more desperate is that even if he has overloaded his spiritual power, the white light expands so fast that it is terrifying, and the distance between him and him is shrinking rapidly.


The clan behind him were engulfed one after another, and the screams came one after another, which made him terrified to the extreme.

"Do not!!!"

The slender magic-patterned sea worm who had chatted with him before was also involved at this moment, and his forelimbs tried to hold him, but he was only powerless to swipe, and he lost his breath in an instant.

The broad magic-patterned sea worm realized that he had lost consciousness in the second half, and immediately, the mighty divine power penetrated the rest of his body from where it was engulfed.

At the last moment of his journey, he vaguely saw a figure wearing a mysterious black robe and carrying a holy halo, stepping out of the void, as if all this was so insignificant to him.

"This is... the one who destroyed my clan... that unparalleled powerhouse hidden by Blue Star!"

His last thought flashed, and then his consciousness was completely wiped out.

When the last magic-patterned sea worm died, the surging white light also faded away as it spread, and eventually disappeared without a trace, but a circular terrifying pit with a diameter of more than 50 kilometers and an extremely regular outline was left on the ground.

Tang You looked at this dead plane fragment, spread out his palm, and turned his eyes to the ball with a few strands of gold thread in his palm: "This place is finally clean."

The demigod "Chongxiao", who had lost his body, obviously could no longer have any expressions, but the fluctuations of depression, regret, and extreme grief and anger were so clear.

But up to now, he did not curse, but muttered to himself miserably and suddenly: "I understand why those 6th-level spirits in the atrium have such a long life span that they can't be spent for thousands of years, but all of them have a very long life span. disappeared without a trace."

"Because they all came to this world! And your inheritance came from an ancient god! Unfortunately... this is enough to shock the secret of the atrium and the world. When I finally got a glimpse of it, it was already the end of the dead... …”

Before he could finish speaking, Tang You put his palms together and squeezed, and a little bit of light burst out in an instant. When his palm opened again, there were only a few strands of golden divinity left inside.

A generation of demigods has fallen!

What he didn't know until his death was that when Tang You fought with him, he never reached the spiritual realm.

Even if the headquarter booster was used later, it would be infinitely close to the Spiritual God under deliberate control, not the real level 6, otherwise the projection would not be able to hold even half a breath, and the fragments of this side would have already disintegrated.

Tang You stared at the palm of his hand for a moment, and then looked around at the empty fragment: "The plane fragment is still useful after the transformation, let's take it back for the time being."


on the Atlantic.


A few gulls flew off the deck, resting their feet and combing their feathers with their sharp beaks.

The captain woke up in the gentle wind and found himself in the middle of a group of sailors. His face was blank and then alert. He looked around quickly, but found that the sky was bright and the waves were soft.

In the distance, several smooth warships are slowly approaching...


ps: Everyone, the picture is a screenshot of the background of the comment area. I don’t know why, it clearly shows that I replied very early, but you can’t see it from the app.

So let’s reply to the “cheerful leopard leopard” here: Regarding the content of chapter 281, I checked the pc and app, the content is complete, and I don’t quite understand what is going on with this bug... [ cover your face].

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