On the deck of the damaged tanker, the fleet soldiers who boarded here have set up a white temporary medical tent, and the crew members who have received preliminary treatment are standing, sitting or lying in it at the moment.

The captain fixed the steel plate on his back and put on a bandage, and quickly thanked: "Doctor, thank you."

The military medical staff sitting on the side packed up the supplies and put them in the boxes, and said to the captain, "No, you should thank that mysterious gentleman."

"Your spine injury is very serious, and it was inevitable that you would be paralyzed, but he cured you. We are just doing some trivial follow-up things now."

"Since the agreement has been signed, you should be able to leave soon. Try not to move around during this time. You will recover in a few weeks. I'll go first."

The military doctor said, and walked out with the equipment.

Watching people go out, the first mate said in a daze: "This... it's over? Just ask, let us register the information, sign a non-disclosure agreement, and do some treatment before we can leave?"

"It doesn't seem to be the same as the movie. Shouldn't it be rigorous interrogation, relentless pursuit, and even blood draws for countless experiments? Why do I have the illusion of being unreal."

The captain lay on the hospital bed and gave him an angry sidelong glance: "If this happens for the first time, of course the official response should be what you said. Judging from what the mysterious person said, they are at least thousands of It existed years ago."

"As the most powerful organization in the human world, the official of a major country commands such a vast area and manages a population of hundreds of millions. How could they not know that Blue-Star is not ordinary."

"Furthermore, we didn't send a distress signal, but when we woke up, the rice warship had already arrived, which further confirmed that the two sides were secretly connected. But..."

The captain sighed: "These officials can really hide, but I still firmly believed that all gods, demons and evil spirits are nonsense, but only today I found out that this world is really so magical."

"Being able to survive in this god-level war is enough for me to brag for a lifetime. Unfortunately, I can't say it, it's really shit."

The first mate held it back for a long time, and suddenly he said: "The captain, do you still fulfill the prayer and repentance?"

"No!" The captain looked with awe and gratitude: "Because I converted, from now on, the mysterious man who saved us is my only god, I will buy two copies of the color magazine in the future, and keep one for myself. and give one to God."

"I'm going to build a church for him and have everyone... wait, I can't leak this, f*ck, this is double shit."

Not to mention the conversation in the medical tent.

At this moment, the deputy commander of the escort formation, accompanied by the personnel from the ninth district who arrived urgently, stood beside the broken railing and looked at the floating ice island in shock, because the latter was still cold under the scorching sun.

As a secular country, the five major countries of the Blue Star have the first-hand information on human society, so the frequency of sea monster incidents has increased earlier than the Holy Shield.

Of course, they knew the importance of shipping, so they planned and arranged escort formations early, mainly operating near the main routes of Blue Star, and was responsible for rescuing merchant ships.

Originally, the escort mission was divided according to the nearest rules, but most countries only have a few broken ships, how can they take such a responsibility. But not escorting is not enough, because many countries today rely heavily on shipping to maintain their economic foundations.

What is even more frightening is that some countries have serious industrial simplification, and they cannot be self-sufficient so far. The basic rations needed by the people for survival must be imported.

As a result, many countries that could not compete with each other, through negotiation, chose to collect money together to pay the Blue Star Five in exchange for warships to protect the routes near their own countries.

And between South Magnesia and the Philippines, there is an important economic route that passes through the Cape of Good Hope and merges into the North Atlantic. Of course, a sufficient escort formation is indispensable. This is the origin of the fleet around the floating ice island at this time.

The fleet is mainly composed of destroyers, frigates, and specially designed small helicopter carriers. Because it needs to cruise back and forth on the jurisdictional route for a long time, it is also specially equipped with supply ships.

Facts have proved that if the military power of the major human powers is not used to restrain and confront each other, then there is no shortage of escort power.

It is also a coincidence that the formation was not far away when the incident happened. Therefore, when the news from the Holy Shield was passed to the Yan Kingdom, and then the Yan Kingdom quickly informed the other four kingdoms, the nearest formation was ordered to come.

"Sir, this should be the first time you have seen the traces of strength left by the Holy Shield, right?" said the staff of the ninth district.

The deputy commander of the fleet nodded, squinting his eyes and staring at the ice surface reflecting the strong light: "It's really shocking to be in the scene. Especially after performing the escort mission and having fought with monsters twice, I can realize it better. The power is great."


A flock of seagulls flew down on the ice, pecking at the stranded fish, which was a godsend for them.

The staff of the ninth district tried the stability of the railings and found that they would not collapse, so they put their hands on it and faced the sea and said:

"To put it arrogantly, we are the most professional experts in dealing with monsters in the United States. But we are also shocked by this incident, because the intensity has far exceeded all our records."

"Monsters hundreds of meters in size, 'water walls' up to 1000 meters high and surrounding tens of kilometers, and alien space that isolates the world, and the holy shield powerhouse who carries the halo like a god..."

"What if this happened not in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, in an isolated alien space, but in Apple City on the east coast of the United States, or Los Santos on the west coast?"

"The result is that there is nothing we can do to stop it. The U.S. economy will be devastated in just a few minutes, countless lives will be lost, and the once glamorous city will become part of the ocean, with only a few low towers."

"Well... Among those lonely towers, there may be the tip of the Empire State Building."

The deputy commander raised the front of his military cap with a complicated look: "No wonder the ancients called them gods and evil gods."

"But I think what's more important is that monsters of this level have already appeared on the Blue Star. Does this mean that the catastrophe is about to come?"

"This question is very important. As far as I know, the current preparation progress of the five major countries is based on the estimated time of one year. If the plan is disrupted, the situation will become more and more dangerous."

The staff of the ninth district shook their heads: "Only the Holy Shield knows about this matter. We have already packaged the situation here and reported it to the Yan Guo side, and asked them to inquire about this matter."

Speaking of this, his face showed a hint of distress:

"Originally, after the High Priest awakened, we were able to recover a little bit of the situation, but through the news of the Holy Shield, it was informed the world through Yan Guo, and it seems that they clearly recognized and valued Yan Guo more."

"According to the latest news, Aegis has set up an embassy-like organization in Yanjing. Before, we only knew one of the 'stable contact channels', but this is actually this."

"Although the high priest is also very powerful, he is obviously not as stable as the Yan Kingdom in terms of contacting the Holy Shield."

"Fortunately, we finally got some extraordinary material trading shares from Divine Shield, which greatly helped us build and maintain an extraordinary team."

The deputy commander did not ask what those extraordinary materials were. At his level, of course, there are some channels to get inside information.

He heard that not long ago, the upper echelons of the U.S. also caused a major disturbance because of the fate of Yuandan. The effect of prolonging the lifespan of ordinary people in disguise has made some dying people coveted to this day.

"Perhaps... this is the reason why the Holy Shield values ​​Yan Nation more." The deputy commander said a sentence without thinking.

The staff of the ninth district next to him understood in seconds, and his face was a little helpless: "Because of different ideologies, different organizational structures have evolved... In this regard, Yan Guo is still a lot stronger."

The deputy commander turned his head to look at him: "According to my knowledge, it seems that some people have tried their best to get Yan Guo nationality recently, but their sense of smell is quite sensitive."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"In the past, when the empire of workers and peasants was still around, they would rather pay 90 percent of the heavy tax to support the U.S. against it. But now, even if their property will be controlled, they have to squeeze their heads and go to the Yan Kingdom of the Marne camp. ."

"Sometimes I have to sigh with emotion: The world is really magical!"

Hearing this, the people in the ninth district smiled: "To be a rich man, of course, your sense of smell is sensitive enough."

"Moreover, whether they resisted the workers' and peasants' empire in the past, or now squeeze their heads into the Yan Kingdom, they always follow the same logic, which is to maintain their own interests."

"The current situation is that no matter how much wealth you have, you will have to spend your life, so they choose to exchange money for safety. The environment in the Yan Kingdom is indeed safer than ours."

"However, the gap between the two countries at this stage has not yet reached the point where they racked their brains so much. So I guess it should be one of our important research results that they learned about."

"Someone in the Yan Kingdom once glimpsed a corner of the headquarters of the Holy Shield, and then they deliberately revealed the description. The floating mountains, waterfalls, pavilions and pavilions are typical of the fairyland in the legend of the Yan Kingdom. similar style.”

"Starting from this, combined with the information on the legend of Yan people encountering immortals, we speculate that the headquarters of the Holy Shield is likely to be in the territory of Yan Kingdom, and it should be some kind of different space, at least... the entrance and exit are in the Yan Kingdom."

0 ...... 0

"They know this judgment, of course they will go to the safest place in Blue Star now and in the future."

The deputy commander of the escort formation twitched his cheeks and patted the broken railing lightly: "This is the Yang Kingdom's conspiracy."

In this regard, the ninth district personnel spread their hands:

"But what can we do? Although we can't verify it, the information that they put out must be true, because no one dares to use the Holy Shield to deceive them, especially Yan Guo, who has the best relationship with them."

"However, Yan Guo's nationality originally had many rigid regulations, and now it has been further upgraded, which makes it difficult for them to start, so they can only settle for a second place and choose a place with more room for operation."

The formation deputy commander's eyes flickered slightly: "You mean... the Hong Kong Hong Kong of the Yan Kingdom?"

The staff in the ninth district nodded, and the next second, the specially made portable satellite phone in his pocket rang.

"The Yan Kingdom has replied, and Sacred Shield said: There is no advance, it is just a special case." He said.

The deputy commander of the formation put down his dangling heart a little, and said a rare cold joke: "That's good, after all, we don't have much oil."


the next day.

Aegis College.

All the students in the school assembled, wearing holy shield ceremonial costumes, in front of the holy shield boulder in the center of the academy, always on the green grass, lined up into several squares.

The golden ribbons extending from both sides of their robes were swaying slowly in the breeze, but many figures remained motionless.

Between them and the high platform, a huge light-patterned jade plate was suspended, and five human-shaped silhouettes covered with the flag of the Holy Shield were lying quietly on it at the moment.

The corpses of the five fallen soldiers were originally broken in the intensive bombardment. These five corpses were recovered by Lorien who later rushed to the other members of the Divine Shield and recovered the fragments with magic.

On the high platform under the Sacred Shield boulder, Tang You, Li Ranna, Zhang Mo, Kevin, Zheng Wenjun, Louise, Thiago, and Laurien were all present in rare instances.

No one speaks loudly, but the atmosphere of silence and solemnity pervades everyone's mind.

A stone platform grew in front of the eight people, and five specially-made spiritual crystals were placed in a red cloth wooden plate, shining in the dim light.

Li Rana stretched out her palm and gently held it up, the first crystal floated up, projecting a ray of diffused light, presenting a clear picture in mid-air...


ps: Guys, of course I will not forget such an important character as Goku, but his combat power exceeds the rest of the members too much, so it is not suitable for him to come back now, and his return is an important plot for the whole book, I Arranged very early. begging.

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