In the eyes of everyone, there was a certain young Yan Guo who was handsome and handsome. The background was the bright dormitory of the academy, which was also in the style of the combination of Yan and the West. The students also posted some photos and posters on the walls.

He raised his hand and probed it, as if he was shaking something, and looked up and down with his head tilted. After a long while, he realized: "Oh, this thing has already been opened."

After saying that, he smiled embarrassedly.

"Song Xiangming, our 'Brother Huanxiao', you are still so happy with this suicide note? Do you want me to teach you death rap?" The people in the same dormitory didn't show up, but the joking voice came over.

"The group is formed! It is estimated that there will be no time for the official appointment of the energy department. If anyone is going to play Warcraft, hurry up and sign up. Let's take advantage of the free movement today. !"

Hearing this, the man known as "Song Xiangming" turned his head and waved his hand to the left: "Don't make trouble, I'm doing a serious business! After graduation, you have to record a farewell video and store it at the headquarters, and then you can take up your duties in the corresponding department. It should be done early."

After speaking, he turned his head again, cleared his throat in the face of the camera, picked up the suicide note already written on the table, and was about to open his mouth to read it out, but suddenly stopped at the key point.

Song Xiangming looked at the words on the paper and then at the camera, scratching his head.

"Forget it!" He put down the paper: "When this video is unblocked, I guess it's already dead. Let's not make up these foolish things, let's talk about the truth. The temporary organization may be a little messy. , viewers, forgive me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, even he himself felt that he had said something wrong and laughed outright, but just listening to his classmates and roommates burst into laughter, one can imagine that they must be leaning forward and backward at this moment.

"Brothers, give me a face, record a suicide note, record a suicide note."

After finally reassuring everyone, he faced the camera again, thought for a while in silence, and then smiled with a trace of memory: "How do you say it? I am from Bingcheng, Long Province. Before I graduated from college, my life There doesn't seem to be anything to commend it."

"Elementary school, middle school, college, everything is ordinary for me. I was born in an ordinary family, my academic performance is not good, and the bullshit is loud, but I have a crush on girls and I'm afraid of confessing, and even a word is cowardly."

"I will always be the kind of person who can't do good things, and I can't do bad things. The best and the worst in the class are remembered by the teacher, but I have been in the classroom for a few years, but the head teacher will wrong my name."

"I can be all people, and all people can be me. Replace my soul with another person, and life doesn't seem to change. Days go by like this, I don't seem to have been polished and shaped a little, just casually grew up."

"Fortunately, I have been free from illness and disaster since I was a child, and I am still healthy. I am grateful to my parents who raised me by working part-time so that I can see a wider world in the future."

At this time, the light in the picture flickered twice, and he raised his hand toward the camera again, as if adjusting the lower table lamp, and when the light stabilized, he leaned back slightly on the back of the chair to put himself in a comfortable memory state.

"My university majors in civil engineering, and the school is very average. After graduating in 2015, I ran the construction site all day, and the salary was very low."

"My dream at that time was to have a house of my own, and then give my parents a good retirement. It would be even better if I could find a wife, have a child, and have a small family of my own."

"But I did a careful calculation later. According to the current monthly salary, if I buy a house in the urban area, and the public stall is only 80 square meters, it will take me 15 years without food or drink to afford it. Not to mention When my parents are old, they will have money for medical treatment.”

"I just thought that this would not work. I had to change to a job with a higher salary, but I wasn't tough enough, and I couldn't get a high salary. At that time, Yanguo Railway Construction had a project in Philippine, and the salary was quite good, but because of the job The location is not safe, and few people want to go."

"As you may have guessed, I secretly quit my job without telling my parents, and went to Mali, Philippines with Tiejian Yan. When I got there, I felt like I had traveled through time and space, because everything was like in the TV series. What it looked like in the 1960s and 1970s.”

"How is Bingcheng? It's also an old industrial city in China, and all the facilities are quite complete. After I arrived here, I couldn't adapt to anything I did, and I felt relieved everywhere. If I wanted to buy some daily necessities, I had to run dozens of kilometers. , not to mention the fear of a terrorist attack.”

"Maybe it was boring to the extreme. In my spare time, I gradually put away my disdain, and observed the local residents and learned about their lives."

"At that time, there was an accident in the local area. There were casualties in the CRCC Group, and the project was temporarily suspended. A local friend who was also a technician invited me to participate in his trip across the Philippines. He said that he would show me the real Philippines."

"Traveling, something I often hear about but never do, apart from coming to work in the Philippines, the farthest trip I've ever made before is to spend dozens of dollars on the train from Bingcheng to Xuecheng, Take a look at the Siberian Tiger Forest Park."

"Maybe I came here with the courage to break the shackles of my heart. I actually answered the invitation of my colleagues. And my life has changed since then."

Song Xiangming smiled again when he said this, revealing neat white teeth, and his face was extraordinarily gentle. He inhaled deeply, then exhaled again, with his fingers interlaced on his abdomen, his eyes filled with recollection.

"Since it is a cross, it has to go from one end to the other. So we planned a plan to meander across the Philippines. Like most Filipino countries, what I saw on the road was poverty and backwardness. "

"In the country of Niger, which is known as a booming economy, the air is full of choking odors, and the lakes and rivers are full of reflective oil stains. Looking around, in the dense forest of the swamp, the thick black smoke looks like the devil's. Minions, rising like madness."

"We met a skinny old fisherman. He rowed a tattered boat and floated in the black river with a miserable face. Occasionally he cast a net, but it was empty."

"'The river is dead, the fish and shrimp are gone, and I'm going to fall too,' he told us."

"Foreign giants monopolize local oil exploration and recklessly send pollution into the waters. The ecological environment has been severely damaged, and people cannot survive, so they embark on the road of stealing oil for private refining. The black smoke in the water is the original oil refining technology. Factory produced."

"Walking through the streets of this country, you can see vendors selling oil in plastic bottles everywhere, often at half the price of regular gas stations."

"However, these people who have lost their means of livelihood because of pollution, their behavior of stealing oil for private refining has once again aggravated environmental pollution, so that even the last batch of old fishermen can no longer support."

"It is conceivable that more people will definitely take this road in the future."

"My friends told me that these oil dealers seem to have a head start in life, but in this place in the Philippines, everything is like a quagmire. The more you earn, the deeper you sink, and the more desperate you end up."

In the picture, Song Xiangming spread his hands and pursed his mouth: "As an ordinary college student who has only graduated for less than a year, it is difficult for me to understand this cruel world."

"Later, we took a dilapidated train in King Kong and headed east. The train had no chairs, no window glass, and both the carriage and the roof were crowded with people."

"We're paying more for the driver who hasn't been paid in more than six years to go to 'first class', which is the driver's compartment, where it's a little more spacious."

“After several days of difficult train journeys, we arrived in Burundi, the smallest country in the Philippines. The old-fashioned permanent bicycles, which have long been invisible in the country, have been revived and become an important production tool for the locals.”

"To be honest, I was really shocked at the time. Four hundred catties of green bananas were tied on top, and the black buddies were naked and wearing slippers. They pushed the carts to the market for sale. They could only ride for a while when they went downhill, at a speed of six or seven per hour. At ten kilometers, once you fall, the car will crash."

"And we did witness a car accident. The young man who wanted to make money to support his family was lying on the side of the road, his eyes gradually lost focus, and the bright red blood that came out met the green bananas scattered around, forming a dazzling contrast."

"There will always be unfortunate people, and there will always be new people to fill in. They work day after day, but they can only earn a negligible salary, and even buying foreign garbage scrapped cars eliminated by developed countries needs to use up their savings. ."

Song Xiangming tapped the back of his hand with his index fingers clasped together, his eyes thoughtful.

He is an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary. In the past 20 years, he has never thought deeply about things other than life.

Apart from buying a house, marrying a wife, having children, and taking care of parents, there seems to be nothing else in my mind. Even if I occasionally feel indignant about some social issues exposed by the Internet, it will pass away after a while, and forget it in a blink of an eye.

But this journey changed him, and he began to really think about society and himself.

Crossing Burundi, Song Xiangming was amazed in Tanzania and saw the famous Serengeti Reserve, as well as Mount Kilimanjaro, the 'Roof of the Philippines' standing above the clouds and standing in the sky.

The mountain is so ancient and so silent, like a speechless wise man, watching the rise and fall of mankind.

Lions, zebras, and giraffes run on the vast prairie, flat-headed brothers walk through the grass, and fight with deadly snakes, while strong crocodiles float in the pools, like dead trees, waiting for their prey to be hooked.

This is the real wild world, the unpredictable cruel nature. Whether it is the majestic king of the prairie, or the insignificant ants, they have to do everything to survive.

He saw with his own eyes, the cheetah moved gracefully and ran to exhaustion in extreme racing, but failed to get food; the lioness was wounded by the horns of the buffalo, endured the bloody abdomen, and tried her best to tear the flesh from the corpse Chunks to swallow.

When Song Xiangming was beside the wild Natron Lake, he saw flocks of flamingos taking off, dyeing the sky with pink feathers, while local children with only a few strands stared curiously at the brightly dressed tourists from Omei At that time, all his thoughts were detonated.

"One hundred thousand years ago, human beings walked out of the Philippines and gradually developed a more advanced civilization, but when those who claim to be civilizations come to the Philippines again, they bring misery..."

"From the capture of black slaves during the triangular trade, to the colonial rule that lasted until World War II, to today's economic plunder, the so-called advanced persecution of the backward has never stopped, and our country was once among them."

"Civilization and backwardness, wealth and poverty... This has to be said to be a kind of irony, so ridiculous."

"But what's more ridiculous is myself!"

Song Xiangming was sitting beside the lake, the sunset dipping into the ground dyed the sky with cascading red clouds, and the lake water reflected the sky, forming a whole, and countless pink flamingos were combing their feathers in it.

The helicopter of the tourists swept overhead, admiring the magic of the heaven and earth from the best angle, while the little boy looked up at the helicopter, his dark skin reflected the oily luster, and a line of orange red outline was plated in the sunset. .

Countless information that he had seen before, but was buried deep in his mind because of his ostrich mentality, floated to his mind at this moment, flashing like a revolving lantern.

It is not just the Philippines that is poor. A considerable number of people in the Yan Kingdom are still struggling on the edge of low income, and even in the United States, the largest economy, there are more than 40 million poor people.

But out of the well-protected land of Yan Kingdom, looking at the world, local conflicts are emerging one after another, global challenges such as terrorism, refugee crisis, climate change, major infectious diseases are increasing, and Blue Star's economy continues to slump...

Defects and suffering are still the main theme of human beings, and the world is never perfect.

"After connecting with globalization, the economy of the three northeastern provinces plummeted."

"And the funny thing about me is that while I oppose the developed areas discriminating against myself, I also discriminate against the poorer areas; I refute the fallacy that the rich are poor because they are lazy, and at the same time I use the word "lazy" without thinking. Throw it on the poorer people."

"I was lying on the bed after dinner, swiping my mobile phone, and occasionally I would feel: 'Why is this world like this? This world shouldn't be like this.' But in the face of social problems, I just wrote angry and indignant words, and after venting it, I went back to the Go to sleep, it seems like those things will go away on their own."

"I also complained that my parents didn't study very hard at the beginning, but they made me try my best to study, which is often said on the Internet, 'If you don't fly yourself, have a child and force him to fly'."

"But when you think about it, I'm actually like that myself."

"I know that there are problems in society, but I always hope that there will be a group of people to save myself. I clearly hope that the world will be better, but I always lie down and build everything with others."

Song Xiangming smiled again. He seemed to love to laugh, but this time there was a deeper meaning in his smile.

"There has never been a savior, nor an immortal emperor. To create the happiness of mankind, it is all up to us."

"Doing it may not be successful, but if you don't do it, the world will not be a better place. I tell myself, take action, act fast! If you have a part to do something, if you have a part of your enthusiasm, you will change us. The world depends on us.”

"If I hadn't received the invitation, maybe I would still be on the road of poverty alleviation in the countryside of Yan Kingdom."

The sunset of Natron Lake appeared in front of Song Xiangming's eyes again, and the gorgeous color seemed to be completely etched into his heart 4.3: "The sunset is really magnificent, but when a person dies, he will never see such a beautiful sunset again."

He slowly raised his head, his eyes with some kind of scorching light, looked directly at the camera: "If human beings are destroyed, the ideal world will never appear!"

After saying this, Song Xiangming was silent for a long time, and finally showed his white teeth and smiled again: "It seems that he said some very heavy things, it's not good."

"The ancients said that it's okay to die in the morning after hearing about Taoism. After more than 20 years of confusion, I finally woke up. To be able to fight for the cause I pursued and even give my life is the best compliment to me, and it is also my highest honor."

"My only regret is probably being ashamed of my parents."

"Dad, Mom, my son is not filial, but the world is difficult. I sacrificed my life for my ideals. You don't have to feel sorry for me. I believe that if I die, the bastards around me will help me take care of you."

"I heard that the organization will directly decompose the remains of the deceased into basic substances at the ceremony, and attribute them to this world. This is very good. It protects this world and integrates into this world."

"And so I can float across the city and the wilderness, run across the sky and the earth, brush the tender cheeks of young children and the gray hair of old people, and most importantly, see the sunset every day."

"I've talked a lot about it, so let's go here."

Song Xiangming smiled and clasped his fists: "I'm Song Xiangming, your 'Brother Huanxiao', a beautiful man who will always be 29 years old, hahaha... There is no such thing as a feast in the world, life is short, and sometimes when we meet, parents, mothers, masters and comrades in arms are below. Farewell, see you again! Bye!"

He raised his hand to close the photo crystal and leaned back on the chair with a quiet smile.

When you walk through the streets of dusk after I die, the hair on your temples and the treetops sway gently, I don't know if you can still recognize it, it's me... not the wind.


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